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Henry L. Levin, PhD, Head, Section on Eukaryotic Transposable Elements

Angela Atwood-Moore, BA, Senior Research Assistant

Tracy Ripmaster, PhD, Research Assistant

Pratiti Das, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Hirotaka Ebina, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Young-Eun Leem, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Min-Kyeong Kim, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Kenechi Ejebe, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Marc Heincelman, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Felice Kelly, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Julie McClure, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Jay Myung, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Amnon Hizi, PhD, ORISE Fellowa                  



Diseases caused by retroviruses such as HIV-1 and the adaptation of retroviruses for use in gene therapy have intensified the need to understand how these viruses replicate. Our primary objectives are to understand how reverse transcription of viral mRNA occurs and how the cDNA products are integrated into the genome of infected cells. Owing to their similarity to retroviruses, LTR-retrotransposons are important models for retrovirus replication. The retrotransposon under study in our laboratory is the Tf1 element of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Tf1 efficiently reverse-transcribes its mRNA, and its integrase (IN) inserts the cDNA into the genome of S. pombe. The techniques of yeast genetics greatly facilitate our studies of reverse transcription and integration. To monitor the effect of various mutations on transposition, we express copies of Tf1. Not only does this approach allow us to identify features of the transposon critical for activity, but it also enables us to identify host genes required for transposition. Large-scale screens of mutant strains have identified novel features of reverse transcriptase (RT) and have led to the discovery of new host genes necessary for transposition. The ease of culturing yeast also allows us to investigate biochemically the mechanisms we identify by genetics.

Integration of Tf1 specifically at Pol II promoters

Kelly, Das, Ebina, Myung, Levin

The integration of HIV-1 cDNA shows a significant preference for actively transcribed genes. Similarly, the insertion of murine leukemia virus shows a preference for sites within 5kb of pol II–initiated transcription. Little is known about the interaction of the viruses with the structures of chromatin and the recognition of target sites. The complete DNA sequence of the genome of S. pombe provided the opportunity to investigate the entire complement of transposable elements (TEs) and their chromosomal distribution. Our analysis identified 186 pre-existing insertions of Tf transposons. To determine whether preferences for integration sites existed during the insertion of the 186 Tf sequences, we compared the sites’ locations to the positions of all 4,984 predicted ORFs (open reading frames) of S. pombe. We found that all insertions were located exclusively in intergenic regions of the genome that contained pol II promoters. In addition, the LTRs (long-term repeats) were clustered within 300 nucleotides of the 5´ end of the ORFs. Such specific positions could be the result of (1) selective pressures, either positive or negative, that favor populations of S. pombe with each of the patterns observed or (2) biochemical mechanisms of integration. Each of the biases in the position of Tf sequences described above were highly similar in pattern and magnitude to the positions of insertions resulting from the induction of Tf1 transposition under laboratory conditions. Such extensive similarities argue strongly that the biases in the position of Tf sequences result from biochemical preferences of integration for specific sites. Furthermore, the data indicate that Tf elements recognize and insert upstream of RNA polymerase II promoters.


The insertions into the target plasmid clustered specifically upstream of the ade6 promoter. The target plasmid pHL2410 contained ade6, a gene from S. pombe. The plasmid was present in cells induced for Tf1 transposition, and copies with insertions were characterized. Each insertion is shown with its plasmid coordinates and represent a genetically independent event.


This year, by creating an integration assay for specific target plasmids, we explored the ability of Tf1 to recognize pol II promoters. We generated a plasmid with the ade6 gene of S. pombe and included it in a strain induced for Tf1 transposition. We isolated and analyzed 50 separate insertions into the target plasmid. Ninety-five percent of the inserts occurred within a 160-nucleotide window of the promoter of ade6 (see Figure 13.1). The target assay clearly reproduced the promoter preference that we observed with insertions into genomic sites. The insertions within the 160-nucleotide window exhibited a strong pattern of periodicity. Four narrow clusters of inserts were spaced approximately 30 bp apart (see Figure 13.2). The window of 160 nucleotides corresponded to the amount of DNA wrapped around a single nucleosome; furthermore, the 30 bp pattern corresponded to the amount of DNA bound to the histone fold pairs within a single nucleosome.


