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Phospholipase C beta 4 in mouse hepatocytes: Rhythmic expression and cellular distribution
Brittany M Klein, Jane B Andrews, Barbra A Bannan, Ashley E Nazario-Toole, Travis C Jenkins, Kimberly D Christensen, Sorinel A Oprisan, Elizabeth L Meyer-Bernstein
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:8 (28 October 2008)
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Non invasive in vivo investigation of hepatobiliary structure and function in STII medaka (Oryzias latipes): methodology and applications
Ron C Hardman, Seth W Kullman, David E Hinton
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:7 (6 October 2008)
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A new parameter using serum lactate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase level is useful for predicting the prognosis of patients at an early stage of acute liver injury: A retrospective study
Kazuhiro Kotoh, Munechika Enjoji, Masaki Kato, Motoyuki Kohjima, Makoto Nakamuta, Ryoichi Takayanagi
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:6 (14 August 2008)
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Relation between lipogranuloma formation and fibrosis, and the origin of brown pigments in lipogranuloma of the canine liver
Kaori Isobe, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Koji Uetsuka
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:5 (12 May 2008)
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The influence of oxygen tension on the structure and function of isolated liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Inigo Martinez, Geir I Nedredal, Cristina I Øie, Alessandra Warren, Oddmund Johansen, David G Le Couteur, Bård Smedsrød
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:4 (5 May 2008)
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Case Report    
Sustained virological and biochemical responses to lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination in a chronic hepatitis B infection despite mutations conferring resistance to both drugs
Sylvie Larrat, Marie-Noëlle Hilleret, Raphaele Germi, Julien Lupo, Sandrine Nicod, Jean-Pierre Zarski, Jean-Marie Seigneurin, Patrice Morand
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:3 (12 March 2008)
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Case Report    
Over-expression of glutamine synthase in focal nodular hyperplasia (part 1): Early stages in the formation support the hypothesis of a focal hyper-arterialisation with venous (portal and hepatic) and biliary damage
Paulette Bioulac-Sage, Hervé Laumonier, Gaëlle Cubel, Jean Saric, Charles Balabaud
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:2 (29 February 2008)
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Plasma redox status is impaired in the portacaval shunted rat the risk of the reduced antioxidant ability
Maria-Angeles Aller, Maria-Inmaculada García-Fernández, Fernando Sánchez-Patán, Luis Santín, José Rioja, Raquel Anchuelo, Jaime Arias, Jorge-Luis Arias
Comparative Hepatology 2008, 7:1 (5 February 2008)
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Establishment of an early liver fibrosis model by the hydrodynamics-based transfer of TGF-1 gene
Kun-Lin Yang, Kuo-Chen Hung, Wen-Teng Chang, Eric IC Li
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:9 (19 October 2007)
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Major HGF-mediated regenerative pathways are similarly affected in human and canine cirrhosis
Bart Spee, Brigitte Arends, Ted SGAM van den Ingh, Tania Roskams, Jan Rothuizen, Louis C Penning
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:8 (31 July 2007)
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Evolving concepts of liver fibrogenesis provide new diagnostic and therapeutic options
Olav A Gressner, Ralf Weiskirchen, Axel M Gressner
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:7 (30 July 2007)
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Regeneration in pig livers by compensatory hyperplasia induces high levels of telomerase activity
Henning Wege, Anett Müller, Lars Müller, Susan Petri, Jörg Petersen, Christian Hillert
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:6 (2 July 2007)
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Glucocorticoids activate TGF- induced PAI-1 and CTGF expression in rat hepatocytes
Lucia Wickert, Nicolas Chatain, Karin Kruschinsky, Axel M Gressner
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:5 (2 May 2007)
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CIDE-A is expressed in liver of old mice and in type 2 diabetic mouse liver exhibiting steatosis
Bruce Kelder, Keith Boyce, Andres Kriete, Ryan Clark, Darlene E Berryman, Sheila Nagatomi, Edward O List, Mark Braughler, John J Kopchick
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:4 (1 May 2007)
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Effects of lamivudine on serum albumin levels correlate with pretreatment HBV-DNA levels in cirrhotic patients
Makoto Nakamuta, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Munechika Enjoji, Eiji Kajiwara, Junya Shimono, Akihide Masumoto, Toshihiro Maruyama, Norihiro Furusyo, Hideyuki Nomura, Hironori Sakai, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koichi Azuma, Shinji Shimoda, Yuichi Tanabe, Jun Hayashi
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:3 (1 May 2007)
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Interactions Between Estrogen- and Ah-Receptor Signalling Pathways in Primary Culture of Salmon Hepatocytes Exposed to Nonylphenol and 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (Congener 77)
Anne S Mortensen, Augustine Arukwe
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:2 (13 April 2007)
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TGF- dependent regulation of oxygen radicals during transdifferentiation of activated hepatic stellate cells to myofibroblastoid cells
Verena Proell, Irene Carmona-Cuenca, Miguel M Murillo, Heidemarie Huber, Isabel Fabregat, Wolfgang Mikulits
Comparative Hepatology 2007, 6:1 (20 February 2007)
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Comparison of tissue pressure and ablation time between the LeVeen and cool-tip needle methods
Makoto Nakamuta, Motoyuki Kohjima, Shusuke Morizono, Tsuyoshi Yoshimoto, Yuzuru Miyagi, Hironori Sakai, Munechika Enjoji, Kazuhiro Kotoh
Comparative Hepatology 2006, 5:10 (21 December 2006)
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Sensitivity to endothelin-1 is decreased in isolated livers of endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase knockout mice
Andrea De Gottardi, Erwin Biecker, Abraham Koshy, Dieter Bohler, Sidney Shaw, Hans Sägesser, Jürg Reichen
Comparative Hepatology 2006, 5:9 (5 December 2006)
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Feeding and fasting controls liver expression of a regulator of G protein signaling (Rgs16) in periportal hepatocytes
Jie Huang, Victor Pashkov, Deborah M Kurrasch, Kan Yu, Stephen J Gold, Thomas M Wilkie
Comparative Hepatology 2006, 5:8 (23 November 2006)
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