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  CDE Browser Scope
Added by Stephen Alred, last edited by Ann Wiley on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)




 The CDE Browser 4.0 scope document is maintained in the "Docs" tab of the CDE Browser GForge project:  The individual items are repeated below:

Preliminary Design

Describe the work be be done for each GF Tracker that is scope for the release in sufficient detail to estimate the overall Level of Effort involved.  Attach design documents to this page for more complex items.

Enhance CDE Browser: Value Meanings as Administered Components  Enhance CDE Browser to work with the underlying database changes resulting from completing the work to turn Value Meanings into Administered Components


Estimated LOE:  5 days

Enhance CDE Browser: CSI's as Administered Components  Enhance CDE Browser to work with the underlying database changes resulting from turning Classification Scheme Items into Administered Components


Estimated LOE:  2 days Analysis / 4 days development

Enhance CDE Browser: Registration Metadata  Enhance CDE Browser to display Registration metadata.  The Browser will invoke an independent Registration metadata service to display the Registration information for Data Elements and for any related Administered Components (e.g. Value Domains).  The Registration information will also be available in the Excel and XML downloads.

Estimated LOE:  5 days

Make the Context Tree sort case insensitive Make sort of Context tree and its components alphabetical and not case dependent. 


Estimated LOE:  2 days

Default Advanced Search "Search in Following Fields" to 'All'  In Advanced Search the "search in the following fields" criteria automatically defaults to search in "Long Name".  The default should be "All".

Estimated LOE:  3 days

CDE Browser Compatibility with Refactored CDE Cart  The CDE Browser will need to be able to interact with the independent, refactored CDE Cart in order to maintain its existing functionality.

Estimated LOE:  2 Days

Assure compatibility with refactored OC browser  The Object Class browser was refactored out of the CDE Browser code base and enhanced to filter OC information by UML Project if called from the UML Model Browser.  This activity is to assure that the existing behavior is not lost when the OC Browser is called from the CDE Browser.

Estimated LOE: 3 days

Confirm CDE Browser compatibility with the caCORE 4.0 tech stack   Confirm and document that the CDE Browser code is fully functional on the caCORE 4.0 technology stack.  _This includes using the EVS and caCORE 4.0 APIs as appropriate.

Estimated LOE: 1 day

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health