Judith G. Levin, PhD, Head, Section on Viral Gene Regulation

Jianhui Guo, MD, PhD, Staff Scientista

Shixing Tang, MD, PhD, Staff Scientistb

Tiyun Wu, PhD, Research Fellowc

Susan L. Heilman-Miller, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellowb

Yasumasa Iwatani, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Klara Post, MS, Senior Research Assistant

Margaret R. Caplan, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellowb

Swathi Gopalakrishnan, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellowc

The goal of our research is to define the molecular mechanisms involved in the replication of HIV and related retroviruses, studies that are critical for developing new strategies to combat the AIDS epidemic. We have developed reconstituted model systems to investigate the individual steps in HIV-1 reverse transcription, a major target of HIV therapy. Much of our work focuses on the viral nucleocapsid protein (NC), which promotes highly efficient and specific viral DNA synthesis. NC is a nucleic acid chaperone, which means that it can facilitate nucleic acid conformational rearrangements that lead to formation of the most thermodynamically stable structure. This activity is essential for viral DNA synthesis. In other studies, our efforts are directed toward understanding the function of the viral capsid protein (CA) in HIV-1 assembly and early post-entry events during the course of virus replication in vivo.

Role of nucleocapsid protein in HIV-1 strand transfer

Guo, Heilman-Miller, Wu, Iwatani, Levin; in collaboration with Gorelick, Musier-Forsyth

HIV-1 NC is a small basic protein with two zinc fingers, each containing the invariant CCHC zinc-coordinating residues. The function of NC in virus replication is dependent on the protein’s dynamic interaction with nucleic acids; NC plays a critical role in the two-strand transfer steps that occur during viral DNA synthesis. We have shown that during minus-strand transfer, NC nucleic acid chaperone activity destabilizes the highly structured complementary TAR stem-loop (TAR DNA) at the 3´ end of (-) strong-stop DNA and inhibits TAR-induced self-priming, a dead-end reaction that competes with annealing of (-) strong-stop DNA to acceptor RNA, i.e., the strand transfer reaction. Mutational analysis has demonstrated that both NC zinc fingers are required for this function. Our recent work has focused on measurement of the NC-induced conformational changes in (-) strong-stop DNA that form the basis for the inhibition of self-priming, the influence of nucleic acid structure on NC nucleic acid chaperone activity, and the removal of the 5´ terminal RNA fragments generated during RNase H degradation of genomic RNA.

In further studies on NC-mediated inhibition of self-priming, we have collaborated with Karin Musier-Forsyth and colleagues, who developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay that makes it possible to monitor directly conformational changes in TAR DNA. The results demonstrate that, when NC binds to TAR DNA alone, only a modest shift occurs toward less folded conformations, with little effect on self-priming. However, if acceptor RNA is present, NC binding to TAR DNA results in a shift of the majority of molecules to the unfolded state, and self-priming is blocked. Taken together, the findings suggest that NC-mediated annealing of nucleic acids is a concerted process involving a destabilization step that occurs in synchrony with hybridization.

In other work on nucleic acid chaperone activity, we are investigating the structural and thermodynamic requirements for NC interaction with strand transfer nucleic acid intermediates. We studied a series of synthetic (-) strong-stop DNA and acceptor RNA truncation mutants by in vitro assay of minus-strand transfer and self-priming, enzymatic structure probing, and analysis of secondary structure using RNA and DNA structure prediction algorithms. Truncations that disrupt the TAR DNA structure in (-) strong-stop DNA completely eliminate DNA self-priming. However, the elimination of self-priming does not necessarily result in an increase in strand transfer efficiency; the structure of the acceptor RNA is also important. Thus, we have demonstrated that NC-mediated strand transfer is efficient only when (-) strong-stop DNA and acceptor RNA are both moderately structured. Collectively, the data demonstrate that a delicate thermodynamic balance between (-) strong-stop DNA and acceptor RNA must be maintained for efficient minus-strand transfer. Recently, we also obtained evidence suggesting that, for annealing, NC nucleic acid chaperone activity ultimately depends on the stability of local structure at the nucleation site, not on the stability of the overall structure.

