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UGID:668258     UniGene Mm.274995     Mus musculus (mouse)   Snrpn
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (Snrpn)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
NP_001076431.1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N M. musculus 100.0 239
XP_001107163.1 PREDICTED: similar to small nuclear ribonucleoparticle-associated protein isoform 5 M. mulatta 100.0 239
NP_073716.1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N H. sapiens 100.0 239
XP_848476.1 PREDICTED: similar to small nuclear ribonucleoparticle-associated protein isoform 5 C. lupus familiaris 100.0 239
NP_193777.1 SMB A. thaliana 59.3 248

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cDNA Sources: brain; embryonic tissue; eye; tongue; spinal cord; mixed; mammary gland; pancreas; testis; kidney; extraembryonic tissue; pituitary gland; heart; joint; lung; lymph node; intestine; bone; dorsal root ganglion; thyroid; uncharacterized tissue; connective tissue; spleen; muscle; liver; inner ear; ovary
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 7
Map position: 7 C|7 29.0 cM
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (16)

AF332580.1 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (Snrpn) gene, exon U1
AK144386.1 Mus musculus 13 days embryo spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G630051A13 product:small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N, full insert sequence P
S40304.1 Mus musculus SmN protein mRNA, complete cds P
BC132082.1 Mus musculus SNRPN upstream reading frame, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:163713 IMAGE:40130359), complete cds
BC132084.1 Mus musculus SNRPN upstream reading frame, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:163715 IMAGE:40130361), complete cds
NM_001082962.1 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (Snrpn), transcript variant 3, mRNA
NM_001082961.1 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (Snrpn), transcript variant 2, mRNA
X63730.1 M.musculus mRNA for SmN protein P
X62648.1 M.musculus mRNA for SmN protein P
NM_013670.3 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (Snrpn), transcript variant 1, mRNA
AF101042.1 Mus musculus SNRPN upstream reading frame protein (SNURF) mRNA, complete cds P
AK013607.1 Mus musculus adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2900029D21 product:SNRPN upstream reading frame, full insert sequence P
AK010671.1 Mus musculus ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410045I01 product:SMALL NUCLEAR RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN ASSOCIATED PROTEIN N (SNRNP-N) (SM PROTEIN N) (SM-N) (SMN) (SM-D) (TISSUE-SPECIFIC SPLICING PROTEIN) homolog [Mus musculus], full ... P
NM_033174.2 Mus musculus SNRPN upstream reading frame (Snurf), mRNA
BC019589.1 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:30325 IMAGE:3484323), complete cds PA
BC024880.1 Mus musculus small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:18604 IMAGE:3987218), complete cds PA

EST sequences (10 of 775) [Show all sequences]

BY001175.1 Clone 1540000F05 brain 5' read P
BY033013.1 Clone I530002A16 extraembryonic tissue 5' read P
BY085616.1 Clone K630053N08 embryonic tissue 5' read
BY085837.1 Clone K630057A06 embryonic tissue 5' read P
BY086013.1 Clone K630058B11 mixed 5' read
BY086413.1 Clone K630059M09 mixed 5' read
BY088900.1 Clone K630072I05 mixed 5' read P
BY092197.1 Clone K630090J02 embryonic tissue 5' read
BY093667.1 Clone K630097B16 mixed 5' read P
BY083211.1 Clone K630041L22 heart 5' read P

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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