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  Data Warehouse 1.0 Iteration 2 Scope Document
Added by CHARLES GRIFFIN, last edited by Ann Wiley on Oct 09, 2008  (view change)


Author:  Charles Griffin
National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Purpose and Focus of Document

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the NCICB caDSR Data Warehouse 1.0 release. This document focuses on the functionalities proposed by the product stakeholders and target users in order to make it a better product. The use-case and supplementary specifications document will detail how the framework will fulfill these needs.

Vision and Dependencies

Vision or Problem Statement

caDSR data is stored in a transactional database schema that adheres to the ISO 11179 standard.   However, the types of searches that users want to perform against the caDSR database are complex and driven by a wide variety of needs.  The complex data structures of a transactional system are usually not well suited for optimizing searches and result is long wait times while underlying querys perform searches and joins to resolve associations and collections in order to present the caDSR information in various views. 

The recommended solution is to use proven data warehousing technologies consisting of storing all necessary data for optimized searches. The data is organized in one or more "star" schemas.  Each star schema essentially corresponds to a domain specific data mart and should meet a large set of needs for a community.

The mature technologies of data warehousing can be used without concern for supporting transactional integrity in the same schema.  Derived data, additional data, duplicated data, all can be planned to optimize the search capabilities.

Stakeholder, Technical and User Descriptions

Stakeholder Summary

Customer Name
Denise Warzel
NCI CBIIIT Core Product Line Manager/ MDR Product Manager  
Dave Hau
Associate Director of Core Infrastructure Engineering  
NCICB Staff/Contractor Name
Charles Griffin
Project Manager
Denis Avdic
Technical Architect
Nadine Azie
Data Architect

Technical Environment

This product uses the following technical components which have been derived from the current NCICB Technology Stack.

  • Client Interface
    • Mozilla v. and above
    • IE Browser 7.0
  • Application Server
    • Jboss 4.0.5
  • Database Server
    • Oracle 10g 
  • Operating System (Warehouse APIs)
    • Linux
    • Windows 32 bit

Current Solution to Meeting Needs

At the time of writing, caDSR offers a variety of web applications that users can use to search and view caDSR content.  The CDE Browser and the UML Browser are the primary user facing tools that are used for searching caDSR content.  These tools search against the the transactional caDSR database.

caDSR also provides programmatic client APIs based on the caDSR domain model that application programmers can utilize to query the caDSR database.    The client APIs make calls to the remote caDSR server API hosted at NCI CBIIT.   The caDSR Server APIs are generated by the caCORE SDK system and thereby have the same architecture of a caCORE SDK generated system.

Proposed Solutions to Meeting Needs

The search requirements for the system are complex and driven by a wide variety of needs.  The complex data structures of a transactional system are usually not well suited for optimizing searches.  The desire to enable semantic driven searches, combining vocabulary, metadata and real data searches can be accommodated by designing the data structures explicitly for that purpose.  The LexBIG terminology server in use by EVS is the most likely candidate for publising caDSR content for this purpose since the data structures are already designed to support queries across OWL structures. The recommended solution is to use proven data warehousing technologies to improve searches for the primary use cases, CDE Browser, UML Model Browser and other caDSR specific searches, and in later iterations explore the OWL representation for specific analytical search engines if LexBIG does not prove fruitful.

The data warehouse approach consists of storing all necessary data for optimized searches. The data is organized in one or more "star" schemas.  Each star schema essentially corresponds to a domain specific data mart and should meet a large set of needs for a community.

The mature technologies of data warehousing can be used without compromise for the need to support transactional integrity in the same schema.  Derived data, additional data, duplicated data, all can be planned to optimize the search capabilities.

The data warehouse should be part of the overall run time repository to facilitate access by all applications.  Many of the tools that currently access the caDSR transactional database should switch their search capabilities to the optimized query services and supporting datamarts.  Additionally new tools that will be created to meet the expanding search and query needs of users should utilize the data warehouse.

In this iteration, we will be testing to load scenarios for the data warehouse: (1) ETL for the a standalone data warehouse and (2) oracle technology for providing materialized views.
The stand alone data warehouse instance will be populated by performing ETL (Extract Transform and Load) procedures written as stored procedures using PL/SQL.   Another instance of the same data warehouse schema will be provided as Oracle Materialized Views that utilized Oracle specific technology to update the warehouse schema in lieu of the ETL process. 

