Stephen Suomi, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Maribeth Champoux, Ph.D., Staff Scientist
Peggy O'Neill Wagner, M.A, Senior Research Assistant
Kathlyn Robbins, Research Psychologist
Monica Carosi, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Babara DeVinney, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Dee Higley, Ph.D., Guest Researcher
Melinda Novak, Ph.D., Guest Researcher
Peter Pierre, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Eric Phoebus, Ph.D. Guest Researcher
Rebecca Hommer, B.S., Predoctoral Fellow
Peter Roma, B.S., Predoctoral Fellow
Heather Rupp, B.S., Predoctoral Fellow
Ileine Sanchez, Predoctoral Fellow
Amy Ulland, Predoctoral Fellow
Jasmine Yang, Predoctoral Fellow
Courtney Shannon-Lindell, B.S., Technician Psychologist
Illaria Taurio, M.S., Technician-in-Training
David A Nielsen, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIAAA
Allyson J Bennett, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
James D Higley, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
Kamal E. Habib, M.D., Collaborator, Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, NIMH
Philip W Gold, M.D., Collaborator, Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, NIMH
David Goldman, M.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIAAA
Joseph R Hibbeln, M.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
Jeffrey C Long, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
Norman Salem, Jr, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
Cashell Jaquish, Ph.D., Collaborator, Epidemiology and Biometry Program, NHLBI
Joe Lorenz, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA
Susan E Shoaf, Ph.D., Collaborator, Laboratory of Clinical Studies, NIAAA
Megan R. Gunnar, Ph.D., Collaborator, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Andreas Heinz, M.D., Collaborator, Addictive Research, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Mark L. Laudenslager, Ph.D., Collaborator, Colorado Psychiatric Hospital Primate Lab, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver CO
L. Peter Lesch, M.D., Collaborator, Psychiatry, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Gregory C. Westergaard, Ph.D., Collaborator, Scientific Director, LABS of Virginia, Yemassee SC
Stephen Suomi
The major focus of research activity within the Comparative Behavioral Genetics Section (CBGS) involves broad-based investigation of primate biobehavioral development through comparative longitudinal studies of rhesus and capuchin monkeys, with a special focus on characterizing individual patterns of differential behavioral and physiological responses to environmental novelty and challenge and on determining long-term developmental consequences for individuals of different genetic backgrounds reared in different physical and social environments.

Developmental Continuity of Individual Differences in Rhesus and Capuchin Monkey Biobehavioral Development
Champoux, Pierre, Hommer, Roma, Rupp, Shannon-Lindell, Suomi
Research carried out during the past year (1) characterized a polymorphism in the MAO-A receptor gene for rhesus monkeys, with three distinctive alleles documented among members of the LCE rhesus monkey colony; (2) identified rearing condition differences in the development of circadian rhythms in activity for rhesus monkeys during the first five months of life as well as differences in acquisition and performance on a variety of cognitive and motivational tasks during the first 18 months of life; (3) characterized rearing condition differences in total brain volume and in specific neocortical and limbic brain regions in yearling rhesus monkeys by using MRI scans; (4) documented rearing condition differences in relative social dominance among juvenile rhesus monkeys that changed in qualitative fashion during their adolescent and adult years; (5) demonstrated a predictive relationship between measures of orientation and attention at two weeks of age and amount of alcohol consumed in early adulthood by rhesus monkeys independent of sex or type of early experience; (6) documented a strong positive relationship between brainstem serotonin transporter availability and alcohol consumption in young adult rhesus monkeys; (7) demonstrated a sensitization of CRH response over repeated social separations in juvenile rhesus monkeys; (8) identified a predictive relationship between CSF 5-HIAA concentrations of free-ranging rhesus monkey males at three years of age and levels of aggression, reproductive success, and mortality up to 10 years of age; and (9) documented predictive relationships between individual differences in measures of capuchin monkey infant behavioral activity and HPA reactivity at six and 12 months of age, respectively, which in turn were predictive of individual differences in a variety of specific measures of social behavior and environmental exploration over the next five years of life that paralleled previous findings in rhesus monkeys, despite major differences between the two species in overall rates of social activity and in social group structure and dynamics.

Adaptation of Laboratory-Reared Monkeys to Field Environments
Robbins, DeVinney, Carosi, Wagner, Taurio, Ulland, Yang, Suomi
A second major ongoing program of research in the CBGS has been the investigation of how rhesus monkeys and other nonhuman primate species born and raised under different laboratory conditions adapt to placement into environments that contain specific physical and social features of the monkey's natural habitat. In this research, adaptation is assessed by examining behavioral repertoires and by monitoring a variety of physiological systems in these subjects, yielding broad-based indices of relative physical and psychological well-being. The responses of subjects to experimental manipulation of selected features of their respective environments are also assessed in similar fashion. Whenever possible, field data are collected for appropriate comparisons. An additional focus is on investigating the cognitive, behavioral, and social processes involved in adaptation to new settings or circumstances. Many of the studies employ capuchin monkeys because they are unique among monkeys species in their propensity to manufacture and use tools to modify their physical environment. Research carried out during the past year (1) documented a predictive relationship between individual differences in maternal care received by rhesus monkey infants and their subsequent distress exhibited following the birth of a younger sibling in a wild-living rhesus monkey population on Cayo Santiago Island (PR); (2) characterized individual differences in the form and amount of infant-directed aggression and other aspects of maternal behavior among rhesus monkey mothers living in the LCE's five-acre field enclosure at the NIH Animal Center; (3) identified differences between abusive behavior of mothers directed toward their offspring and aggressive behavior directed toward other members of their social group; (4) documented instances of kidnapping of rhesus monkey infants by nonkin juvenile and adult females and related such behavior to differences in social rank between the infants' mothers and their kidnappers; (5) characterized individual differences in alloparenting behaviors toward infants by adult male rhesus monkeys (living in the five-acre field enclosure) as a function of the infants' gender and their mothers' age, social rank, and previous maternal experience; (6) characterized the development of social grooming patterns and conflict resolution over the second and third year of life in monkeys reared in the absence of adults; and (7) characterized changes in steroid hormone secretion associated the introduction of contraceptives in adult female capuchin monkeys.



