Igor B. Dawid, PhD, Head, Section on Developmental Biology

Reiko Toyama, PhD, Staff Scientist

Mizuki Azuma, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellowa

Sung-Kook Hong, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Nobuhiro Takahashi, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Kosuke Tanegashima, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Michael Tsang, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellowa

Haiyan Wan, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Hui Zhao, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Martha Rebbert, BS, Senior Technician

Elizabeth Laver, BA, Technician

Reema Kar, Student


The laboratory is engaged in studies of molecular-genetic mechanisms of early vertebrate development, using the frog Xenopus laevis and the zebrafish Danio rerio as experimental systems.

Combinatorial action of FGF and BMP signaling in patterning the early nervous system

Dawid; in collaboration with Kudoh, Wilson

Since the discovery of the organizer and neural induction by Spemann and Mangold in 1924, the initial formation of the nervous system in the vertebrate embryo has undergone extensive study in several model systems. Work carried out in the past decade mostly in the frog Xenopus has suggested a model in which the embryonic ectoderm has an innate tendency to develop into neural tissue unless diverted into epidermal differentiation by signaling from bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). The organizer carries out neural induction by producing BMP antagonists that allow the innate neural tendency of the ectoderm to emerge. This model proved incomplete according to the more recent work of several laboratories, which showed that signaling by fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) is critically involved in neural specification. At the time of its initial induction, the neural ectoderm is patterned along the anterior-posterior axis so that head-to-tail polarity emerges coincidentally with the formation of the nervous system. Several studies have shown that FGF, along with certain other factors, confers more posterior properties on the neural ectoderm. Our studies on the subject, carried out in the zebrafish embryo, have illuminated the interactions of BMP and FGF signaling in the ectoderm during gastrulation that lead to the specification of the nervous system and its patterning along the anterior-posterior axis. We found that, in contrast to earlier views, high BMP levels are compatible with neural differentiation, provided that FGF signaling is also active and that both FGF and BMP act as posteriorizing factors in addition to their role in neural specification per se. Summarizing these results simply, we conclude that the fate of ectodermal domains is specified combinatorially by BMP and FGF signaling in the following way: a BMP-/FGF state leads to head neural differentiation, BMP-/FGF+ specifies trunk neural, BMP+/FGF+ specifies tail neural, and a BMP+/FGF state specifies ectoderm as future epidermis. In the further elaboration of the anterior-posterior pattern, other signaling systems such as Wnt factors and retinoic acid also play an important role.

Kudoh T, Concha ML, Houart C, Dawid IB, Wilson SW. Combinatorial Fgf and Bmp signaling patterns the gastrula ectoderm into prospective neural and epidermal domains. Development 2004;131:3581-3592.

Kudoh T, Wilson SW, Dawid IB. Distinct roles for Fgf, Wnt and retinoic acid in posteriorizing the neural ectoderm. Development 2002;129:4335-4346.

Application of DNA microarray technology to Xenopus development

Zhao, Rebbert, Dawid

Developmental processes are associated with large-scale changes in gene expression. These changes are the result of developmental events and drive the specification and subsequent differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo. DNA microarray technology has provided an opportunity to analyze these changes in gene expression on a large scale. The Xenopus embryo has long been a premier model system for studying vertebrate development. Recently, microarrays for Xenopus have become available through Affymetrix, and we have initiated a project to take advantage of this development. We designed the initial project primarily to test the suitability of the arrays, which had just been released. We used a well-established system in which ectodermal explants, so called animal caps, are exposed to activin, which induces mesoderm and endoderm in these cells. This induction is associated with extensive gene activation, and many activin-induced genes have been described. We found that array analysis faithfully reproduced previously established responses such that over 20 known activin-induced genes were found by array analysis to be activated in the treated animal caps. The experiments validated the usefulness of the microarray chips but also provided a large number of activin-induced genes that had not previously been studied. Some of these genes are now under further investigation.

