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Association between maternal use of traditional healer services and child vaccination coverage in Pont-Sonde, Haiti
Adamson S Muula, Matine M Polycarpe, Jayakaran Job, Seter Siziya, Emmanuel Rudatsikira
International Journal for Equity in Health 2009, 8:1 (8 January 2009)
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Social inequalities in mental health in Norway: possible explanatory factors
Odd Steffen Dalgard
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:27 (24 December 2008)
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Development and preliminary validation of the 'Caring for Country' questionnaire: measurement of an Indigenous Australian health determinant
Christopher P Burgess, Helen L Berry, Wendy Gunthorpe, Ross S Bailie
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:26 (18 December 2008)
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Determinants of self-rated health in women: a population-based study in Armavir Marz, Armenia, 2001 & 2004
Anahit Demirchyan, Michael E Thompson
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:25 (12 December 2008)
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Disparities in child health in the Arab region during the 1990s
Marwan Khawaja, Jesse Dawns, Sonya Meyerson-Knox, Rouham Yamout
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:24 (20 November 2008)
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Health insurance of rural/township schoolchildren in Pinggu, Beijing: coverage rate, determinants, disparities, and sustainability
Jane M Zhu, Yiliang Zhu, Rui Liu
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:23 (3 November 2008)
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Sexual slavery without borders: trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation in India
Christine Joffres, Edward Mills, Michel Joffres, Tinku Khanna, Harleen Walia, Darrin Grund
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:22 (25 September 2008)
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Is it possible to identify patient's sex when reading blinded illness narratives? An experimental study about gender bias
Jenny Andersson, Pär Salander, Marie Brandstetter-Hiltunen, Emma Knutsson, Katarina Hamberg
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:21 (18 August 2008)
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13,915 reasons for equity in sexual offences legislation: A national school-based survey in South Africa
Neil Andersson, Ari Ho-Foster
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:20 (29 July 2008)
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Determinants of self rated health and mortality in Russia are they the same?
Francesca Perlman, Martin Bobak
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:19 (25 July 2008)
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Practice characteristics and prescribing of cardiovascular drugs in areas with higher risk of CHD in Scotland: cross-sectional study
Gary McLean
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:18 (15 July 2008)
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Evaluation of the new rural cooperative medical system in China: is it working or not?
Hassan H Dib, Xilong Pan, Hong Zhang
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:17 (1 July 2008)
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Equity in the use of antithrombotic drugs, beta-blockers and statins among Finnish coronary patients
Kristiina Manderbacka, Ilmo Keskimäki, Antti Reunanen, Timo Klaukka
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:16 (30 June 2008)
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Equity in health care financing: The case of Malaysia
Chai Ping Yu, David K Whynes, Tracey H Sach
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:15 (9 June 2008)
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Inequalities in mortality of men by oral and pharyngeal cancer in Barcelona, Spain and São Paulo, Brazil, 19952003
José Leopoldo Ferreira Antunes, Carme Borrell, Glòria Pérez, Antonio Fernando Boing, Victor Wünsch-Filho
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:14 (4 June 2008)
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Low socio-economic position is associated with poor social networks and social support: results from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study
Simone Weyers, Nico Dragano, Susanne Möbus, Eva-Maria Beck, Andreas Stang, Stephan Möhlenkamp, Karl Heinz Jöckel, Raimund Erbel, Johannes Siegrist
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:13 (5 May 2008)
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What impact do prescription drug charges have on efficiency and equity? Evidence from high-income countries
Marin C Gemmill, Sarah Thomson, Elias Mossialos
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:12 (2 May 2008)
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Poverty and maternal mortality in Nigeria: towards a more viable ethics of modern medical practice
Bolatito A Lanre-Abass
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:11 (30 April 2008)
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Poverty, user fees and ability to pay for health care for children with suspected dengue in rural Cambodia
Sokrin Khun, Lenore Manderson
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:10 (25 April 2008)
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Development and validation of the Measure of Indigenous Racism Experiences (MIRE)
Yin C Paradies, Joan Cunningham
International Journal for Equity in Health 2008, 7:9 (22 April 2008)
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