  1. Bard KA, Platzman K, Lester BM, Suomi SJ. Développement neurobiologique et émotions chez les nouveau-nés chimpanzés et humains. Enfance 2001;3:226-235.
  2. Bastian ML, Sponberg AC, Suomi SJ, Higley JD. Long-term effects of infant rearing condition on the acquisition of dominance rank of juvenile and adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Dev Psychobiol, in press.
  3. Bennett AJ, Lesch KP, Heils A, Long JC, Lorenz JG, Shoaf SE, Champoux M, Suomi SJ, Linnoila MV, Higley JD. Early experience and serotonin transporter gene variation interact to influence primate CNS function. Mol Psychiatry, in press.
  4. Bennett AJ, Sponberg AC, Graham T, Lindell SG, Suomi SJ, Higley JD, DePetrillo PB. Initial alcohol exposure results in stress-dependent acute increases and subsequent decreases in CSF 5-HIAA concentrations and cardiac signal complexity in alcohol-naive rhesus monkeys. Eur J Pharmocol, in press.
  5. Byrne GD, Suomi SJ. Cortisol reactivity and its relation to homecage behavior and personality ratings in tufted capuchin juveniles from birth to six years of age. Psychoneuroendocrinol, in press.
  6. Champoux M., Hibbeln J, Shannon C, Majchrzak S, Suomi SJ, Salem NT, Higley JD. Essential fatty acid formula supplementation and neuromotor development in rhesus monkey neonates. Pediatr Res, in press.
  7. Champoux M, Hwang L, Lang O, Levine S. Feeding demand conditions and plasma cortisol in socially housed squirrel monkey mother-infant dyads. Dev Psychobiol 2001;26:461-467.
  8. Champoux M, Norcross J, Suomi SJ. Late onset hydrocephalic rhesus monkeys differ from nonimpaired animals during neonatal neurobehavioral assessments: a six-year retrospective analysis. Comp Med 2000;50:218-224.
  9. DeVinney BJ, Berman CM, Rasmussen KL. Changes in yearling rhesus monkeys’ relationships with their mothers after sibling birth. Am J Primatol 2001;54:193-210.
  10. Higley JD, Hommer D, Lucas K, Shoaf S, Suomi SJ, Linnoila M. CNS serotonin turnover rate predicts innate tolerance, high alcohol consumption, and aggression during intoxication among rhesus monkeys. Arch Gen Psychiatry, in press.
  11. O’Neill-Wagner PL, Bolig R, Price CS. Developmental aspects of play-partner selection in young rhesus monkeys. Play Cult Stud, in press.
  12. Pierre PJ, Skjoldager P, Bennett AJ, Renner MJ. A behavioral characterization of the effects of food deprivation on food and nonfood object interaction: an investigation of the information-gathering functions of exploratory behavior. Physiol Behav 2001;72:189-197.
  13. Suomi SJ. Creating developmentally appropriate environments. In: Lamb-Parker F, Hagen J, Robinson R, eds. Developmental and contextual transition of children and families: implications for research, policy, and practice. New York: Columbia University Press 2001;19-27.
  14. Suomi SJ. Early development in monkeys. In: Tarlov AR, St. Peter RF, eds. The society and population health reader, vol. II. New York: New Press 2000; 131-142.
  15. Suomi SJ. Harry Frederick Harlow (1905-1981). In: Smelser NJ, Baltes PB, eds. International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. Amsterdam: Pergamon, in press.
  16. Suomi SJ. How gene-environment interactions can shape the development of socioemotional regulation in rhesus monkeys. In: Zuckerman BS, Lieberman AF, eds. Socioemotional regulation: dimensions, developmental trends, and influences. Skillmann NJ: Johnson & Johnson, in press.
  17. Suomi SJ. Parents, peers, and the process of socialization in primates. In: Borkowski JG, Ramey SL, Bristol-Power M, eds. Parenting and the child’s world: influences on academic, intellectual, and social-emotional development. Mahwah NJ: Erlbaum, in press.
  18. Westergaard GC, Champoux M, Suomi SJ. Plasma cortisol is associated with handedness in infant rhesus monkeys. Dev Psychobiol 2001;38:461-467.
  19. Westergaard GC, Liv C, Haynie MK, Kuhn HE, Suomi SJ. A comparative study of aimed throwing in monkeys and humans. Neuropsychol 2000;38:1151-1157.