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  caDSR Database Scope Document
Added by Stephen Alred, last edited by CHARLES GRIFFIN on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)


Document Information

Author: Stephen Alred
Team: caDSR
Contract: [caCORE:Contract number]
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Sign off Date Role
CBIIT or Stakeholder Organization
Denise Warzel 10/6/2008 (draft) PM CBIIT
Dave Hau
Steve Alred
Oracle Contractor
Dianne Reeves

End Users

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the NCI CBIIT caCORE caDSR Database Release and related database maintenance activities. This document focuses on the functionalities proposed by the product stakeholders and target users in order to make it a better product. The use-case and supplementary specifications document will detail how the framework will fulfill these needs.

Vision and Needs

The objective of this release of the caDSR Database is to enhance the domain model, bug fixes and database maintenace features to meet high priority user needs.

This release will enhance interaction with the caGrid Global Model Exchange (GME) and address some database maintenance tasks. Work will continue as well on the metadata cleanup and consolidation tasks that have been started previously.

Functional Requirements

Each enhancement, modification or new feature is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of functional requirement
(enhancement or new feature)
Related Design Materials
(Approved or Proposed)
Modify UML Model Project API to facilitate two-way GME queries Use cases and agreed design Approved
-- Task 2788
Database task: alter materialized views

17418 DER User Role - Improve Security
DER_USER Role Approved/Nadine
17293 Update Null Public ID
Fixing Null Public IDs Approved/Nadine
16980; Task 2772 Remove uncompiled database objects. Uncompiled Objects Approved
18435 Create unique constraint on the tool options table for the (tool_name, property) column combination   Approved
17103 Create a View for UML_LOADER_DEFAULTS

Functional Bug Fixes

Each bug fix included in this release is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of bug
(Approved or Proposed)

Non-Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the related requirements which must be met for this release but do not add functionality. These requirements are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of non-functional requirement
(Approved or Proposed)

General Support Activities

This section lists the database tasks that will be worked on in parallel with those tasks that are designated for this increment.  These are tasks that may span increments primarily because they are unrelated to software development; e.g. data changes. These activities are recorded here because work on them constrains the scope of the formal development increment.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of general support activity Related Design Materials
(Approved or Proposed)
16754, 2672, 11350 Work with the Content team to agree a series of specific tasks to:
a) Convert Object Classes, Properties and Representations to the caBIG context; and
b) Complete Concept Cleanup
Please refer to the Metadata Cleanup wiki page and its child pages.
1332, 9576[Task 2278] Create Monthly Maintenance for EVS/caDSR Concept references Synchronize caDSR and EVS Concepts
16980 Open Source Download Support: Generate new DDLs for Database Objects, create SCM process for database, remove unused/redundant objects caDSR Database and Admin Tool Installation Guide Approved
7741, 13511 Set up nightly character clean up (tracker created in Sentinel Tool GForge)
(See also SIW #4025)
Removing Special Characters Approved (Nadine / Larry)
17913 Maintain Oracle Discoverer access to the caDSR.  Each Discoverer-related activity will be recorded as a Task connect to the base Tracker.

Stakeholder Summary

Customer Name
caDSR Content Curators
End Users

CBIIT Staff/Contractor Name
Dianne Reeves
Content Curators
Oversees caDSR content development and Curator Contracts

Technical Environment

This product uses the following technical components which have been derived from the current NCICB Technology Stack.

Client Interface
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 and above
  • Not tested with Mozilla
Application Server [caCORE:Example, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9]
Database Server [caCORE:Example, Oracle 9i]
Operating System
  • [caCORE:Example, Windows 2000. XP, Vista]
  • [caCORE:Example, Unix (Sun Solaris)]

Product Dependencies

This release is dependent on the caCORE components or products documented in the CORE Product Dependency Matrix.

[caCORE:Provide additional explanation as applicable. For example, "The EVS vocabulary systems are used by the Java client to retrieve and validate concept information for naming and defining meanings."]

Out of Scope Items

Items that are out of scope were evaluated as part of the initial scoping activities for this release, and subsequently not included in the final approved scope. These items are also documented in the cumulative backlog of requirements found on the product GForge site. They include out-of-scope functional requirements (enhancements or new features), bug fixes, non-functional requirements, and general support activities.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of item moved from the in-scope section
with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release
Iteration during which the item
was removed from in-scope
7066 Add attributes to the Concept class to support concept and code system references
This task was removed from the scope to better fit higher priority items in the available development timebox.
10738 Filter ASCII control code characters from text input -- implement as cleanup job (scripted)
The current solution was proposed for an Oracle9i environment using a 7 bit character set.  With caDSR the database is now Oracle10g with an 8 bit character set plus new capabilities for dealing with regular expressions.   The solution should be revisited and focus on the middle tier to minimize future Oracle dependencies.
16167 Investigate using Datatype Scheme Reference to support SDK generated systems for HL7 datatypes
Database changes can be done once the approach and design are agreed (see discussion in Tracker)
16756 Design Forms Domain Model
Work on the Forms Domain model is deferred pending design of the class model for the Forms metadata exchange effort (CDISC ODM vs. HL7 CDA).
17767 Tuning of the UML Browser Mviews
The actual issue as of 11/2008 is with the materialized view refresh performance on the Sandbox tier.  The issue will be reexamined if it remains after the next refresh of Sandbox from Production, where there is no such issue.
2790 The Grid team does not need the desired functionality for their 1.3 release since they've found a work around for this.  Since they don't need this, they've agreed that a new Grid Service is not desireable since their upcoming 1.3 release has been tested against the 4.0 Grid Service in production and they are past their code freeze.
The Grid team does not need the desired functionality for their 1.3 release since they've found a work around for this.  Since they don't need this, they've agreed that the new APIs are not desireable since their upcoming 1.3 release has been tested against the 4.0 APIs in production and they are past their code freeze.

Document History

Document Version:
Click the Info tab. View the Recent Changes or click the link to view the page history.
Last Modified:
Refer to the first line displayed in the document window.
Project GForge site:
[caCORE:Project GForge site link]
Most current version:
Unless the display includes a notice that you are viewing a previous version, you are viewing the most current version of this Scope Document for the release indicated in the title.
Revision history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, click the link to view the page history.
Review history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, note the developer who made each change and the date and time. Refer to the Key People Directory for their roles. Click the link to view any page or to view the page history, and then click the link for a page. When the page opens, view the comments and changes made in that version.
Related documents:
[caCORE:Name and URL of each related document]

Project Information

CBIIT Management
Role Responsibilities
Denise Warzel
Product Manager
Oversees development of the product: features, functions, definition of stakeholders, priorities within the scope, timeframe for release
Dave Hau
Engineering Manager
Oversees CBIIT CORE Infrastructure engineering practices, conducts design reviews, guides technical development.

Forms Domain Model (1) (16756): Broad description in Gforge, need more details on scope

Complete Metadata Cleanup (16754): updated the tracker with the 4 cleanup tasks

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health