As (-) strong-stop DNA is synthesized, RNase H catalyzes degradation of the genomic RNA template and generates short 5´ terminal RNA fragments, which are initially annealed to the 3´ end of (-) strong-stop DNA. The resulting hybrids have high Tm values, yet these RNAs must be removed to allow annealing of (-) strong-stop DNA to acceptor RNA. To assess the roles of RNase H and NC in this reaction, we have modeled fragment removal in the context of minus-strand transfer by heat-annealing a 5´ terminal RNA oligonucleotide to a longer synthetic (-) strong-stop DNA and then adding acceptor RNA, reverse transcriptase (RT), and NC. Our results demonstrate that, under these conditions, the efficiency of minus-strand transfer catalyzed by either RNase H-minus or wild-type RTs is highly similar. Thus, NC nucleic acid chaperone activity alone can facilitate terminal fragment removal without requiring secondary RNase H cleavage (as previously thought). Interestingly, coordination of zinc by the CCHC motifs in NC is required for terminal fragment removal.

Guo J, Wu T, Kane BF, Johnson DG, Henderson LE, Gorelick RJ, Levin JG. Subtle alterations of the native zinc finger structures have dramatic effects on the nucleic acid chaperone activity of human immuno-deficiency virus type 1 nucleocapsid protein. J Virol 2002;76:4370-4378.

Heilman-Miller SH, Wu T, Levin JG. Alteration of nucleic acid structure and stability modulates the efficiency of minus-strand transfer mediated by the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein. J Biol Chem 2004;279:44154-44165.

Hong M, Harbron EJ, O’Connor DB, Guo J, Barbara PF, Levin JG, Musier-Forsyth K. Nucleic acid conformational changes essential for HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein-mediated inhibition of self-priming in minus-strand transfer. J Mol Biol 2003;325:1-10.

Nucleic acid and protein requirements for initiation of HIV-1 reverse transcription

Iwatani, Guo, Levin; in collaboration with Gorelick, Musier-Forsyth

We have been investigating the initiation step in HIV-1 reverse transcription, an event that is primed by the host tRNA, tRNA3Lys, which is annealed to the 18-nt primer binding site (PBS) near the 5´ terminus of the viral RNA genome; extension of the primer leads to synthesis of the short DNA product known as (-) strong-stop DNA. In earlier work, we demonstrated that, when NC is present, an additional 24 bases in the template downstream of the PBS are dispensable for synthesis primed by tRNA, but not for synthesis primed by an 18-nt RNA complementary to the PBS. We proposed that NC abrogates this requirement by facilitating stable formation of extended interactions between the full-length tRNA and the RNA template, which are not possible with an 18-nt RNA. Mutational analysis supports the possibility that NC promotes an interaction between the 3´ arm of the anticodon stem, part of the variable loop of tRNA3Lys, and nt 143 through 149 in viral RNA.

To analyze further the effect of NC on initiation, we used a band-shift assay to measure the affinity of RT for the viral RNA-tRNA complex in the presence or absence of NC. In the absence of dNTPs, NC does not affect RT binding to complexes constituted with either wild-type or mutant templates (substitution of the complementary bases in nt 143 through 149). In contrast, in a functional assay with a +1 extension of the tRNA primer, NC stimulates incorporation with the wild-type templates, but not with the mutant templates. The results provide further evidence for a specific NC-dependent interaction outside the PBS region. In additional experiments conducted with low concentrations of dNTPs (5 microM), we found that NC significantly stimulates tRNA-primed (-) strong-stop DNA synthesis, even with a template with more than 24 downstream bases. Taken together, our data suggest that NC-facilitated interactions are also important in vivo, where dNTP concentrations are thought to be relatively low. Interestingly, studies with NC zinc finger mutants demonstrate that zinc coordination is not required for NC stimulation of (-) strong-stop DNA synthesis, regardless of dNTP concentration.

Iwatani Y, Rosen AE, Guo J, Musier-Forsyth K, Levin JG. Efficient initiation of HIV-1 reverse transcription in vitro: requirement for RNA sequences downstream of the primer binding site abrogated by nucleocapsid protein-dependent primer-template interactions. J Biol Chem 2003;278:14185-14195.

Functional analysis of HIV-2 reverse transcriptase activities

Post, Guo, Levin; in collaboration with Powell, Le Grice, Hizi

HIV-2 infection is a significant public health problem in West Africa and parts of Asia, yet there have been relatively few studies of HIV-2 replication as compared with the vast literature on HIV-1. Both viruses share similar genome organization, protein composition, and mode of transmission but differ in time of onset of AIDS and geographic pattern of infection. In addition, drugs that inhibit HIV-1 replication, e.g., nevirapine, are not necessarily effective against HIV-2, posing a major problem for clinical treatment of HIV-2–infected individuals. We have conducted a systematic evaluation of the functional activities of HIV-2 RT, a potential target for antiviral therapy, by using assays that model specific steps in reverse transcription. We conducted parallel studies with HIV-1 RT.

