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The effects of DNA formulation and administration route on cancer therapeutic efficacy with xenogenic EGFR DNA vaccine in a lung cancer animal model
Ming-Derg Lai, Meng-Chi Yen, Chiu-Mei Lin, Cheng-Feng Tu, Chun-Chin Wang, Pei-Shan Lin, Huei-Jiun Huang, Chi-Chen Lin
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2009, 7:2 (30 January 2009)
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Comparative analysis of HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors bearing lyssavirus glycoproteins for neuronal gene transfer
Thais Federici, Robert Kutner, Xian-Yang Zhang, Hitoshi Kuroda, Noel Tordo, Nicholas M. Boulis, Jakob Reiser
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2009, 7:1 (13 January 2009)
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Comparison of electrically mediated and liposome-complexed plasmid DNA delivery to the skin
Loree C Heller, Mark J Jaroszeski, Domenico Coppola, Richard Heller
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:16 (4 December 2008)
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Genetic immunization with Hantavirus vaccine combining expression of G2 glycoprotein and fused interleukin-2
Huang Hao, Li Xiu, Zhang Zehua, Jia Min, Hu Hongbo, Wu Zhihong, Zhu Zhenhua, Wan Xiaohong, Huang Hanju
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:15 (22 October 2008)
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Relative persistence of AAV serotype 1 vector genomes in dystrophic muscle
Christina A Pacak, Thomas Conlon, Cathryn S Mah, Barry J Byrne
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:14 (15 October 2008)
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Tissue specific promoters improve specificity of AAV9 mediated transgene expression following intra-vascular gene delivery in neonatal mice
Christina A Pacak, Yoshihisa Sakai, Bijoy D Thattaliyath, Cathryn S Mah, Barry J Byrne
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:13 (23 September 2008)
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Application of a haematopoetic progenitor cell-targeted adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector established by selection of an AAV random peptide library on a leukaemia cell line
Marius Stiefelhagen, Leopold Sellner, Jürgen A Kleinschmidt, Anna Jauch, Stephanie Laufs, Frederik Wenz, W Jens Zeller, Stefan Fruehauf, Marlon R Veldwijk
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:12 (12 September 2008)
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Quantitative real-time PCR study on persistence of pDNA vaccine pVax-Hsp60 TM814 in beef muscles
Petr Orság, Veronika Kvardová, Milan Raka, Andrew D Miller, Miroslav Ledvina, Jaroslav Turánek
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:11 (2 September 2008)
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Careful adjustment of Epo non-viral gene therapy for -thalassemic anaemia treatment
Emmanuelle E Fabre, Pascal Bigey, Yves Beuzard, Daniel Scherman, Emmanuel Payen
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:10 (11 March 2008)
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Performance of AAV8 vectors expressing human factor IX from a hepatic-selective promoter following intravenous injection into rats
Tracey Graham, Jenny McIntosh, Lorraine M Work, Amit Nathwani, Andrew H Baker
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:9 (3 March 2008)
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Clostridial spores as live 'Trojan horse' vectors for cancer gene therapy: comparison with viral delivery systems
Ming Q Wei, Ruimei Ren, David Good, Jozef Anné
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:8 (17 February 2008)
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Prevention of airway inflammation with topical cream containing imiquimod and small interfering RNA for natriuretic peptide receptor
Xiaoqin Wang, Weidong Xu, Subhra Mohapatra, Xiaoyuan Kong, Xu Li, Richard F Lockey, Shyam S Mohapatra
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:7 (15 February 2008)
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Transduction of the rat brain by Bovine Herpesvirus 4
Marco Redaelli, Andrea Cavaggioni, Carla Mucignat-Caretta, Sandro Cavirani, Antonio Caretta, Gaetano Donofrio
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:6 (12 February 2008)
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Organ distribution of transgene expression following intranasal mucosal delivery of recombinant replication-defective adenovirus gene transfer vector
Daniela Damjanovic, Xizhong Zhang, Jingyu Mu, Maria Fe Medina, Zhou Xing
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:5 (8 February 2008)
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DNA-vaccination via tattooing induces stronger humoral and cellular immune responses than intramuscular delivery supported by molecular adjuvants
Dana Pokorna, Ivonne Rubio, Martin Müller
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:4 (7 February 2008)
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A DNA vaccine against tuberculosis based on the 65 kDa heat-shock protein differentially activates human macrophages and dendritic cells
Luís H Franco, Pryscilla F Wowk, Célio L Silva, Ana PF Trombone, Arlete AM Coelho-Castelo, Constance Oliver, Maria C Jamur, Edson L Moretto, Vânia LD Bonato
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:3 (21 January 2008)
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Therapeutic dendritic cell vaccine preparation using tumor RNA transfection: A promising approach for the treatment of prostate cancer
Juliana M Sousa-Canavez, Flavio C Canavez, Kátia RM Leite, Luiz H Camara-Lopes
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:2 (18 January 2008)
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RR vaccination protects from KA-induced seizures and neuronal loss through ICP10PK-mediated modulation of the neuronal-microglial axis
Jennifer M Laing, Laure Aurelian
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:1 (7 January 2008)
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Rapid, widespread transduction of the murine myocardium using self-complementary Adeno-associated virus
Lourdes M Andino, Thomas J Conlon, Stacy L Porvasnik, Sanford L Boye, William W Hauswirth, Alfred S Lewin
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2007, 5:13 (10 December 2007)
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Genetic vaccine for tuberculosis (pVAXhsp65) primes neonate mice for a strong immune response at the adult stage
Ana Cláudia Pelizon, Douglas R Martins, Sofia FG Zorzella, Ana Paula F Trombone, Júlio CC Lorenzi, Robson F Carvalho, Izaíra T Brandão, Arlete AM Coelho-Castelo, Célio L Silva, Alexandrina Sartori
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2007, 5:12 (29 November 2007)
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