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Amir H. Gandjbakhche, PhD, Head, Section on Biomedical Stochastic Physics

Victor Chernomordik, PhD, Staff Scientist

Franck Amyot, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Moinuddin Hassan, PhD, Visiting Fellow

David Hattery, PhD, Adjunct Scientist

Asmaneh Siavosh, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Israel Gannot, PhD, Guest Researchera

Alexander Sviridov, PhD, Guest Researcherb

Abby Vogel, MS, Studentc


With our main focus on quantitative theories applicable to in vivo quantitative optical spectroscopy and tomographic imaging of tissues, we develop quantitative theories, methodologies, and instrumentation to study biological phenomena whose properties are characterized by elements of randomness in both time and space. Our research requires analysis of different optical sources of contrast such as endogenous or exogenous fluorescent labels, absorption, and/or scattering. We design and conduct experiments and computer simulations to validate theoretical findings. In addition, we conduct collaborative research nationally, internationally, and within the Intramural Research Program to investigate physiological sites for which optical techniques might be clinically practical and might offer new diagnostic knowledge and/or less morbidity than existing diagnostic methods. We also study tumor-induced angiogenesis, which plays an essential role in the establishment of tumor malignancy. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying angiogenesis, we are developing stochastic models for qualitative analysis of the biological events that constitute angiogenesis. We develop methodologies applicable to in vivo quantitative tissue spectroscopy and tomographic imaging, conduct experiments on tissue-like phantoms, and run computer simulations to validate our findings. With successes at the bench, we are bringing our imaging and spectroscopic devices to the bedside.

Time-resolved tomography of thick tissue

Chernomordik, Sviridov, Hassan, Hattery, Gandjbakhche; in collaboration with Cubeddu, Hebden, Rinneberg, Russo, Smith, Weiss, Zaccanti

Using time-domain scanning mammographs and based on the random walk (RW) model of time-resolved contrast functions, we continued to analyze multispectral in vivo data provided by our collaborators for the quantification of optical properties of breast abnormalities (e.g., tumors). The additional data confirm the tumors’ higher blood volume and higher hypoxicity than surrounding tissues. A new time-resolved optical mammograph, built by the Canadian company Advanced Research Technology (ART), is scheduled for installation at the NIH for clinical protocols to evaluate new therapies for breast cancer. Our main goal is to assess the role of optical mammography in therapy response evaluation by correlating the optical signal acquired before, during, and after neo-adjuvant therapy in breast cancer lesions. The assessment will allow us to determine how optically derivable parameters of breast cancers correlate with biological measurements of the tumor specimens and how such correlation compares with other imaging modalities (MRI and PET).

We have found differences in the scattering coefficients at two projections, suggesting that tumors exhibit spatial structures. To obtain closed-form analytic solutions, we have generalized the RW formulas for transmission and reflection geometries to take into account possible differences in scattering probabilities in different directions (i.e., parallel and perpendicular to fibers). We recently initiated a joint project with University College London to substantiate experimental RW theory (RWT) formulas with experimental data from anisotropic phantoms. Preliminary results show that the RWT expressions well describe experimental time-of-flight intensity distributions for different orientations of the fiber-like structures. We plan to continue the studies for different clinically relevant geometries and combine the RWT approach with polarization analysis of reflected light to substantiate our findings on anisotropic structures of tissues and tissue-like phantoms.

RWT can also be used for fiber orientation. Many biological tissue components such as collagen, muscle fibers, keratin, retina, and glucose possess polarization properties. Depolarization of the polarized light is strongly dependent on the bulk optical properties of the tissue (absorption and scattering coefficients) and on optical anisotropy. Mapping the degree of polarization may carry valuable information about the superficial and subsurface structures of the skin and other tissues and may contain information that cannot be observed visually or photographically. In many cases, it is useful to enhance the subsurface structures, especially if distorted in the procedure of polarization degree patterning. For this purpose, a statistical analysis and methodology of noise filtering can help enhance the hidden structures and estimate the characteristic sizes and directionality of possible structures. We plan to map the degree of polarization to visualize structural information about the skin and study the propagation of polarized light in tissue and tissue-like phantoms and the possible application of polarized light for tissue diagnostics.

