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  Technical Scope for GME Namespace
Added by Bilal Elahi, last edited by Ann Wiley on Aug 16, 2008  (view change)



UML Model XMI Supported

Model owners may submit XMI files generated from models created in supported versions of either Enterprise Architect or ArgoUML.

caDSR Domain Model and Database

The caDSR UML Project domain model will be extended to include GME namespace tags on the appropriate objects.  The caDSR database will be modified to promote Classification Scheme Items to be Administered Components so that the GME "Package" namespace name can be stored as a CSI Alternate Name (details in the GME design document).

caDSR: UML Loader

UML Loader 4.0 will analyze the incoming model XMI file for the existence of GME Namespace tags for each of these model elements: package, class, association, attribute.  If the Loader finds GME namespace tags it will load them and associate them with the appropriate model element.

caDSR: Semantic Integration Workbench

The SIW will generate default GME tags and associate them with their respective model objects at the discretion of the model owner.  The SIW user will be able to review and correct / modify the GME tags regardless of the means by which they were added to the model:

  •  Entered manually by the model owner;
  • Added via caAdapter mapping; or
  • Generated by the SIW (default values).

The Roundtrip function for SIW will be enhanced in SIW 4.0 to optionally permit a model owner to reuse GME Namespace information previously associated with objects in the caDSR registry by incorporating it into the subject model's XMI file.

caAdapter: Map External XSD's to UML Models in the caDSR

The caAdapter will be the focus for creating and correcting mappings between existing namespace names (XSD's) and UML models (represented as XMI files).  caAdapter will allow model owners to define model-specific common values, such as Package Namespace, that will be automatically applied to the model.  This will make the mapping exercise more efficient and less error-prone.

caCORE SDK: XML Utility

The caCORE SDK will use the GME namespace tags that in the XMI file to create the XSD for service registration on the grid.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health