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AFNI Code Commentary AFNI Code Commentary

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Commentary on the source code of AFNI: its design, history, et cetera.
Submitted by bpittman. on 2005-04-07 16:47.
Various tips about "hidden" features (some useful, some fun).
Submitted by bpittman. on 2005-04-18 09:15.
An answer to a question from a loyal user, who was concerned about transforming ROI volumes calculated in Talairach space back to the original brain space.
Submitted by bpittman. on 2005-04-04 10:00.
This struct is the internal storage for the AFNI dataset.
Submitted by bpittman. on 2005-04-01 13:56.
The MRI_IMAGE struct is used in many places to hold an "image" (1D-3D array of values). The MRI_IMARR struct is an array of MRI_IMAGE structs; for example, the sub-bricks for an AFNI dataset are stored in an MRI_IMARR.
Submitted by bpittman. on 2005-03-30 13:03.
Reminiscences of when and why AFNI was created.

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