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  Content Driven Browser 1.0 Scope Document
Added by Bilal Elahi, last edited by Stephen Alred on Dec 02, 2008  (view change)


Document Information

Author: Bilal Elahi
Team: caDSR, Content Browser Team
Contract: [Contract number]
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Sign off Date Role
CBIIT or Stakeholder Organization

Purpose and Focus of Document

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the New Content Driven Browser. This document focuses on the functionalities proposed by caDSR stakeholders and target users in order to make it a better product.

Vision and Dependencies

Vision or Problem Statement

There have been reservations expressed by some end users of the current CDE browser who find it difficult to navigate and find information online. Often, end users are expected to go through complex training or understand the 11179 schema in order to use the online browsers for acquiring content.

Vision and Needs

The 1.0 release of the new browser is proposed to include all the use cases that will be drafted as a part of user input in the form of interviews. These use cases will be documented and will be the basis for the scope of the first iteration.

Proposed Solutions

The new browser will provide a flattened, user friendly view of the same information that the current CDE Browser hosts. The content of the browser would be structured in a much simpier format, therefore dividing it into seperate high level categories based on diseases, human anatomy or classification scheme items. The user(s) can then expand each category to naviagte to the desired level of detail.

The browser will ONLY include content that has a workflow status of "RELEASED".

Each Category will include a list of linked (OC) Object Classes, Attributes and Value Meanings.

The user shall have the ability to search a key word or a phrase based on Category, Object Class, Attribute or Value Meaning.

The browser will include a status page for explaining the workflow status, terms and definitions.

Performance issues that exist today with responding to a generic query will be resolved since the new browser will be built using HTML stylesheets and thus will load an instance of the caDSR Data. Data will be refreshed and downloaded every x.x minutes to keep content updated on the browser.

For additional detail please refer to the Functional Requirements section.

Stakeholder, Technical and User Descriptions

Stakeholder Summary

NCICB Staff/Contractor Name Role
Denise Warzel Associate Director, Products and Programs, caCORE Infrastructure
Oversees NCICB caCORE Product Line
Dianne Reeves Associate Director, Biomedical Data Standards (EVS) Oversees/coordinates community outreach for clinicians
Bilal Elahi Project Manager, Products & Programs, caCORE Infrastructure Oversees and responsible for Project Management activites
Audrey Lipps Senior Human Factors Engineer, User-Centered Design, Inc. Coordination and creation of requirements

Technical Environment

This product uses the following technical components which have been derived from the current NCICB Technology Stack.

  • Client Interface
    • Internet Explorer 6.0 and above
    • Mozilla v. and above
  • Application Server
    • Apache Tomcat 5.5.9
  • Database Server
    • MySQL 5.0
    • Oracle 9i
  • Operating System
    • Windows 2000, XP
    • Unix (Sun Solaris)
  • Portable ANSI-SQL compliant relational schemas
  • Java 1.5  

Functional Requirements

Each enhancement, modification or new feature is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of functional requirement
(enhancement or new feature)
(Approved or Proposed)
4666 Develop Content Driven, User Friendly Browser Proposed
18066 Content Driven Browser - (OC) Object Class Details Proposed
18068 Content Driven Browser - Attribute Detailed Requirements Proposed
18069 Content Driven Browser - Data Element Details Section should have the following fields in the browser Proposed

Functional Bug Fixes

Each bug fix included in this release is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of bug
(Approved or Proposed)

Non-Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the related requirements which must be met for this release but do not add functionality. These requirements are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of non-functional requirement
(Approved or Proposed)
  Example, "Although there are no functional changes to the product for this requirement, the team must migrate the existing software to Hibernate 4.1 to be compatible with the caCORE technology stack."  

General Support Activities

This section describes in detail all the related activities which must be performed for this release but do not add functionality. These activities are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of general support activity Iteration
(Approved or Proposed)
  Example, "Level 2 Support, integration of help and training to the user community."  

Product Dependencies

Out of Scope Items

Items that are out of scope were evaluated as part of the initial scoping activities for this release, and subsequently not included in the final approved scope. These items are also documented in the cumulative backlog of requirements found on the product GForge site. They include out-of-scope functional requirements (enhancements or new features), bug fixes, non-functional requirements, and general support activities.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of item moved from the in-scope section
with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release
Iteration during which the item
was removed from in-scope

Document History

Document Version:
Click the Info tab. View the Recent Changes or click the link to view the page history.
Last Modified:
Refer to the first line displayed in the document window.
Project GForge site:
[Project GForge site link]
Most current version:
Unless the display includes a notice that you are viewing a previous version, you are viewing the most current version of this Scope Document for the release indicated in the title.
Revision history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, click the link to view the page history.
Review history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, note the developer who made each change and the date and time. Refer to the Key People Directory for their roles. Click the link to view any page or to view the page history, and then click the link for a page. When the page opens, view the comments and changes made in that version.
Related documents: [Name and URL of each related document]

Please include the refresh cycle for the Browser as a user discussion item.  The transaction rate for "Released" items is probably pretty low, so the automated refreshes could be fairly infrequent.  On the other hand it might be good to have a "Publish" button on the Curation Tool to push content to the Browser on demand.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health