Jeol 1010 TEM

Jeol 1010 TEM

Located in Building 49 room 5B-04, the JEOL 1010 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is used to observe ultra-thin specimens (between 90 to 120 nm) embedded in Spurrs, Epon, and LR White resins (for Immuno-gold labeling).

The JEOL 1010 TEM has a resolution of 0.2nm (crystal lattice test) and 0.30nm (point to point) at 100 kV. Objective Pole Piece: high contrast & high tilt (+/- 60 ° ), 0.2nm line resolution, 0.45nm point resolution . The Accelerating voltage range is between 40-100 kV.

Image acquisition is now available through a AMT 12-bit digital camera. The ability to acquire digitally enables users to have full control over image database archival. Furthermore, the digitized images are readily available for analysis.

Image acquisition: AMT 12-bit Digital camera with Peltier cooling to 5°C, 2624 x 2624 pixel array, 24 micron square pixel phosphor scintillator.

Sample Preparation Equipment:
LKB Glass Knifemaker
LKB Pyramitome (semi-thin sections, 1 micron)
  LKB Pyramitome (semi-thin sections, 1 micron)
Reichert Ultracut-E Microtome (ultra-thin sections, 100-130 nm)
  Reichert Ultracut-E Microtome (ultra-thin sections, 100-130 nm)

TEM Training: (All training to be done on a one-on-one basis)

Contact Person:

Louis (Chip) Dye
Building 49, Room 5W-14
Phone: 301-496-3627
Pager: Dial 104, then 5410, your phone number and #

The electron microscope is to be used primarily by me (Chip Dye). At my discretion, exceptions will be made for those users who have had prior electron microscopy experience and the interest. I will provide hands on training to such individuals. This effort is intended for those users who anticipate long-term electron microscopy studies (several months).

I will also provide training in electron microscopy sample preparation (processing cells/tissue and cutting of semi and ultrathin specimens).

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