In animal experiments, we took digital photographs of X-ray–irradiated mouse skin by illuminating the skin with linearly polarized light (650 nm wavelength). The patterning of degree of polarization allowed us to detect earlier skin fibrosis structures that were not observable visually. Data processing of degree-of-polarization images based on Fourier filtering of high-frequency noise improved subjective perception of the revealed structure. We developed a Pearce correlation analysis that provided information about skin structure, size, and directionality. In a related project, we investigated structures of mouse and human skin in vivo by using polarized videoreflectometry. We focused an incident beam (linearly polarized, wavelength 650 nm) on the sample surface and used two types of tissue-like media as controls to verify the technique: isotropic delrin and highly anisotropic demineralized bone with a priori knowledge of the preferential orientation of collagen fibers. Equi-intensity profiles of light, backscattered from the samples, were fitted with ellipses that appeared to follow the orientation of the collagen fibers. The ratio of the ellipses’ semiaxes correlated well with the ratio of reduced scattering coefficients. We analyzed variation of equi-intensity profiles with distance from the incident beam for different initial polarization states of the light and the relative orientation of polarization filters for incident and backscattered light. For the anisotropic media (demineralized bone and human and mouse skin), we observed a qualitative difference between intensity distributions for cross- and copolarized orientations of the polarization analyzer up to 2.5 mm from the entry point. We expect that polarized videoreflectometry of the skin may be a useful tool for assessing skin fibrosis resulting from radiation treatment.

Dagdug L, Weiss GH, Gandjbakhche A. Effects of anisotropic optical properties on photon migration in structured tissues. Phys Med Biol 2003;48:1361.

Dudko OK, Weiss GH, Chernomordik V, Gandjbakhche A. Photon migration in turbid media with anisotropic optical properties. Phys Med Biol 2004;49:3979-3989.

Hebden J, Garcia Guerrero JJ, Chernomordik V, Gandjbakhche AH. Experimental evaluation of an anisotropic scattering model for a slab geometry. Opt Lett 2004;29:2518-2520.

Sviridov A, Chernomordik V, Hassan M, Russo A, Eidsath A, Smith P, Gandjbakhche A. Intensity profiles of linearly polarized light backscattered from skin and tissue-like phantoms. J Biomed Opt 2004, in press.

Three-dimensional reconstruction of localized in vivo fluorescence

Chernomordik, Hattery, Gannot I, Gandjbakhche; in collaboration with Chen, Gannot G, Russo, Smith

To improve our reconstruction method further and make it a general tool for optical biopsy, we have used an animal model: mice with squamous cell carcinoma in their oral cavity. The model is easily repeatable and useful for further investigations and refinement. The aim is to follow the immune response to tumor cells. In our experiments, we observed formation and development of a single fluorescent object localized in the tumor area. We observed good correlation between the detected intensity profiles and the profiles reconstructed from the theoretical model.

We have also initiated a collaboration with Wei Chen. Using BSA-coated CdMnTe/Hg quantum dots, we have demonstrated that nanocrystals are a useful angiographic contrast agent in mice. We administered the nanocrystals via jugular injection; the excitation source was a 633 nm He-Ne laser, and we captured the fluorescence, which peaked around 775 nm, with a sensitive CCD camera with a bandpass filter. To make a preliminary assessment of the depth of penetration for excitation and emission, we imaged a beating mouse heart, both through an intact thorax and after a thoracotomy. We addressed the temporal resolution associated with imaging the nanocrystals in circulation and measured the blood clearance for the contrast agent. In addition, we directly imaged the vessels surrounding and penetrating a murine squamous cell carcinoma in a C3H mouse. In an in vitro study of a blood/nanocrystal mixture, we observed no significant photobleaching or degradation of the nanocrystals over the course of an hour under continuous excitation. The preliminary results suggest that the NIR-fluorescent quantum dots may be ideally suited for pharmacokinetic studies.

In the future, it will be important to characterize more fully the elimination of the nanocrystal from the body in our or other animal models. Along with gaining an understanding of the pharmacology of the nanocrystal, we would like to target it and other nanocrystals to specific tissues. The use of proper shell functional groups as well as of proper cross-linking agents and the establishment of noncovalent bonding, such as electrostatic interactions with other agents, could aid in nanocrystal trafficking. In addition, we would like to explore the use of upconverting quantum dots. In this system, luminescence arises from a two-photon process at a higher energy than the excitation, thereby minimizing the effects of autofluorescence on the measurements. We will attempt to develop quantum dots (i.e., Mn-doped CdTe) that are suited for both optical and magnetic (ESR) measurements.

Eidsath A, Chernomordik V, Gandjbakhche A, Smith P, Russo A. Three-dimensional localization of fluorescent masses deeply embedded in tissue. Phys Med Biol 2002;47:4079-4092.

Gandjbakhche A, Chernomordik V, Hattery D, Hassan M, Gannot I. Tissue characterization by quantitative optical imaging methods. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2003;2:537-552.

