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Minhua Zhao, Ph.D.

Biomedical Instrumentation and Multiscale Imaging
Laboratory of Bioengineering and Physical Science

Bldg. 13, Rm. 3N 18
Tel: 301-443-6998
Fax: 301-496-6608
E-mail: zhaom3@od.nih.gov

Photo of Dr. Minhua Zhao

    Photo by Jude Gustafson


Research Expertise and Interest

  • Integrated tip enhanced Raman microscopy and atomic force microscopy imaging
  • Nanoscale chemical and biochemical imaging via quantitative electric force microscopy
  • Functionalized carbon nanotubes for biochemical sensing
  • Nanomechanical characterization of single living cell in fluid by scanning probe microscopy
  • Technique development for scanning probe microscopy (e.g., quantitative electric force microscopy)
  • Nanomechanical characterization on materials by atomic force microscopy and nanoindentations
  • Electromechanical characterization at the Nanoscale by piezoresponse force microscopy

Selected Publications

  •  Zhao MH, Sharma V, Wei HY, Birge RR, Stuart JA, Papadimitrakopoulos F, and Huey BD. Ultra sharp and high aspect ratio carbon nanotube AFM probes for enhanced surface potential imaging. Nanotechnology, 19, 235704, 2008.
  • Zhao MH, Srinivasan C, Burgess DJ, and Huey BD. Rate and depth dependent nanomechanical behavior of individual living Chinese Hamster ovary cells probed by atomic force microscopy. Journal of Materials Research, 21: 2906-1912, 2006.
  • Zhao MH, Wang ZL, and Mao SX. Piezoelectric characterization of individual zinc oxide nanobelt probed by piezoresponse force microscope. Nano Letters, 4: 587-590, 2004.
  • Zhao MH, Slaughter WS, Li M, and Mao SX. Materials-length-scale-controlled  nanoindentation size effects due to strain-gradient plasticity. Acta Materialia, 51: 4461-4469, 2003.
  • Zhao MH and Huey BD. Manipulations of biological structures and molecules under scanning probe microscopy. Chapter 100 in the text titled Bottom-up Nanofabrication, American Scientific Publishers, 2007. (an invited review book chapter)


Last reviewed on: 09/02/2008

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