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The NIDDK will provide a small number of travel awards that will be available to graduate students, post-doctoral and medical fellows, and new investigators presenting abstracts, funded in part with the generous support of the Oxalosis & Hyperoxaluria Foundation.

Abstract Deadline
March 1, 2004

Acceptees will be notified before the end of March.

Abstract Submission

Abstract should be no more than one page

Underline author(s) name

Specify name and location of institution where
research was conducted

Use font (type) sizes of 10-12 points

Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.

Registrants can E-mail file to: abenton@thehillgroup.com
AND fax hard copy to 301.897.9587

Please note:
After we receive your abstract, we will send you a confirmation via email.
Once your abstract is accepted, you still need to register.
Abstracts are optional. Those accepted will be published in the conference booklet and will be presented as a poster at the conference.

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National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases