Olympus BX61

Olympus BX61

Olympus BX61 Specifications

Confocal microscopy is not always the best solution to your imaging needs and, in some situations, may even be counter-productive. The fully motorized Olympus BX61 is a computer-controlled conventional wide-angle (non-confocal) upright microscope. Equipped with a motorized stage and a high-resolution digital camera, this platform allows for maximum flexibility in excitation and emission wavelengths with dual filter wheels. High-quality Phase and Differential Interference Contrast are fully supported. Live cell imaging is available either via water-immersion objectives or a Bioptechs FCS-3 incubation chamber (requires growing cells on special coverslips).

  Olympus BX61 (Upright)
  Motorized nosepiece, filter wheel and focus
  Prior ProScan II Motorized XY stage
  10x UplanFL air Ph1, 0.3 NA
  20x UplanFL air Ph1, 0.5 NA
  40x Uplan FL oil DIC
  60x PlanApo oil DIC, 1.42 NA
  20x UApo water DIC, 0.75 NA
  60x UPLSAPO water DIC, 1.2 NA
Fluorescence Filters Cubes
  #1: DAPI (Ex: 350/50, Dichroic: 400. Em: 460/50 nm)
  #2: FITC (Ex: 470/40, Dichroic: 495, Em: 525/50 nm)
  #3: TRITC (Ex: 545/30, Dichroic: 570, Em: 620/60 nm)
  #4: Dual dichroic CFP / YFP (No visual, 455-485 and 515-568 nm)
Illumination System:
  Sutter Instruments Lambda 10-3 excitation & emission filter wheels. Because the emission filters are located before the camera, no visual observation is possible.
Excitation Filter Wheel Positions
  #1: OPEN
  #3: CFP exciter 430/24 nm
  #4: YFP exciter 500/20 nm
  #10: BLOCKED
Emission Filter Wheel Position
  #1: OPEN
  #3: CFP emitter 470/24 nm
  #4: YFP emitter 535/30 nm
  #10: BLOCKED

(Additional filters and dichroics may be purchased and installed for a nominal cost)

  Photometrics CoolSnap FX cooled CCD,12-bit sampling, 1300 x 1030 pixels, 20MHz digitization, flexible binning.
Computer and Software

2.6GHz Pentium 4 CPU running Windows XP Professional, 2.0 GB RAM, dual 95 GB HD storage, 8x DVD-RW drive, 21” Samsung 1600 x 1200 flat panel monitor


Universal Imaging Corp. MetaMorph (v. 6.3.7) image acquisition & analysis software with Multi Dimensional Acquisition (MDA) module.


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