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  CORE - caDSR
  SIW Scope
Added by Stephen Alred, last edited by Ann Wiley on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)


Author:  Steve Alred
National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Purpose and Focus of Document

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the NCICB caCORE Semantic Integration Workbench Release This document focuses on the functionalities proposed by the product stakeholders and target users in order to make it a better product. The use-case and supplementary specifications document will detail how the framework will fulfill these needs.

Vision and Dependencies

Vision or Problem Statement

The objective of this release of the SIW is to complete the initial level of support for incorporation of caGrid Global Model Exchange (GME) metadata into the caDSR, to provide other high priority feature enhancements, and fix a number of program bugs. This release will address functional and usability improvements to the SIW and its companion product the UML Loader.

Product Dependencies

This release is dependent on the caCORE components or products documented on the dependencies wiki page.

SIW (and the UML Loader) rely on the EVS API to access Concept definitions and the caDSR API to access the caDSR database.

In-Scope Requirements and Enhancements

In-Scope Functional Requirements (Enhancements or New Features)

Each new enhancement, modification or new feature is described in detail below.

3134 "Not Found" should appear after a search if no results are found
When searching for a Data Element or component in caDSR, if the search does not find anything, a "Not found" or something similar should display so the user knows that SIW attempted the search.
Estimated level of effort:
UML Loader should not allow invalid characters in the definition field.
When cutting and pasting from Word into SIW edit panel or into EA tagged values, sometimes special characters from MSWord are inserted that cannot be detected visually.  If these invalid characters are loaded they will cause the APIs to fail.
Estimated level of effort:
4244 Value Domain name on the dialog box should be named after the Value Domain when editing the Value Domain concepts
Currently if a user clicks on a Value Domain "class" the resulting tab is titled "ValueDomain". This will be changed so that the title will be the name of the Value Domain
Estimated level of effort:
4248 Improve UI features for "editable/non-editable" and "enable/disabled" features
In Review annotated Model, the delete and arrow keys next to each concept look like they are disabled (they look faded), but in fact they are enabled and usable. These will be made brighter so that it is clear that can be used.
Estimated level of effort:
5425 Model owners should not be allowed to edit Concept fields in SIW
In Review Un-annotated XMI File and Review Annotated Model modes, the concept fields for code, name, definition and source are all editable. This means the model owner can change concepts at will such that the final concepts in the XMI file may bear no resemblence to the concepts in EVS. These fields should be read only. The ONLY way that the model owner should be able to change EVS concepts is to select a concept directly from EVA using the EVS Link button. 

Further, the Curate XMI File option in SIW should not be available to model owners. It should be password protected, so that only the EVS team can use it. In that option, the concept fields DO need to be editable, so that the EVS team can add new concepts or make changes to concepts not yet available in the production EVS. But the EVS team and the EVS team ONLY should have this privilege.
Estimated level of effort:
6076 Make "Exclude Retired" the default setting for EVS, CDE and VD searches

Make all the defaults for searches exclude the retired statuses
Estimated level of effort:
8892 Update Roundtrip so it populates GME Tags

As part of support for GME Mapping, SIW's Roundtrip must be able to find GME tags in caDSR and inserts them back in the XMI.
 Estimated level of effort:
8891 Load GME tags

As part of the support for GME Mapping, UML Loader needs to be able to load GME tags from the XMI into the caDSR database.
Estimated level of effort:
12475 Display the "many" multiplicity as "", not as "-1"*

In the SIW, when you have an association with a many association, such as 0.., the SIW displays this multiplicity in two different ways. In the class tree, it displays the multiplicity as 0.., for example, geneCollection(0..*). But in the association details pane, it displays Target Multiplicity: 0..-1. Now all many multiplicities should be displayed in one standard way, as * since that is what EA uses and caDSR uses
Estimated level of effort: 
12879 Remove "UML" from the Concept Code Summary and Concept Name Summary labels
In the SIW details page for classes or attributes, the Concept Code and Concept Name Summary lines are labeled as:

  • UML Concept Code Summary
  • UML Concept Name Summary
    This can be misleading, because the concepts have nothing to do with UML. They are concepts mapped to UML components, but they are not UML "concepts"

    They will be relabeled:

  • Concept Code Summary
  • Concept Name Summary
    Estimated level of effort:
13011 Map CDEs to attributes mapped to Local Value Domains

Modify the SIW to permit a user to map a CDE to an attribute that is currently mapped to a Local Value Domain. A warning may be appropriate to inform the user that they will lose the Local Value Domain mapping.
Estimated level of effort:
13191 Remember the main frame's size

SIW will "remember" the size of the main display frame so that users don't have to keep resizing it to their liking. It should also remember whether the window size was set to "maximize"
Estimated level of effort:
13343 Implement time-saving EVS search features
Implement the following time saving features when searching for concepts in the "Search Thesaurus" window :
1) Strip leading/trailing whitespace from any input. Currently if the user copies a concept code from a website (i.e. CDEBrowser) and get a leading space (" C18155") they will get no results. 2) Automatically detect the "Search By" setting. For example, users searching by concept code have to select that option from the drop down menu every time they search. Concept codes are easily detected by checking for a "^(\d+$" regular expression pattern, so the drop down menu is not needed
Estimated level of effort:
13524 Make the CADSR_Description Tag editable in SIW

Change the currently read-only Description to be an editable field. When saving, be sure that the current tagged value is removed, and a new one with the new value is created. If missing, SIW should let model owner add the description right from SIW (instead of going back to modeling tool)
Estimated level of effort:
13765 The default filter in the file selection panel should be .xmi AND .uml

Change the default filter setting in the file selection panel to be ".xmi" AND ".uml" files. Currently is is ".xmi" only and users may not figure out they need to change the filter to view .uml files.
Estimated level of effort:

In-Scope Functional Bug Fixes

Each bug fix included in this release is described in detail below.

