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Image Processing, Visual Perception and Display Program Area

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This program supports the design and development of algorithms for post-acquisition image processing and analysis. These algorithms include methods for image segmentation, image registration, atlas generation, morphometry measurement, and the determination of function and structure from medical images.

Also supported by this program is the development of theoretical models and analysis tools to evaluate and improve the perception of medical images. This may include diagnostic-performance evaluation, assessment of computer-aided diagnosis technologies, statistical models for evaluation of observer performance, and assessment of observer variability.

Finally, this program supports research in the optimization of image display for improved detection.

Relevant Programs

While NIBIB always welcomes applications in this scientific program area, there are no particular Funding Opportunity Announcements active now. To submit investigator-initiated research applications, please respond to the appropriate parent announcement in the NIH Guide.

You are also encouraged to explore the various funding opportunities available through the NIH-wide Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI) (click on Funding in the left column to access funding opportunities).

Relevant Study Sections

Biomedical Imaging Technology (BMIT)
Medical Imaging (MEDI)
Microscopic Imaging (MI)

A complete listing of review groups and study sections can be found at the Center for Scientific Review (http://cms.csr.nih.gov/PeerReviewMeetings/).

Program staff recommend that principal investigators include a cover letter listing areas of scientific expertise needed to review the application and how the expertise should be balanced (please do not include names), or potential study section assignments. Questions may be directed to the program director mentioned above.


Last reviewed on: 12/29/2008

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