Under standard assay conditions, the RNase H and DNA- and RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activities of the two enzymes are comparable. However, when the RT concentration is significantly reduced, HIV-2 RT is less active than the HIV-1 enzyme. HIV-2 RT is compromised in its ability to catalyze secondary RNase H cleavages and to initiate plus-strand DNA synthesis by the polypurine tract (PPT) primer. Previously, we showed that HIV-1 plus-strand initiation is dependent on nucleic acid contacts with “primer grip” residues in the palm subdomain of the p66 RT subunit. We have proposed that the reduced plus-strand priming activity of HIV-2 RT may reflect architectural differences in the primer grip regions in the two enzymes. We have also suggested that HIV-2 RT may have a lower binding affinity for the RNA PPT and other substrates used in our assays. Taken together, our findings should be useful for the development of specific high-throughput screening assays of potential HIV-2 inhibitory agents.

Post K, Guo J, Howard KJ, Powell MD, Miller JT, Hizi A, Le Grice SFJ, Levin JG. Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 reverse transcriptase activity in model systems that mimic steps in reverse transcription. J Virol 2003;77:7623-7634.

Function of HIV-1 capsid protein in virus assembly and early post-entry events

Tang, Levin; in collaboration with Freed

Our laboratory has been investigating the role of the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) in early post-entry events, a stage in the infectious process that is still not completely understood. In our initial study, we described the unusual phenotype associated with single alanine substitution mutations in a group of N-terminal, conserved hydrophobic residues (including Trp23 and Phe40), using genetic, molecular, and ultrastructural approaches. We found that mutant virions are not infectious and lack a cone-shaped core. Moreover, despite their possessing a functional RT enzyme, the mutants are blocked in the initiation of viral DNA synthesis in infected cells. The findings demonstrate the intimate connection among infectivity, proper core morphology, and the ability to undergo reverse transcription. The data also suggest that the mutations result in a defect in an early step preceding reverse transcription, which is correlated with a defect in the assembly of viral cores.

We modeled disassembly (i.e., viral uncoating) in vitro by generating viral cores from particles treated with mild detergent and isolating the cores by sedimentation in sucrose density gradients. We observed two striking differences in the protein profiles of the mutants and wild type: mutant core fractions displayed a marked deficiency in RT protein and enzymatic activity (less than 5 percent of total RT in gradient fractions) and a substantial increase in the retention of CA. The high level of core-associated CA suggested that mutant cores may be unable to undergo proper disassembly. Taken together with the almost complete absence of RT in mutant cores, the findings account for the failure of the CA mutants to synthesize viral DNA following virus entry into cells.

We have also performed studies to determine whether substitutions other than alanine result in a different phenotype. We made 13 additional substitutions at position 23, two at position 40, and one double mutation. Only one mutant, W23F, exhibited infectivity, albeit at a very low level. The phenotype of W23F appears to be intermediate between wild-type virus and the original W23A mutant. The W23F mutant (unlike W23A) is able to replicate during long-term culture in MT-4 cells, but with delayed replication kinetics. With continued passage, we eventually isolated two second-site suppressor mutants, which replicate like wild-type virus in MT-4 cells. We have also found that the original W23A mutant has trans-dominant inhibitory activity, i.e., W23A can reduce the infectivity of wild-type virus produced by cells co-transfected with a mixture of wild-type and mutant particles. Interestingly, the trans-dominant inhibitory activity of W23F is approximately one fifth of the corresponding activity of W23A. The results indicate that the virions resulting from co-transfection contain a co-assembled population of wild-type and mutant CA molecules. Moreover, the findings imply that collaboration of many N-terminal CA domains is required for assembly of a virus particle, in accord with models for CA multimerization.

Tang S, Murakami T, Cheng N, Steven AC, Freed EO, Levin JG. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 N-terminal capsid mutants containing cores with abnormally high levels of capsid protein and virtually no reverse transcriptase. J Virol 2003;77:12592-12602.


Eric O. Freed, PhD, HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI, Frederick, MD

Robert J. Gorelick, PhD, AIDS Vaccine Program, SAIC Frederick, Inc., NCI, Frederick, MD

Amnon Hizi, PhD, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Stuart Le Grice, PhD, HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI, Frederick, MD

Karin Musier-Forsyth, PhD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Michael D. Powell, PhD, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA


aDeparted in 2004, currently Special Volunteer.

bDeparted in 2004.

cArrived in 2004.

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