The insertions at the promoter of ade6 fall into clusters that are spaced approximately 30 bp apart. The graph shows the position of Tf1 insertions between the promoters of the ade6 and bub1 genes. The window containing all insertions was 160 bp long. The distances between the insertion clusters are shown.


The IN of Tf1 contains Zn-finger and catalytic domains similar to those of retroviral INs. Unlike other INs, the Tf1 IN possesses a chromodomain at its C-terminus. Chromodomains have been found to bind directly to histone H3 in specific nucleosomes, suggesting that Tf1 integration is mediated by an interaction between IN and specific nucleosomes at pol II promoters. Consistent with this model, we found that IN purified from bacteria bound specifically to histone H3 but not to H2a, H2b, or H4. We observed that the insertions we isolated in the promoter of ade6 correspond to a location where, according to published data, a positioned nucleosome exists, constituting further evidence that Tf1 recognizes histones. We are currently testing whether, under the conditions of our integration assay, a positioned nucleosome exists in our target plasmid.

Bowen N, Jordan I, Epstein J, Wood V, Levin H. Retrotransposons and their recognition of pol II promoters: a comprehensive survey of the transposable elements derived from the complete genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Genome Res 2003;13:1984-1997.

Kelly F, Levin HL. The evolution of retrotransposons in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, retrotransposible elements and genome evolution. In: Volff J, ed. Cytogenetics and Genome Research. Würzburg: in press.

Levin H. The retrotransposons of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In: The molecular biology of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Heidelberg: Springer, 2004.

Singleton T, Levin H. An LTR-retrotransposon of fission yeast has strong preferences for specific sites of insertion. Eukaryotic Cell 2002;1:44-55.

The chromodomain of Tf1 IN, a negative regulator of integration

Hizi, Levin; in collaboration with Davies

To study the function of the chromodomain of Tf1 IN, we developed biochemical assays to measure the activities of the protein. We attached a six-his tag to the N-terminus of Tf1 IN and purified the protein from E. coli, using Ni resin. Even though the INs of retroviruses, including that of HIV-1, are extremely insoluble and difficult to concentrate, we were surprised to find that the full-length IN of Tf1 was easy to purify and could be readily isolated in high concentrations. The INs of retroviruses possess processing activity that removes two terminal nucleotides from the 3´ ends of the cDNA. Using oligonucleotides that mimic the ends of the cDNA, we assayed the Tf1 IN for processing activity. The IN had strong processing activity that removed from two to five additional nucleotides from the 3´ end of the oligonucleotides in vitro, suggesting that the multiple nucleotides present at both ends of the cDNA could be removed by IN in vivo. This would allow integration of the most prevalent cDNA species we detected. We also found that the Tf1 IN exhibits strong IN activity, as indicated by the ability of the enzyme to insert oligonucleotides into each other. The resulting products were substantially larger than the original oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotides that mimicked the donor cDNA were altered to test whether Tf1 IN required specific sequences at the 3´ ends. As is the case with other INs, Tf1 IN had a strong requirement for the dinucleotide CA at the 3´ ends. The results of the processing and integration assays demonstrate that the IN of Tf1 has the same activities as retroviral INs and is therefore an excellent model for the IN of HIV-1. In addition, the high solubility of the Tf1 IN suggests that the protein may form crystals, allowing the first high-resolution structure of an intact IN to be determined and thus significantly expanding our understanding of retrovirus integration. We are pursuing this possibility in collaboration with the laboratory of David Davies.

