Congressman Allen Boyd, Representing the 2nd District of Florida
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Congressman Boyd calls on the President to promote a more accountable government


WASHINGTON, D.C.-In response to the President's State of the Union address, Congressman Allen Boyd (D-North Florida) tonight called on President Bush to promote and enforce oversight measures for appropriate accountability in the federal government.  Among other things, Congressman Boyd calls on the President to put America's fiscal house in order, lay out a plan for success in Iraq and encourage bipartisanship in Washington.

Congressman Boyd, a leader of the Blue Dog Coalition, has long expressed tremendous concern over the mounting U.S. debt and the inability of many federal agencies to account for all taxpayer dollars.  According to the Government Accounting Office, the federal government couldn't account for $24.5 billion spent in 2003.  Additionally, 16 of 23 major federal agencies can't issue a simple audit of their books. 

"Our budget process is in shambles, full of wasteful spending and devoid of accountability and enforcement measures," said Congressman Boyd.  "The President failed to mention our country's growing financial problems in his State of the Union address.  For the long term stability of our country, the President must get serious about fiscal responsibility by promoting meaningful budget reforms and accountability."

In 2005, the Blue Dogs offered a 12 Step Plan to cure our nation's addiction to deficit spending.  The Blue Dog plan required, among other things, that all federal agencies pass clean audits, a balanced budget, the establishment of a rainy day fund, and reinstatement of the pay as you go rules. 

As violence continues in Iraq, Congressman Boyd also requests that the Administration provide frequent reports to Congress and the American people on the progression of our military mission in Iraq and an explanation of an exit strategy for completion of the mission. 

"We deserve a sound and timely plan for ending our mission in Iraq and bringing our troops home safely, which the President failed to outline in his speech," Boyd stated.  "We owe it to our armed forces, military families, and to the taxpayers to hold our government accountable for a real plan to succeed in Iraq."

"The President has a tough road ahead, and it is my hope that he will make good on his pledge for more bipartisanship in Washington by reaching out to both sides of the aisle in the coming year," Boyd said.  "I believe these are problems we can solve by working together."


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