Judith A. Kassis, PhD, Head, Section on Gene Expression

J. Lesley Brown, PhD, Staff Scientist

Sarah Kelly, MS, Technician

Alayne Brown, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Amanda Gordon, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow



During development and differentiation, genes either become competent to be expressed or are stably silenced in an epigenetically heritable manner. This selective activation/repression of genes leads to the differentiation of tissue types. Our group is interested in the molecular mechanisms that lead to the heritable transmission of the silenced state. In particular, we are studying the mechanism of gene silencing by the Polycomb group genes (PcG) in Drosophila. The PcG genes encode a diverse group of proteins known to be important for silencing of homeotic genes during development in organisms as diverse as Drosophila and man. Many PcG genes encode chromatin-associated proteins that are thought to silence transcription through modification of histones and formation of inactive chromatin. PcG proteins act through cis-acting DNA sequences called Polycomb group Response Elements (PREs). PREs contain binding sites for multiple proteins that act together to recruit PcG protein complexes to the DNA. We are working to identify the DNA-binding proteins necessary to recruit PcG protein complexes. Interestingly, PREs also mediate interactions between distant DNA elements, suggesting that they may bring distant silencers and enhancers together with promoters. We are investigating this possibility at the Drosophila engrailed gene.

DNA-binding protein requirement of the Polycomb group response elements

Brown JL, Kassis

We have completed a detailed study of one PRE from the segmentation gene engrailed and, within a 139-bp minimal PRE, have identified eight protein-binding sites. Our functional data have shown that at least five of the sites are required for PRE activity. One of the proteins that binds to this PRE is the product of the pleiohomeotic (pho) gene, a known PcG gene. The pho gene encodes a Drosophila homolog of the mammalian zinc-finger transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1). Another site is the sequence GAGAG, known to bind to GAGA factor and pipsqueak, two Drosophila proteins. There are two Pho binding sites and two GAGAG sequences within the engrailed PRE. The proteins that bind to the other four sites have not been identified. Isolation of these proteins is a major focus of our laboratory. We are using a yeast one-hybrid screen and biochemical methods to isolate the other DNA-binding proteins involved in this important process. We have identified a family of zinc-finger proteins that binds to one of the sequences important for PRE activity. By depleting the proteins with the use of RNAi in tissue culture cells and determining whether PRE function is compromised, we are investigating which of these family members may be involved in Polycomb group repression.

Americo J, Whiteley M, Brown JL, Fujioka M, Jaynes JB, Kassis JA. A complex array of DNA binding proteins required for pairing-sensitive silencing by a Polycomb-group response element from the Drosophila engrailed gene. Genetics 2002;160:1561-1571.

The role of Pho and Pho-like in Polycomb group repression

Brown JL, Kassis; in collaboration with Jones, Wang

The identification of Pho binding sites in many different PREs suggests that Pho is an integral component for the recruitment of PcG protein complexes to the DNA. If this were the case, then the phenotype of pho mutants should be severe derepression of homeotic genes. Curiously, in pho mutants, homeotic genes are only mildly derepressed. With the sequence of the Drosophila genome known, we identified a possible explanation for this apparent paradox: another YY1 homolog exists in Drosophila. We are studying the function of this gene, which we call pho-like, and have generated mutants in the gene. Flies mutant for pho-like are viable, but the females are sterile; homozygous pho-like mothers lay eggs that are fertilized but undergo no nuclear divisions. Thus, Pho-like must be deposited in the egg by the mother for development to occur. Organisms that are double mutant for pho and pho-like (from mothers and fathers heterozygous for these two mutations) develop into larvae and have much more severe derepression of homeotic genes than pho mutants alone, showing that pho-like enhances the pho phenotype. In fact, the derepression of homeotic genes seen in imaginal disks from pho-like/pho double mutants is comparable to that seen in many other PcG mutants, suggesting that Pho and Pho-like play redundant but highly important roles in PcG repression.

Pho-like binds to Pho binding sites in vitro, and pho-like/pho double mutants show more severe misexpression of homeotic genes than single mutants. The question arises as to how these two proteins function. Undertaking chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments, we used two methods to demonstrate that Pho and Pho-like are required for the binding of the PcG proteins Enhancer of zeste (E(z)) and Polycomb (Pc) to a PRE from the homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx). With the first method, treatment of Drosophila tissue culture cells with RNAi to Pho (to deplete Pho protein levels) led to a loss of E(z) and Pc from the Ubx PRE; with the second method, which involved pho-like/pho double mutants, neither E(z) nor Pc bound to the Ubx PRE. Consistent with our previous experiments on the redundancy of pho-like and pho, E(z) and Pc were still bound to the Ubx PRE in either single mutant. Furthermore, our data suggest an order of recruitment of Pc complexes such that Pho and Pho-like directly recruit an E(z) protein complex, which helps to recruit Pc to the DNA. Experiments are now in progress to see what other DNA-binding proteins may be responsible for the recruitment of PcG protein complexes.

Brown JL, Fritsch C, Müller J, Kassis JA. The Drosophila pho-like gene encodes a YY1-related DNA binding protein that is redundant with pleiohomeotic in homeotic gene silencing. Development 2003;130:285-294.

Wang L, Brown JL, Cao R, Zhang Y, Kassis JA, Jones RS. Hierarchical recruitment of Polycomb group silencing complexes. Mol Cell 2004;14:637-646.

Interaction of distant regulatory elements with a promoter

Kelly, Gordon, Brown A, Kassis

Regulatory sequences in eukaryotic genes can be located many tens of kilobases away from the promoter, but it is not known how these distant regulatory sequences activate or repress the promoter. According to one model, proteins bound to the distant enhancer interact with proteins bound near the promoter, causing a loop of the intervening DNA. One of the fragments of DNA from the Drosophila engrailed gene that has PRE activity also can cause interactions between distant DNA fragments. We are currently trying to understand the function of this DNA in vivo by deleting it from the endogenous engrailed gene. Our results suggest that the DNA fragment facilitates interactions between a distant enhancer involved in positively regulating engrailed expression and the engrailed promoter. Thus, the fragment of DNA, which acts as a negative regulatory element (a PRE) in some cases, can act as a positive regulatory element in other contexts. The results are consistent with a model in which the role of this element is to facilitate the interactions between distant enhancers or silencers with promoter elements.

The engrailed gene is regulated in a complex manner, and regulatory sequences seem to stretch throughout a 70 kb region. We have been working to identify all the enhancer sequences and all the PREs within this region. We have used two algorithms to identify potential PREs within the engrailed DNA sequence and found at least seven PREs located throughout the engrailed region. We have been using reporter constructs to identify enhancer elements that control engrailed’s complex expression pattern and have found regulatory elements located 40 kb upstream of the engrailed promoter. These regulatory sequences have nearby PREs. Our current experiments are designed to test the role of these PREs at engrailed.

Kassis JA. Pairing-sensitive silencing, Polycomb group response elements, and transposon homing in Drosophila. Adv Genet 2002;46:421-438.


Richard S. Jones, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX

Liangjun Wang, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX

For further information, contact