dnag program

Documentation for the dnag program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 1.74; (* of dnag.p 1999 October 22}

(* begin module describe.dnag *)
      dnag: graphics of DNA
      dnag(bdna: in, dooin: out, output: out) 
      bdna: b- form dna coordinates.  lines beginning with '*' are ignored.
         on each line following is the coordinate of one atom.
         the first character is the kind of group:
            * P = phosphate, D = deoxyribose
            * A = adenine, G = guanine, C = cytosine, T = thymine
         the next character is blank
         the next two characters are the atom and its number
         then the locations are given, separated by spaces:
            radius (angstrom) - angle (degree) - z axis (angstrom)
      dooin: graph of dna in doodle format
      output: messages to the user
      dnag generates a graph of DNA.

      B-DNA Cylindrical Polar Coordinates from
      S. Arnott and D. W. L. Hukins
      Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Comm 47: 1504-1509 (1972)
      "Optimised Parameters for A-DNA and B-DNA"

      M. Karplus and R. N. Porter
      Atoms & Molecules
      Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Menlo Park, Ca, 1970
      p. 204-7, crystal radii

see also
   dops.p, bdna

      Thomas D. Schneider 

      The location of the strings may not be centered exactly in the circles.
To make this easy to adjust, two fudge factors (fudgex and fudgey) are provided
as constants.

   The program's output is in the pic language for troff.  This can
   be converted to PostScript using the dops program.

(* end module describe.dnag *)
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