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National Cancer InstituteNational Cancer InstituteU.S. National Institutes of Health
Caucasian male doctor, Black female doctor, and Asian nurse: Doctors consult with each other on medical charts, while nearby nurse holds x-ray and faces reader.

The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research

A Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2008
Prepared by the Director, National Cancer Institute as mandated by The National Cancer Act (P.L. 92-218)

Technology Development

Research over the past three decades has led to significant progress in our understanding of cancer at the genetic, molecular, and cellular levels. As we work to apply these discoveries to cancer prevention, early detection, and management, it is increasingly important to integrate research, science, and technology as effectively as possible. NCI supports a range of studies and projects to pursue the benefits of these combined approaches. Some of these activities are described below.

Diagram that illustrates the relative sizes of objects, against a ruler measured in nanometers; from smallest (molecule of water at 1/10th of a nanometer) to largest (tennis ball at 100 million nanometers), and compared to nano-devices in the 10-100 nanometer range.

As an additional example, the width of a human hair is approximately 80,000 nanometers.

Bioinformatics: Using powerful information technology, NCI is leading the development of a bioinformatics platform that will enable researchers and clinicians to access and integrate cancer research results across scientific disciplines, populations, and geography. Under the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid™ (caBIG™) umbrella, NCI and a large group of private and public collaborators are building a voluntary network or grid, including common terminology and tools, to connect scientists and institutions into a virtual World Wide Web of cancer research. The overall goal is to speed the delivery of innovative approaches for preventing and treating cancer, including increased mutually beneficial flow of bench-to-bedside interactions.

Cancer Imaging: Imaging methods are being combined with emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, proteomics, and high throughput screening to identify cancers earlier and help assess the effectiveness of therapy. Imaging informatics brings cancer imaging data to research and clinical environments more efficiently and effectively. Image-guided cancer intervention is a rapidly evolving area that may be used to cure some cancers and precancerous lesions, and also to provide minimally invasive, well-tolerated palliative treatments. As our knowledge of the molecular basis of cancer increases, molecular imaging methods are providing researchers with powerful discovery tools and clinicians with telling biomarkers for cancer risk and treatment efficacy.

Proteomics: Evidence suggests that measurements of proteins and peptides circulating in the blood may represent reliable indicators of early-stage cancer. Proteins serve complex and diverse functions in the body, from giving structure to our cells to regulating processes such as digestion, breathing, and the growth rate of cells. When proteins fail to function properly, normal body processes can go awry. For example, errors in proteins that regulate when and how fast cells reproduce, as well as the timing of cell death, can result in cancer. One of the goals in cancer research is to develop technologies that measure and evaluate these abnormal proteins with enough accuracy to be used as cancer diagnostic blood tests.

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Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology offers researchers a paradigm-changing opportunity to study and interact with both normal and cancer cells at molecular and cellular scales. For reference, 8 to 10 atoms span one nanometer; the human hair is approximately 70,000 to 80,000 nanometers thick. Increasing abilities to perform research at this nano level will enhance cancer diagnosis and treatment. For example, imaging agents and diagnostics designed with nanoscale precision will optimize their usefulness and function and allow clinicians to detect cancer in its earliest, most treatable stage. Multifunctional, targeted devices capable of bypassing biological barriers will enhance our ability to effectively and efficiently treat cancer by delivering multiple therapeutic agents at high concentrations—and with physiologically appropriate timing—directly to cancer cells. In preclinical studies, nanotech-based cancer treatments are demonstrating increased efficacy and significant decreases in life-threatening side effects.

A Closer Look — Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory

NCI is engaged in efforts to harness the power of nanotechnology to radically change the way we detect, diagnose, treat, and prevent cancer. NCI has established the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL) at its NCI-Frederick facility to provide critical infrastructure support to this rapidly developing field.

The NCL is an effective scientific collaboration between three Federal agencies: NCI, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Scientists from each agency bring critical knowledge, experience, and skills to the new laboratory setting. NCI brings expertise in the biomedical research arenas necessary for the biological and chemical characterization of the nanoparticles and devices. FDA brings a strong and standardized model for evaluating diagnostics, a new integrated program for regulating diagnostic devices, and initial exploratory methods for evaluating multiple complex technologies for their possible use in drug development. NIST provides expertise in determining the best measurement tools, protocols, and analysis algorithms for physically characterizing nanoparticles.

The NCL enables researchers to develop their nanotechnology concepts into clinical applications by characterizing the material's properties as they relate to biological systems. Tests developed by the NCL and its partners will be codified and then distributed as a "gold standard" for academic, industry, and government laboratories. The NCL will serve as a national resource and knowledge base for cancer researchers to aid the regulatory review of nanotechnologies intended for cancer therapies and diagnostics. By providing the critical infrastructure and characterization services to nanomaterial providers, the NCL can accelerate the translation of basic nanoscale particles and devices into clinical applications.

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