A zebrafish mutant that impairs ribosomal RNA maturation

Azuma, Dawid

A majority of mutants studied to date in zebrafish developmental genetics affect patterning in the embryo, and many result from disruption of regulatory genes such as transcription factors and signaling molecules. The analysis of a mutant we found during a genetic screen provided an opportunity to apply the power of genetic analysis to basic cellular processes. The mutant, named bap28, affects the brain, leading to malformations and widespread apoptosis starting before 24 hours of development. Positional cloning showed that the gene responsible for the mutation encodes a large protein similar to the human protein BAP28, which had not been characterized. However, the apparent ortholog in yeast, called UTP10, is known to be a component of a nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex involved in the maturation of 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Thus, we hypothesized that BAP28 may have a similar function and studied rRNA processing in normal and mutant zebrafish. With the mechanism of rRNA processing in zebrafish unknown, we generated a basic outline of the processing pathway, which is similar but not identical to that in Xenopus. We found that bap28 mutant embryos have a defect in the accumulation of 18S rRNA precursors, supporting the view that the mutation affects rRNA processing. It is notable that the mutation affects only a discrete region of the embryo even though it disrupts a basic cellular process. At least two explanations can be offered: (1) genetic redundancy could alleviate the effect in other tissues; (2) the brain may be the first tissue to require new ribosome production in embryogenesis and therefore shows the effect of disruption of this pathway. The bap28 mutation illustrates how zebrafish genetics can be applied to the analysis of basic cellular processes in vertebrates.

Studies on FGF signaling in zebrafish development

Tsang, Hong, Habas,b Dawid; in collaboration with Friesel, Greer, Hoying, Ron, Weinberg

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) constitute a family of signaling molecules that regulate many different developmental and physiological processes, and mutations in FGF receptors are associated with several conditions in humans. The importance of this pathway implies that it must be tightly regulated, and indeed several molecularly distinct feedback regulators of FGF signaling are known. Previously, we and the Thisse group reported the isolation of a novel feedback inhibitor of the pathway named Sef. Sef is a transmembrane protein whose expression is controlled by FGF signaling. More recent studies in collaboration with Dina Ron and colleagues showed that human Sef has at least two splice variants that produce different proteins with slightly different functional properties.

A different group of feedback inhibitors of FGF signaling, the Map kinase phosphatase (Mkp) family, had been described earlier in mammals, but the expression and function of Mkp in the early embryo had not been studied. We found that Mkp3 is expressed immediately after the start of zygotic transcription in the zebrafish embryo, slightly earlier than the expression of FGF. We conclude that it is necessary to have the control of FGF signaling in place from the outset in order to prevent excessive FGF signaling in the embryo. Our studies point to the need for precise regulation of signaling pathways in development.

The importance of FGF signaling suggested to us that a global study of gene regulation by this pathway in the embryo will be informative. Thus, we have initiated a DNA microarray study to compare the transcriptome of normal embryos and embryos in which the FGF pathway has been artificially enhanced or repressed. Numerous genes are affected by these manipulations, and their properties are currently under study.

Preger E, Ziv I, Shabtay A, Sher I, Tsang M, Dawid IB, Altuvia Y, Ron D. Alternative splicing generates an isoform of the human Sef gene with altered subcellular localization and specificity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:1229-1234. 

Tsang M, Dawid IB. Promotion and attenuation of FGF signaling through the Ras-MAPK pathway. Sci STKE 2004; pe17.

Tsang M, Friesel R, Kudoh T, Dawid IB. Identification of Sef, a novel modulator of FGF signaling. Nat Cell Biol 2002;4:165-169.

Tsang M, Maegawa S, Kiang A, Habas R, Weinberg E, Dawid IB. A role for MKP3 in axial patterning of the zebrafish embryo. Development 2004;131:2769-2779.

aLeft the group during reporting period.

bRaymond Habas, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow.


Robert Friesel, PhD, Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, ME

Kevin A. Greer, BS, Vascular Research Group, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

James B. Hoying, PhD, Vascular Research Group, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

David Klein, PhD, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Tetsuhiro Kudoh, PhD, University College, London, UK

Dina Ron, PhD, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Eric Weinberg, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Heiner Westphal, MD, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Stephen Wilson, PhD, University College, London, UK

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