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Steven J. Stanhope, PhD, Chief

The research mission of the Physical Disabilities Branch (PDB) is to develop and disseminate innovative rehabilitation technologies; to conduct basic and translational research into the causal relationship that links the impairment, functional limitation, and physical disability rehabilitation research domains; and to conduct clinical research into the efficacy of rehabilitation interventions. During the past year, the PDB has continued to expand its research portfolio in each of these areas. Listed below are select examples.

Led by Steven Stanhope, the Human Movement Disorders Section developed a technique to measure the extent to which a special type of ankle brace assists patients with ankle joint weakness as they walk. In some cases, the brace augments patients’ ankle strength and gait function. In other cases, the brace assists patients by reducing their level of effort. Work has begun to develop and test customized dynamic ankle braces with the hope of assisting patients in their quest to reach an optimal level of function. The section completed an investigation into the ability of elderly subjects to implement compensatory movement strategies needed to rise to a standing position from a range of seat heights. Claudia MazzĂ  and a team of investigators demonstrated a clear hierarchy of compensatory movement strategies in which the effectiveness of each strategy to rise from a sitting position is strongly influenced by both the individual’s general functional status and the difficulty of the sit-to-stand task.


The Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Section continues to develop and test advanced methods for the visualization and analysis of human movement in a rehabilitation context. Under the direction of Steven Stanhope, the section worked in collaboration to develop a novel method for displaying the often data-dense results of a clinical movement analysis study in an efficient and enhanced color-coded format. In addition, one team recently determined the efficacy of skeletal movement estimates by using skin-mounted sensors and optical-based motion-capture technologies. Thomas Kepple led the section’s efforts to develop, test, and apply advanced biomechanical models for use in clinical movement analysis research. Examples of such models include induced acceleration analysis methods for determining the sources of deformation and mechanical energy flow patterns in dynamic ankle braces. The section recently used the methods to study the efficacy of different compensatory strategies used by individuals with lower-extremity muscle weakness to produce knee extension during the stance phase of walking. Frances Sheehan is leading an effort to measure and analyze noninvasively the precise skeletal motion and human joint function. The Virtual Functional Anatomy project is an extensive and ongoing effort in the section. Recent technical developments include improvements in movement integration algorithms and completion of a preliminary registration algorithm for matching three-dimensional skeletal models to motion data derived from dynamic imaging methods. Clinical application of these advanced techniques continues to focus on knee and ankle joint function.

Led by Barbara Sonies, the Oral Motor Function Section has completed the characterization of swallowing dysfunction in nephropathic cystinosis. The project’s goal was to determine if cysteamine would be effective in preventing oral-motor muscular and swallowing dysfunction. The results indicate that swallowing worsened in patients medicated for shorter times and that the declines in swallowing either stabilized or improved in patients medicated for longer periods. Jeri Miller is leading the section’s efforts to quantify form and function of the prenatal developing human aerodigestive system. Using three- and four-dimensional ultrasound techniques, the team is developing a three-dimensional database of development from 16 to 38 weeks of gestation. One goal is to incorporate data on respiration and ingestion into complex computerized models of morphological and functional relationships to permit a better understanding of neonatal aerodigestive functions. Gloria Chi-Fishman and her team in the section are conducting basic research into the anatomy and biomechanics of tongue function. Using an array of advanced imaging technologies, the team quantified task-induced changes in tongue volume, measured lingual musculature in three dimensions, and measured task-induced changes in lingual hemodynamics.