12399 SIW package filter page is empty after click "Back"  and "Next" button

How to reproduce:
1. Open SIW. Select Review annotated xmi file mode.
2. Click Browse to choose a xmi file.
3. Check "Choose Classes and Packages" checkbox.
4. Click Next.
5. Click package and class icons to set the filter.
6. Click Back.
7. Click Next.
No packages list on the filter page. If you click "Next", the xmi file will be opened in SIW with all the packages included.
Estimated level of effort:
8241 Unable to see SIW mode in title bar because filename is too long

 Display the SIW mode in the title bar. either shorten the filename, move it to the end of the
display or move it to a different part of the UI.
Estimated level of effort:

In-Scope Non-Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the non-software related requirements which must be met for this release but do not add functionality. These requirements are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number if applicable Short description of requirement (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of the requirement or activity]. (For example, "Although there are no functional changes to the product for this requirement, the team must migrate the existing software to Hibernate 4.1 to be compatible with the caCORE technology stack.")

[caCORE:GForge link]

Estimated level of effort: [caCORE:LOE]

In-Scope General Support Activities

This section describes in detail all the non-software related activities which must be performed for this release but do not add functionality. These activities are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release. 

GForge number if applicable Short description of general support activity (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of the general support activity that is being provided]. (For example, "Level 2 Support, integration of help and training to the user community.")

Stakeholder, Technical and User Descriptions

Stakeholder Summary

Customer Name
[caCORE:Title or role]
NCICB Staff/Contractor Name
[caCORE:Role in this project]

Technical Environment

This product uses the following technical components which have been derived from the current NCICB Technology Stack.

  • Client Interface
    • [caCORE:Example, Internet Explorer 6.0 and above]
    • [caCORE:Example, Mozilla v. and above]
  • Application Server
    • [caCORE:Example, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9]
  • Database Server
    • [caCORE:Example, Oracle 9i]
  • Operating System
    • [caCORE:Example, Windows 2000, XP, Vista]
    • [caCORE:Example, Unix (Sun Solaris)]
  • [caCORE:Other] 

Summary of Key Stakeholder or User Needs

The following subsections provide a description of key requirements to address the solution as perceived by the stakeholders and users.

Stakeholder and User Requirements

[caCORE:High level bulleted list of the requirements; "See below" if all items are GForge entries.] (You may use this section to describe high level features which have more than one corresponding item in the In-Scope Requirements and Enhancements, for example, Improve user interfaces for the caAdapter mapping tools.)

Current Solution to Meeting Needs

[caCORE:Optional, briefly describe the existing solution and shortcomings.]

Proposed Solutions to Meeting Needs

[caCORE:Optional, describe the future state.]

Out of Scope Requirements and Enhancements

Out of Scope Functional Requirements (Enhancements or New Features)

Items that are out of scope were evaluated as part of the initial scoping activities for this release, and subsequently not included in the final approved scope. These items are also documented in the cumulative backlog of requirements found on the product GForge site.

GForge number  GForge summary description from the tracker (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of feature or enhancement moved from the in-scope section with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release.]

[caCORE:GForge link]

Estimated level of effort: [caCORE:LOE]

Out of Scope Functional Bug Fixes if Applicable

GForge number GForge summary (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of bug moved from the in-scope section with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release.]

[caCORE:GForge link]

[Estimated level of effort: [caCORE:LOE]

Out of Scope Non-Functional Requirements

GForge number if applicable Short description of requirement (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of the requirement or activity]. (For example, "Although there are no functional changes to the product for this requirement, the team must migrate the existing software to Hibernate 4.1 to be compatible with the caCORE technology stack," moved from the in-scope section with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release.)

[caCORE:GForge link]

Estimated level of effort: [caCORE:LOE]

Out of Scope General Support Activities

GForge number if applicable Short description of general support activity (one label for each item with the text below)

[caCORE:Brief description of the general support activity that is being provided]. (For example, "Level 2 Support, integration of help and training to the user community," moved from the in-scope section with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release.)

Document History and Project Information

Document Version:
Click the Info tab. View the Recent Changes or click the link to view the page history.
Last Modified:
Refer to the first line displayed in the document window.
Project GForge site:
[caCORE:Project GForge site link]
Most current version:
Unless the display includes a notice that you are viewing a previous version, you are viewing the most current version of this Scope Document for the release indicated in the title.
Revision history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, click the link to view the page history.
Review history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, note the developer who made each change and the date and time. Refer to the Key People Directoryfor their roles. Click the link to view any page or to view the page history, and then click the link for a page. When the page opens, view the comments and changes made in that version.
Related documents:
[caCORE:Name and URL of each related document]
NCICB Management
Role Responsibilities
[caCORE:Name] Product Manager
Oversees development of the product: features, functions, definition of stakeholders, priorities within the scope, timeframe for release
Avinash Shanbhag
Engineering Manager
Oversees NCICB caCORE software engineering practices, conducts design reviews, guides technical development
Denise Warzel
Product Line Manager
Oversees NCICB caCORE product line. Responsible for overall product integration, major and minor release cycles. Supports Product Manager.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health