How do I Get Started?

1) The first step in using the core equipment is to schedule a meeting between the PI, post-doctoral scientist and the facility personnel. During this meeting, the project and details of the experiment will be laid out and the most appropriate microscopic modality selected.

In this way, the PI and the user are fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses in the experimental design, and the Core personnel can provide maximum methodological and instrumental support throughout the project.

If necessary, further collaborative participation between the Core and the PI's laboratory may be discussed, which might significantly increase the sophistication of the experiments.

2) Our Rules of Use must be read and signed at this time. We ask that you strictly comply to this policy for as long as you use the core facility equipment.

3) Contact the managing staff to obtain:

Username and password to access our on-line reservation system.
Card-key access to room 5B08 and/or 6B20*
Username and password on the computer(s) running the equipment to be used.

In addition, you will be added to our mailing list for updates on equipment, policies and unscheduled microscope availability.

(*): card-key access is managed by Public Safety and takes up to 2 weeks.

4) The next step is to organize training for the user(s). Contact us to schedule a hand-on training session with either Vincent Schram or Chip Dye.

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