To explore the function of the chromodomain, we expressed in E. coli a Tf1 IN that lacked the chromodomain. We assayed the chromo-minus IN (CHˉ) for integrase activities by using the artificial substrates described above. CHˉ possessed strong activities in both the processing and integration reactions. We were surprised to find that the enzyme lacking the chromodomain was about 10 times more active than the intact IN. We also tested whether the chromodomain contributed to the recognition of the terminal dinucleotide at the 3´ end of the donor DNA. The CH protein exhibited a surprising relaxation of the sequence requirement at the ends of the donor DNA. Taken together, the results indicate that the chromodomain functions as a negative regulator of integration and as a specificity factor for the donor DNA. We are currently testing the possibility that the chromodomain inhibits integration until it identifies a specific nucleosome at a pol II promoter. The chromodomain then binds to H3 of that nucleosome, which alters the conformation of IN and thus stimulates integration activity.

The primer grip in the RNase H of RT, a conserved domain that contributes specifically to removal of the plus strand primer from the 5´ end of the cDNA

Atwood-Moore, Ejebe, Levin; in collaboration with LeGrice

Reverse transcription of retroviruses and LTR-retrotransposons is a complex sequence of reactions that produces several critical intermediate products, including the initial minus strand product of cDNA called a strong stop, the extended minus strand, the plus strand primer (PPT), the plus strand strong stop, and, ultimately, the full-length double-stranded cDNA. The synthesis of these intermediates requires both the DNA polymerization and RNase H activities of RT. The RNase H domain must degrade the RNA once it is used as template and remove the PPT once it has primed plus-strand synthesis. Although much is known about the amino acids that catalyze the DNA synthesis and RNA degradation, less is known about which residues and structures are required for the recognition and removal of the PPT.

Last year, we identified residues of Tf1 RT that mediate the removal of the PPT from the ends of the cDNA. We used random mutagenesis of RT and two genetic assays to identify mutations that inhibited integration but not reverse transcription. Our experiments focused on a cluster of mutations in RNase H that included a region with five mutations in a five–amino acid segment. A crystallographic study of HIV RT demonstrated the significance of the domain and showed it as a “primer grip,” which interacts directly with the nucleotides of the PPT adjacent to the position that is cleaved by RNase H, thus creating and then removing the PPT. Both the position and sequence of the primer grip residues in HIV corresponded to the cluster of mutations we identified in the RNase H of Tf1. These observations led us to propose that the mutations in the RNase H of Tf1 that result in full-length cDNA are defective for transposition because the recognition of the PPT is impaired. A defect of a few nucleotides in the cleavage of the PPT from the 5´ end of the plus strand would be templated into altered sequences at the 3´ end of the minus strand, which would have a drastic impact on the ability of IN to catalyze strand transfer. A test of our hypothesis revealed that the cluster of mutants in RNase H did inhibit the removal of the PPT from the cDNA.

The residues in the RNase H necessary for the removal of the PPT are within a conserved region of RT, suggesting that the function of the domain may also be conserved. To test such a possibility, we created corresponding mutations in the RNase H of Ty3, an LTR retrotransposon closely related to Tf1. Work concluded this year revealed that several mutations in the RNase H of Ty3 exhibited the same properties as those isolated in Tf1; the mutations in Ty3 significantly reduced transposition activity without inhibiting expression of RT or synthesis of cDNA. Given that such mutations produced normal levels of full-length cDNA, we concluded that the defects in RNase H alter the removal of the primers from the cDNA, thus inhibiting the ability of IN to complete integration. We selected Ty3 as the transposon for these experiments because Stuart LeGrice’s laboratory had developed methods to express Ty3 RT and measure the activities of its RNase H. In a collaboration, the LeGrice laboratory expressed the Ty3 RTs in E. coli and tested them for RNase H activities. Assays with model substrates revealed that two RTs exhibited defects in removal of the PPT primer, but not in other RNase H activities. These biochemical experiments support the results of the genetic experiments and indicate that the primer grip of RNase H plays a specific role in removing the PPT from the 5´ ends of the cDNA.

