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  CORE - caDSR
  cgMDR 0.5 Release Scope Document
Added by CHARLES GRIFFIN, last edited by CHARLES GRIFFIN on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)


Document Information

Author: Charles Griffin/Denise Warzel

Email: [Email address for Scope Document contact]
Team: caMDR

Contract: [Contract number]
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Sign off Date Role
CBIIT or Stakeholder Organization
MS Excel - CRF batch load,
End Users

NMDP - Dianne Reeves, Robinette Alley
Integration with caDSR
Batch Load

caDSR Forms - Ashwin Mathur, Christophe Ludet

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI CBIIT) caCORE cgMDR/caDSR integration Release 0.5. This document focuses on the functionalities proposed by the product stakeholders and target users in order to make it a better product. The use-case and supplementary specifications document will detail how the framework will fulfill these needs.

Vision and Needs

The objective of this release of the of cgMDR is to provide minimal base functionality for caDSR Forms Users on the use of cgMDR and the Excel Addins to download existing content, use of that content to annotate CRFs described in MS Excel Spreadsheets.

This will require several enhancements to cgMDR to expand the existing capabilites to mjeet the additional use cases this type of requirements demands.  The enhancements to the download and mapping of content through the Query Service Manager is expected to be reuseable in the EA Addins, so both sets of stakeholders are being considred in this design.   This will necessarilyo include expanding the search capabilities of QSM beyond CDEs and Concept from EVS, as well as streamlining the ability to transform exported caDSR CDEs from the CDE Browser, into a local repository. 

This release will address the minimal requirements as identified by working with the NMDP forms developers, and will require additional development and enhancement of related caDSR Batch Upload capabilities.

Current Solution

The existing caDSR Forms capabilities are limited to using the Form Builder to describe forms from existing content.  There is not a way to create new CDEs from within Form Builder, for which extensive caDSR training is required, including how to use the Curation Tool, developign an understanding of ISO 11179 and caDSR Domain Model.  This solution is aimed at a target audience with a lower level of understandign and skill on caDSR content development, in order to make access to the capabilities and value of well structured metadata more accessible to a broader community.

The cgMDR soluiton will extend the ability for end users to access and reuse caDSR content when developing new applications or means by which to collect data using common data descriptors and representations.  It does this by simplifing access to caDSR content including the abilty for the community to request new caDSR content without having to be a 11179 or caDSR expert, share newly developed content within a workgroup, and easily create data collection instruments that are constrained by standard CDEs.

Functional Requirements

Each enhancement, modification or new feature is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of functional requirement
(enhancement or new feature)
UK or US? Iteration
16932 Upgrade QSM to use EVS and caDSR 4.0 services Defer    
16933 Searching for caDSR CDEs filter based on workflow status, or the ability to view status in results

When using QSM to search caDSR and EVS directly, users need to be able to ascertain the quality/status of the item.  Both caDSR and EVS contain retired concepts, as well as items in caDSR that have a 11179 Registration Status.  Users need to be able to see the registration and workflow status so they can make decisions about using content based on these quality criteria.
Approved UK 1
16934 Need to display caDSR Long Name in CDE search results for both EA and Excel Addin

The caDSR exported content includes a non-standard ShortName mapped to the exported schema element "preferredName".  This is a legacy element that was restricted to 30 characters and carried a uniqueness constraint.  The caDSR ISO 11179 preferred name is the "LongName" element.  So, in the user interface, until the 11179 standard schema is fully implemented, teh UIs in cgMDR for caDSR end users, needs to use the LongName element as preferredName for user interface. The other field can be system generated (meaningless), or an abbreviation that is usually very hard to interpert, and thus useless to most end users other than the original curator.
Approved  UK 1
17096 Provide a way to download/upload caDSR Classification Schemes for use in Addins

End users can create a shopping cart of the items they wish to harmonize with and export them to restrict selection during spreadsheet or EA UML Model annotation to preferred caDSR Content.  This promotes Harmonization with existing standards.  The current process for importing this content into the decentralized registry is based on a Windows command prompt.  This needs to be made more user friendly as this feature will be heavily used by the caBIG community.  

Need SKOS export from caDSR. UK team needs to know what our current XML export from Home.action UI produces for a hierarchical Classification Scheme/CSIs - use "Data Standards" CS in caBIG context as an example.  This file could bge used to import a CS to cgMDR for use in the Query Service "Classifications" based search panel.
Approved UK

17121 Add the Value Meaning associated Concept Code to CDE Prop/Values display

When searching for existing content, the caDSR users make decisions based on whether or not the VMs have been mapped to concepts in EVS.  End uses need to be able to see what the EVS concept is for each Value Meaning.  The "Prop/Values" display would be "code" I11179 "Value), "value" (11179 Value Meaning), "concept" (caDSR VM Concept).
Approved    1
17124 Need ability to "unmap" a cell and remove the item from the mapping "List"

Sometimes the wrong item is selected by end users, they need to be able to remove the mapped item.  Currently you can remove the information from the top worksheet, but the "Concept" and "CDE" lists are still mapped.
Approved    1
17371 Allow multiple concepts to be mapped to one cell