Gannot I, Garashi A, Gannot G, Chernomordik V, Gandjbakhche A. Quantitative 3-D imaging of tumor labeled with exogenous specific fluorescence markers. Applied Optics 2003;42:3073-3080.

Morgan N, English S, Chen W, Chernomordik V, Gandjbakhche A, Smith PD, Russo A. Real time in vivo non-invasive optical imaging using near-infrared quantum dots. Acad Radiol 2004, in press.

Monitoring blood circulation in Kaposi’s sarcoma and complex regional pain syndrome type I

Hassan, Hattery, Vogel, Gandjbakhche; in collaboration with Dionne, Yarchoan

For anti-angiogenic or pain therapies, factors associated with blood flow are of particular interest. We have developed and are using several noninvasive imaging techniques such as near infrared multispectral imaging, thermography, and laser Doppler imaging (LDI). We use the multispectral imager to reconstruct local variations in skin analyte concentrations such as oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin and blood volume. LDI measures the blood velocity of small blood vessels, which generally increases as blood supply demand increases. Combining multispectral imaging and LDI allows us to determine changes in blood volume, oxygenation state, and blood velocity of the microvasculature and location of the abnormality. Thermography, the third imaging technique, provides the temperature as a means of assessing blood flow. Thermographic patterns in medical diagnostic applications may be related to increased blood flow associated with increased metabolic activity. The use of the three imaging modalities provides a detailed analysis of tissue function as a predictive tool for the outcome and individualization of therapeutic strategies. In addition, the combined use of the techniques is important in order to avoid spurious results.

It is now well recognized that new blood vessel formation is an essential component in tumorigenesis. Currently, there is substantial interest in developing therapies to treat cancer through inhibition of vessel formation. AIDS-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a useful model for both studying anti-angiogenesis approaches and imaging the results of newly developed therapies. Three ongoing NCI clinical trials have so far investigated 30 KS patients and have used thermography, LDI, and multispectral images to record over the lesion for comparison with normal skin either adjacent to the lesion or on the contralateral side. We obtained measurements before therapy and after a regimen of liposomal doxorubicin and interleukin-12 for 18 and 42 weeks. Before treatment, KS lesions generally show higher blood volume, deoxy-hemoglobin, temperature, and blood velocity than normal skin. We found a strong correlation between temperature and blood velocity as well as with blood volume. After 18 weeks of anti-angiogenesis drug treatment, the blood volume, deoxy-hemoglobin, temperature, and blood velocity of the lesions were significantly lower than at baseline. Further analysis of the data promises to deepen our understanding of tumor angiogenesis and the effects of specific anti-angiogenic treatment.

Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I) has long been clinically recognized. Although the pathogenesis of CRPS-I is not clear, the syndrome appears as a regional disorder of a limb characterized by burning pain; edema; autonomic dysfunction such as altered skin color, temperature; sudomotor activity, a movement disorder; or tropic changes such as muscle or skin atrophy. We are exploring the applicability of thermography and LDI as techniques to investigate and track physiological parameters associated with chronic pain before and after treatment.

In an ongoing double-blind clinical trial conducted by the NIDCR, all subjects with CRPS receive an individualized regime of physical therapy and standard treatment to control their pain. In addition, they receive an experimental drug or placebo tablets for five weeks. Patients return for an additional five weeks of treatment in which the regimen is switched (i.e., those preciously receiving the drug are given placebo tablets and placebo patients receive the experimental drug. Infrared cameras record thermal patterns, with thermograms of the painful areas compared with adjacent pain-free areas to determine the differential temperature pattern. We measure response to cold by placing a noninvolved hand or leg in cold water (2 to 3°C) for 10 seconds and recording for five minutes. LDI assesses blood perfusion in the pain and pain-free sites. The thermal pattern of the painful site before entry into the drug or placebo treatment is warmer or cooler by at least 1°C and spread over a large area. The results have not been unblinded, and the effect of the drug relative to the placebo cannot be assessed yet.

Hassan M, Hattery D, Chernomordik V, Toda K, Fukuhara K, Mittal D, Rowan J, Shah J, Gerber L, Dionne R, Kopin I, Gandjbakhche A. Infrared thermographic imaging for the assessment of temperature asymmetries in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Diakides N, ed. Proceedings of the International IEEE EMBS Conference, Cancun, Mexico. IEEE 2003;1102-1104.

Hassan M, Hattery D, Vogel A, Chernomordik V, Demos S, Aleman K, Little R, Yarchoan R, Gandjbakhche A. Multi-modality imaging techniques to assess angiogenesis associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma. In: Bigio I, ed. Proceedings of the OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, Miami, Florida, OSA 2004; CDROM (FG5).

