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  caDSR Form Builder Scope and Design
Added by Stephen Alred, last edited by Ann Wiley on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)




The Scope Document for Form Builder is maintained on GForge in the Forms "Docs" tab in the "Release" folder. 

Preliminary Design

 Describe the work be be done for each GF Tracker that is scope for the release in sufficient detail to estimate the overall Level of Effort involved and complete the LOE estimate accordingly.  Attach design documents to this page for more complex items

GF12092 Enhance Form Builder: Value Meanings as Administered Components

Enhance Form Builder to work with the underlying database changes resulting from completing the work to turn Value Meanings into Administered Components

Estimated LOE:  3 days

GF12122  Enhance Form Builder: CSI's as Administered Components

Enhance Form Builder to work with the underlying database changes resulting from turning Classification Scheme Items into Administered Components

Estimated LOE:  3 days

GF12120  Enhance Form Builder: Registration Metadata

Enhance Form Builder to display Registration metadata and to make it available in the Excel download.

Estimated LOE:  TBD days

GF12093 Enhance Form Level Searches

Add attributes to the Form object to enhance the description of the form and to provide for more ways to search for Forms.

Estimated LOE:  TBD days

GF12469  Assure Form Builder Compatibility with Refactored CDE Cart

Form Builder will need to be able to interact with the independent, refactored CDE Cart in order to maintain its existing functionality.

Estimated LOE: 5 Days

GF12121 Confirm Form Builder operation using the caCORE 4.0 technology stack

Confirm and document that the Form Builder code is fully functional on the caCORE 4.0 technology stack

Estimated LOE: 3 Days

GF12123 Configure Form Builder to use automated deployment

Adapt the Form Builder build and deployment operations to use the automated deployment process. 

Estimated LOE: 5 Days

Specific to Form Builder for being the new tool -Initial checklist items (some are one-time for this first release of Form builder): * Update left hand frame links on caDSR page on NCICB web site to include Form Builder* Add write up on Form Builder and link on the NCICB "Tools" page* Add Form Builder Release Notes section on that page* Split current CDE Browser Help Document into separate CDE Browser / Form Builder documents & update to reflect Form Builder can be accessed directly.
 (Plus the items on the Developers Checklist that will apply to any release)

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