Performance tests will be run against both data warehouse schemas (standalone and Materialized Views) to determine the the plus and minuses of the two approaches.

Product Dependencies

This release is dependent on the caCORE components or products documented on the dependencies wiki page (example for caCORE 3.2).

[caCORE:Provide additional explanation as applicable. For example, "The EVS vocabulary systems are used by the Java client to retrieve and validate concept information for naming and defining meanings." 

Summary of Key Stakeholder or User Needs

The following subsections provide a description of key requirements to address the solution as perceived by the stakeholders and users.

Stakeholder and User Requirements


  • Make Enhancements to the iteration 1 prototype warehouse schema based on new use cases/search patterns
  • Implement the warehouse as materialized views
  • Perform performance tests on standalone warehouse and materialized views and compare the results
  • Generate APIs for applications and users to utilize the warehouse


  • Identify new use cases and search patterns that the data warehouse needs to support
  • Identify a tool that can be refactored to utilize the warehouse as a reference implementation

In-Scope Requirements and Enhancements

In-Scope Functional Requirements (Enhancements or New Features)

Each new enhancement, modification or new feature is described in detail below.


Standalone Warehouse Schema

GF#14268  Modify the Data Warehouse design based on the defined and approved Use Cases (new search patterns)

GForge link

GF# 14270  Perform schema enhancements based on the design

GForge link

Materialized Views 

GF#14271  Create Materialized views for iteration 1 data warehouse schema

GForge link

GF#14272  Modify the materialized views based on iteration 1 schema for the iteration 2 use cases (search patterns)

GForge link

Performance Test

GF#14280  Identify and document a performance testing strategy for the warehouse

GForge link

GF#14281  Execute the performance tests on the stand alone data ware house

GForge link

GF#14282  Execute the performance tests on the materialized views

GForge link

GF#14283  Document the comparison of performance tests between materialized views and the standalone schema based on a real use case that will be implemented and included in the deployment of the data warehouse

GForge link

Warehouse APIs

GF#14279  Create a domain model for the warehouse schema(s)

GForge link

GF#14278  Create an SDK generated system based on the warehouse domain model and data model mappings

GForge link

In-Scope Functional Bug Fixes


In-Scope Non-Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the non-software related requirements which must be met for this release but do not add functionality. These requirements are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.


Requirements/Use Cases (Search Patterns)

GF#14254 Identify Uses Cases (Search Patterns) that will be the basis for enhancements to the iteration 1 data warehouse schema or creation of new data marts

GForge link

GF#14267 Identify a caDSR tool that can be refactored to utilize the data warehouse as a proof of concept

GForge link

In-Scope General Support Activities


Out of Scope Requirements and Enhancements

Out of Scope Functional Requirements (Enhancements or New Features)

Items that are out of scope were evaluated as part of the initial scoping activities for this release, and subsequently not included in the final approved scope. These items are also documented in the cumulative backlog of requirements found on the product GForge site.


Out of Scope Functional Bug Fixes if Applicable


Out of Scope Non-Functional Requirements


Out of Scope General Support Activities


Document History and Project Information

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Refer to the first line displayed in the document window.
Project GForge site:
[caCORE:Project GForge site link]
Most current version:
Unless the display includes a notice that you are viewing a previous version, you are viewing the most current version of this Scope Document for the release indicated in the title.
Revision history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, click the link to view the page history.
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Related documents:
[caCORE:Name and URL of each related document]
NCICB Management
Role Responsibilities
Denise Warzel
caDSR Product Manager and caCORE Product Line Manager Oversees development of the product: features, functions, definition of stakeholders, priorities within the scope, timeframe for release
Dave Hau
caDSR Engineering Manager
Oversees caDSR software engineering practices, conducts design reviews, guides technical development of the product

I made a few modifications to the purpose to reflect that teh primary objective is to support queries for caDSR content, and that support for combined searches across terminology and caDSR metadata would likely be supported by publishing caDSR curated content in the LexBig server.

 With those changes, the proposed next iteration is approved. 

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health