Hassan M, Hattery D, Vogel A, Chernomordik V, Demos S, Aleman S, Little R, Yarchoan R, Gandjbakhche A. Noninvasive infrared imaging for quantitative assessment of tumor vasculature and response to therapy. In: Romani GL, ed. Proceedings of the International IEEE EMBS Conference, San Francisco, California. IEEE 2004;1200-1202.

Hassan M, Little R, Vogel A, Aleman K, Wyvill K, Yarchoan R, Gandjbakhche A. Quantitative assessment of tumor vasculature and response to therapy in Kaposi’s sarcoma using functional noninvasive imaging. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2004;3:451-458.

Stochastic modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis

Amyot, Siavosh, Gandjbakhche; in collaboration with Camphausen

Angiogenesis morphogenesis is a complex process that results in the formation of a fractal vascular network. During the early stage of tumor-induced angiogenesis, endothelial cells (ECs) are released into the extracellular matrix (ECM) and adhere to each other, thus forming a special pattern. Thereafter, small finger-like capillary sprouts form from an accumulation of ECs that are recruited from the parent vessel. The sprouts grow in length with the migration and further recruitment of ECs. After rearrangement, the created net resembles a mature vessel system. The tumor, now well fed, resumes its rapid growth. Moreover, the connectivity of the tumor to the vasculature causes metastasis.

Our research project focuses on the multistep process of tumor-induced angiogenesis. The process starts with the release from the tumor of tumor angiogenesis factors (TAFs) such as EGF, VEGF, or FGF. The TAFs degrade the ECM and promote the migration of endothelial cells from existing blood vessels to form a network of new blood vessels feeding the tumor. Once the process is complete, tumor cells can migrate (metastasize) to other organs. Although extensive work has been done at the molecular level, the details of macroscopic network formation are not well understood or quantified. The complexity of the paths that ECs undertake during angiogenesis is such that only stochastic models can quantitatively describe the process, which includes interactions of several parameters (concentration of different TAF molecules, the components of ECM such as collagen or fibronectin, and the migration, proliferation, and differentiation of ECs). Our objective is to study the role of each factor described above in in vitro cell cultures and, if successful, in animal models.

We have developed a stochastic model that begins with the secretion of several TAFs from cancerous cells of a solid tumor. The goal of the mechanism of tumor-induced angiogenesis is to perfuse the tumor with vessels. In this project, we measure the perfusion threshold value for different ECM material densities. In other words, in what is a typical percolation threshold problem, we measure the probability for a sprout to reach the tumor by following a disordered system, i.e., the repartition of macromolecules in the ECM. The goal is to determine a threshold concentration that allows percolation from one edge to the other.

Currently, in vitro experiments are under way to explore EC migration through a basement membrane gel. It is during this migration stage that vascular morphogenesis occurs. Cells migrate over distances that are an order of magnitude larger than their radius and then aggregate when they come in contact with a neighboring cell. The aggregates form clusters that themselves aggregate, creating a network of cord-like structures. Several experiments involving concentrations of cells and types of growth factors allowed us to record the aggregation of ECs with respect to time. We have developed a model based on the diffusion-limited colloidal aggregation (DLCA), which allows us to quantify the network's cord-like structure kinetics. Based on experiments and simulations, we have shown that the DLCA model is well adapted to reproduce the in vivo first stage of angiogenesis. The work provides an explanation, by quantification, of the influence of different growth factors (i.e., FGF, VEGF, and EGF) on the morphology and growth kinetics of the vascular network induced by a tumor.

aAssociate Professor, Tel Aviv University

bRussian Academy of Sciences

cUniversity of Maryland at College Park


Kevin Camphausen, MD, Radiation Oncology Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Wei Chen, PhD, Nomadics, Stillwater, OK

Rinaldo Cubeddu, PhD, Politecnico di Milan, Italy

Raymond Dionne, DDS, PhD, Pain and Neurosensory Mechanisms Branch, NIDCR, Bethesda, MD

Gallya Gannot, DDS, PhD, Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer Research, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Jeremy Hebden, PhD, University College London, United Kingdom

James Mulshine, MD, Cell and Cancer Biology Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Herbert Rinneberg, PhD, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin, Germany

Angelo Russo, MD, PhD, Radiation Biology Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Paul Smith, PhD, Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, ORS, NIH, Bethesda, MD

George H. Weiss, PhD, Center for Information Technology, NIH, Bethesda, MD

Robert Yarchoan, MD, HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Giovanni Zaccanti, PhD, University of Florence, Italy

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