Olympus TIRF

Olympus TIRF

Olympus TIRF Specifications

This Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) instrument is designed for high-speed acquisition of structures in close proximity to the glass-water interface. Note that temperature control is not yet fully supported.

  Olympus IX81 microscope (inverted)
  60x PlanApo-N 1.45 NA, oil
Fluorescence Filters Cubes (visual inspection only)
  FITC / GFP: 450-490 nm excitation, 515-586 nm emission.
  Rhodamin: 540-552 nm excitation, emission beyond 590 nm.
  DAPI: 350-400 nm excitation, 417-477 nm emission.
Laser Lines
  458, 488, 514 nm: Argon ion laser, 200 mW
  568, 647nm: Argon-Krypton ion laser, 81 mW
  AOTF switched for rapid switching
  Hamamatsu Orca C9100 backed-thinned camera, 512x512 pixels
Computer & Software
  Macintosh G4 800 MHz 1.5GB ram
  OpenLab acquisition package

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