Regulation of nuclear localization and particle assembly by amino acids in Gag of the LTR-retrotransposon Tf1

Kim, Levin

The IN and cDNA of retroviruses form a preintegration complex (PIC) that must access the nucleus to perform integration. Because HIV-1 infects nondividing cells, the PIC must enter the nucleus through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The matrix, virus protein R, IN, and DNA flap structure of the viral cDNA are among the components that have nuclear-localizing activity and may contribute to the nuclear import of the PIC. In addition to its ability to traffic through the NPC of nondividing cells, the PIC of HIV-1 can be imported into the nucleus of dividing cells while the nuclear envelope remains intact, evidence underscoring the possibility that mechanisms of nuclear import may be important for the propagation of other retroviruses.

In an effort to model the import of HIV-1 into the nucleus, we examined the nuclear import of Tf1 in S. pombe. The Gag and cDNA of Tf1 enter the nucleus only after cells reach the stationary phase of growth. Previous studies identified a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminus of Gag, a signal that is required for transposition. Mutations in the NLS cause a severe defect in the nuclear localization of Gag and the cDNA. In separate experiments, we found that a factor of the nuclear pore, Nup124p, had a specific activity required for nuclear import of Tf1. Mutations in nup124 cause a significant defect in the import of Tf1 Gag and, surprisingly, do not reduce the import of other proteins. The results of two-hybrid analyses and precipitation studies revealed an interaction between the N-terminus of Nup124p and the Gag of Tf1. We proposed that the binding of Gag to Nup124p could mediate the nuclear import of Tf1.

We further explored the function of Nup124p in the import of Tf1 Gag by studying the import of large proteins consisting of sections of Gag fused to GFP and lacZ. Interestingly, Nup124p was required for import of the first 50 amino acids of Gag fused to GFP-lacZ. When specific segments of Gag were removed from the fusion, the requirement for Nup124p was lost. The requirement for Nup124p was mapped to residues 10 through 30 of Gag. To understand how the Gag of Tf1 is imported into the nucleus and the role of Nup124p in this process, we introduced five independent mutations in Gag residues 10 through 30. The transposition activities of the Tf1 elements containing the five alanine mutations A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 were significantly less than that of the wild-type Tf1, indicating that the region of Gag from residues 11 to 30 is critical for transposition.

The localization of Gag by indirect immunofluorescence revealed that the Gags of mutants A1, A2, and A3 were not imported into the nucleus. These residues are adjacent to the NLS and may contribute to its activity. It was interesting that the localization of Gag for A4 and A5 occurred in the nucleus at both the log and stationary phase of cell growth and, in particular, that the import of Gag with the A5 mutation did not depend on Nup124p. The reduced localization of Gag in the nucleus caused by mutations A1, A2, and A3 and the premature localization of Gag in the nucleus of log-phase cells caused by mutations A4 and A5 may be attributable to changes in the structure of the virus-like particles (VLPs). The assembly of Gag, RT, IN, and cDNA into VLPs can be detected as large macromolecular complexes. By subjecting cell extracts to gradient sedimentation and electron microscopy, we tested whether the alanine mutations altered the formation of the particles. The sedimentation of Gag-A4 and Gag-A5 was significantly reduced compared with wild-type Gag. These results and the electron micrographs indicate that the A4 and A5 mutations significantly disrupt the structure of Tf1 particles. Therefore, the ability of Gag to enter the nucleus corresponds to the loss in particle structure, suggesting that, at least in stationary-phase cells, the import of Tf1 into the nucleus is impeded by its particle structure and that Nup124p is required to overcome this block.

Silverstein R, Richardson B, Levin H, Allshire R, Ekwall K. A new role for the transcriptional co-repressor SIN3; regulation of centromeres. Curr Biol 2003;13:68-72.

Teysset L, Dang V, Kim M, Levin H. An LTR-retrotransposon of Schizosaccharomyces pombe expresses a Gag-like protein that assembles into virus-like particles and mediates reverse transcription. J Virol 2003;77:5451-5463.

aTel Aviv University, Israel


David Davies, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Yehuda Goldgur, PhD, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel

Stuart LeGrice, PhD, HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI, Frederick, MD

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