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laboratory of clinical genomics


Owen M. Rennert, MD, Chief

The Laboratory of Clinical Genomics (LCG) addresses the interface between biological and clinical research as related to the process of development/differentiation.

The Section on Developmental Genomics, led by Owen Rennert, has focused on defining the genetic processes that regulate gonad and germ cell development. The section used microarray and SAGE analysis tools to investigate global gene expression during spermatogenesis and has established a database that is now a resource for investigations on processes occurring in differentiating germ cells. The researchers identified a large number of novel genes differentially expressed at different stages of germ cell development. Molecular cloning and characterization of some of the novel genes have led to the identification of a putative novel role of cytochrome c oxidase in germ cells. Cloning of the full-length cDNA of a novel gene confirms that the gene encodes a new isoform of the murine N-terminal acetyltransferase 1. The gene appears to be active in meiotic germ cells whereas Tex13 and Lin-28 are active in the mitotic type A spermatogonia. The biological activities of the three genes in spermatogenesis are currently under investigation. The SAGE database also provides leads for the identification of a network of antisense transcripts that are abundantly expressed in germ cells. The section plans to investigate interactions between sense and antisense transcripts and the roles of antisense transcription in germ cell development.

To understand gene expression and regulation in early gonad development, members of the section used SAGE to map the transcriptomes of embryonic gonad of male mice. Their work resulted in the identification of over 4,700 genes expressed in E10.5 to E12.5 gonads but not in differentiated germ cells. Examination of the transcriptome data revealed high-level expression of hemoglobin genes in male embryonic gonads. The biological implication of this observation is currently under investigation. Concurrently, the section is examining the effects of mutated luteinizing hormone receptor (hLHR) on downstream gene expression. Activating mutations of the hLHR cause familial male-limited precocious puberty and might predispose the patient to develop testicular neoplasia. Researchers generated an in vitro cell model and an in vivo transgenic mouse model to study the role of the mutated receptor on testicular tumorigenesis.

Additional collaborative studies in the laboratory examine patients with nephropathic cystinosis and the susceptibility for thromboses that may predispose such patients to develop pseudotumor cerebri. To facilitate detection of at-risk individuals for development of venous thrombosis, a new screening device is currently under study. It will allow rapid screening of mutations and polymorphisms reported to be risk factors for the development of venous thrombosis.

During the past year, the Unit on Pediatric Genetics, led by Steven Kaler, has investigated two groups of disorders, the X-linked recessive disorder called Menkes Kinky Hair disease and the platelet abnormality known as Bernard-Soulier syndrome. In the case of Menkes Kinky Hair disease, the unit has investigated the downstream gene-expression consequences of a defect in the copper-ATP transport system in both clinical autopsy material and a yeast knockout strain. The investigators studied a child who had the velo-cardio-facial syndrome with thrombophilia due to haploinsufficiency of chromosome 22q11. Their research led to the delineation of platelet glycoprotein GPIbalpha-alpha-beta-beta complex deficiency.