Solutions for Immunostaining

Determine secondary antibodies that will be needed and prepare Carrier and blocking solutions with sera from the host of the secondary. (ie. Goat anti Rabbit secondary antibody-- make Carrier and block solutions with normal goat serum)

A. Carrier Solution: Makes 1L
To 800ml of dH2O, add 100ml 10X PBS, pH 7.2, add:
  10g BSA
15ml 20% Triton (0.3% Final)
10ml Normal Serum (To match host of secondary antibody, 0.1% final)
Bring to 1000ml final volume with dH2O.
Check pH and adjust as necessary to 7.4.
B. Blocking Solution: 20% Normal serum (To match host of secondary antibody)

20ml Normal Serum
80ml Carrier Solution