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Sun Safety Intervention Programs

Examples of Education & policy interventions in child care centers (children), which has insufficient evidence according to the Guide to Community Preventive Services
Program Title & Description
(2 programs listed)
Program Focus Population Focus
1. Title: Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Purpose: Designed to enhance and promote sun protective behaviors at child care centers.
Outcomes Evaluation Published: 1999
Original Grant Funded By: 
NCI   (Grant number: CA59202)
Intervention Category: Education & policy interventions in child care centers (children)
Awareness building and Behavior Modification Sun-exposed individuals

2. Title: Sun Safe
Purpose: Designed to enhance and promote sun protective behaviors.
Outcomes Evaluation Published: 1998
Original Grant Funded By: 
NCI   (Grant number: CA63029)
Intervention Category: Interventions oriented to children's parents and caregivers, Education & policy interventions in child care centers (children), Education & policy interventions in recreational settings (adults), Education & policy interventions in primary schools and Interventions in healthcare system and provider settings
Awareness building Sun-exposed individuals National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services
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