Tissue Culture Facilities for NICHD Microscopy & Imaging Core (M.I.C.) Users in Building 49

Facilities to prepare cultures and live tissue near the microscopes are now fully operational in building 49.

Bringing your own cultures and tissue for experiments:

Incubator space, hood space and other small equipment are available in the shared tissue culture facility (49/5B03). Cultures prepared elsewhere on campus may be brought and maintained until imaging. In addition, tissues may be brought under sterile conditions for final preparations. Users are required to strictly follow the Standard Operating Procedures established for this shared space.

Preparing tissue slices and entire cultures in building 49:

If tissues and cells are too fragile to be transported, your animals may be delivered to building 49 and the tissue dissections done in the shared dissection and tissue preparation suites in the 3 rd floor animal holding space in building 49. Tissues could then be transported to the 5 th floor tissue culture space to complete preparation and maintain cultures until microscopy experiments. Users preparing tissues for physiology experiments may sacrifice animals and prepare tissues in the 3 rd floor preparation suites as well.

Requirements for use of preparation suites and tissue culture space in 49:

1) Your animals must be delivered to the building 49 animal holding facility. For this to happen, your animal care and use protocol must be specifically approved for such use. Every scientist is required to submit a modification to their existing animal use protocol to the ACUC and have the modification signed off by the facility veterinarian in building 49 and approved by the NICHD ACUC. Contact Dr. Bartholomew's office (NICHD Animal Program Director) for details of this procedure. The holding facility in building 49 allows animals only from selected "approved vendors". For this reason, the protocol should specifically state "from approved vendors". Ms. Julie Jacobs at the ACUC office (301-402-1596, jacobsj@dir6.nichd.nig.gov) can provide the list of such vendors and process your order as per usual. Once these stipulations are met, the building 49 animal facility may receive your animals and hold them until used (usually a few days).

2) Once your animals are in 49, dissections may be performed in any of the three procedure rooms available. These rooms are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis and are being managed by Mr. Daniel Abebe (phone: 301-594-9042, pager: 104-4465-7, danela@mail.nih.gov). When planning dissections, contact Mr. Abebe to reserve a procedure room and make sure the required instruments are available. Mr. Abebe can instruct you on getting your card key activated to enter the animal holding space. In case you need special equipment, you may either bring your own each time or store small equipment in the procedure room. If a device is used by a number of users, arrangements may be made for the Institute to acquire such equipment and make them available, space permitting.

Prior to using these facilities for the first time, you are required to make an appointment with one of us to visit the spaces and make sure what you need is available. You will be provided with Instructions on reserving laminar flow hood.
Make sure you have reserved time on the laminar flow hood in the tissue culture facility before coming to building 49 for culture work.
Your animals will NOT be received in building 49 unless your protocol has been approved for this delivery.
Make sure you have reserved dissection space with Mr. Abebe

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