When creating new content in caDSR, items may be mapped to one or more concepts with a derivation rule, specifying a base concept and modifiers.  A simple contatentation of the concepts in their order would suffice.
Approved    1
17373 Add the CDE Public ID and Version to the worksheet view

This is for compliance review use cases: When mapping a spreadsheet representation of a questions on a form template to existing caDSR content, the user needs to be able to quickly see whether the items are mapped to the correct CDE.  Adding the publicID and Version to the column displaying the CDE name would serve this purpose.  
Approved   1
17689 Ability to create or import sub-set of concepts from EVS or caDSR for use in curation

This feature would allow the local terminology feature present in cgMDR to be pre-loaded with an extracted (pre-harmonized) set of concepts from EVS or caDSR for the purpose of facilitating the reuse of specific concepts and content for users of the Addins.  The QSM would used to search first workgroup specific concepts, then if no suitable concept is found, use the QSM APIs search to EVS and caDSR directly.  

Functional Bug Fixes

Each bug fix included in this release is described in detail below.

GForge number
Brief description of bug
(Approved or Proposed)
16930 Clicking on the '>' in search panel for EVSDescLogic does not return the next set of results.
There is a bug in the QSM when there are a lot of results from the Query.  This needs to be fixed.
Approved 1
17120 Add CDE does not behave the same way as Use CDE Approved 1
17637 Adding new data element record in Schema mode does not create correct class types Approved 1

Non-Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the related requirements which must be met for this release but do not add functionality. These requirements are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of non-functional requirement
(Approved or Proposed)
17095 Create a FAQ for the Excel Addin on the Confluence Wiki
Approved 1

General Support Activities

This section describes in detail all the related activities which must be performed for this release but do not add functionality. These activities are included in the scope and project plan due to level of effort or relative importance to the overall success of delivery of the release.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of general support activity Iteration
(Approved or Proposed)
  Respond to user posts on the cgMDR listserv, this is mainly a Transition activity since this will be the first release to the caBIG community.

Stakeholder Summary

Customer Name
Denise Warzel
caCORE Product Line Manager/cgMDR Product Manager
Oversees overall direction of product
Steven Harris
UK Cancer Grid
CBIIT Staff/Contractor Name
Denise Warzel
caCORE Product Line Manager/cgMDR Product Manager Oversees overall direction of product
Steven Harris
Bilal Elahi
caCore Product Line Project Manager
Charles Griffin
cgMDR Technical Project Manager
Denis Avdic
cgMDR Development

Technical Environment

This product uses the following technical components which have been derived from the current NCICB Technology Stack.

Client Interface
  • [Example, Internet Explorer 6.0 and above]
  • [Example, Mozilla v. and above]
Application Server [Example, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9]
Database Server [Example, Oracle 9i]
Operating System
  • [Example, Windows 2000. XP, Vista]
  • [Example, Unix (Sun Solaris)]

Product Dependencies

This release is dependent on the caCORE components or products documented in the CORE Product Dependency Matrix.

[Provide additional explanation as applicable. For example, "The EVS vocabulary systems are used by the Java client to retrieve and validate concept information for naming and defining meanings."]

Out of Scope Items

Items that are out of scope were evaluated as part of the initial scoping activities for this release, and subsequently not included in the final approved scope. These items are also documented in the cumulative backlog of requirements found on the product GForge site. They include out-of-scope functional requirements (enhancements or new features), bug fixes, non-functional requirements, and general support activities.

GForge number (hyperlinked) Brief description of item moved from the in-scope section
with brief explanation added of why it was not included in this release
Iteration during which the item
was removed from in-scope
16931 Defer to later release.  When selecting concepts for Value Domains, users ofter pick the top level concept and indicate that all subconcepts should be included in the enumerated value domain permissible value list.  They need to be able to navigate to the subconcepts, or superconcepts in the terminology system in order to make those decisions. This feature is available in the Curation Tool so there is a workaround for the first increment, not mandatory. 1
16929 Workaround - set the field as a default when exporting to XML.  

Document History

Document Version:
Click the Info tab. View the Recent Changes or click the link to view the page history.
Last Modified:
Refer to the first line displayed in the document window.
Project GForge site:
[Project GForge site link]
Most current version:
Unless the display includes a notice that you are viewing a previous version, you are viewing the most current version of this Scope Document for the release indicated in the title.
Revision history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, click the link to view the page history.
Review history:
Click the Info tab. In the Recent Changes area, note the developer who made each change and the date and time. Refer to the Key People Directory for their roles. Click the link to view any page or to view the page history, and then click the link for a page. When the page opens, view the comments and changes made in that version.
Related documents:
[Name and URL of each related document]

Project Information

CBIIT Management
Role Responsibilities
Denise Warzel Product Manager
Oversees development of the product: features, functions, definition of stakeholders, priorities within the scope, timeframe for release
Avinash Shanbhag
CORE Engineering Manager
Oversees NCICB caCORE software engineering practices, conducts design reviews, guides technical development
Denise Warzel
CORE Infrastructure Program Manager
Oversees NCICB caCORE product line. Responsible for overall product integration, major and minor release cycles. Supports Product Manager.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health