Cancer Biology

The most remarkable progress in the last 25 years has been in our knowledge of cancer biology. We are finally beginning to understand what is required to turn a normal cell into a cancer cell. Cancer arises when a single cell changes so that it divides continuously, released from the controls that constrain the replication of normal cells. This transformation is due to changes in the function and activity of genes, which are segments of DNA containing the information that directs a cell to make a particular protein product. Of the 100,000 genes found in the human genome, only the altered activities of a small number of genes are responsible for transforming a normal, well-behaved cell--be it in the breast, brain, blood, colon, prostate, or other organ--into a cancer cell. Identifying these "cancer genes" defines the central scientific hunt in cancer biology. Their identification provides an unprecedented window into the nature of cancer. These genes normally function to instruct cells to produce accelerators that drive cells to proliferate, brakes that control proliferation, or mechanisms that underlie the repair of DNA damage or the elimination of damaged cells. Some individuals inherit an altered form of a cancer gene. These individuals carry a very high lifetime risk of developing cancer because fewer subsequent changes in DNA are required to take place in one of the trillions of cells in our bodies to transform that cell into a cancer cell.

We now know that DNA changes are the fundamental cause of all cancers. These changes can occur due to chemicals, viruses, radiation, and mistakes made each day in the course of duplicating the three billion units in our DNA when a cell divides. DNA, the molecule of life, is very vulnerable to damage, but each cell has the remarkable ability to recognize damage and correct it. The changes in DNA required to produce cancer result from the imbalance between damage and the cell's ability to repair the damage. When a normal cell recognizes damage to its DNA, it stops the process of growth and division called the cell cycle. A normal cell either repairs the damage or, if it fails, undergoes programmed cell death (apoptosis). In the development of cancer, checkpoint controls are lost and the cell continues to divide, transmitting its damaged DNA to its descendants. It is for this reason that cancer is beginning to be seen as a problem of genetic instability.

No one genetic alteration, however, is enough to make a normal, healthy cell a cancer cell. Rather, an accumulation of changes during the lifetime of a cell in a relatively small number of genes is required. This understanding allows us to begin to define the development and evolution of cancer from predisposition to pre-cancer to cancer. Each cancer is ultimately defined by its particular pattern of altered and normal gene activity. This pattern determines the cancer's rate of growth, tendency to spread, responsiveness to hormones and therapies, and defines the ability of a person's immune system to recognize and respond to a cancer. These patterns will define what each cancer is and how many different cancers there are.

By defining these molecular patterns, we are beginning to be able to describe what distinguishes each cancer from its normal counterpart. Advances in our ability to detect, diagnose, and treat each cancer will most likely be found in these differences.

Cancer Risk

Research on cancer risk quantifies the risk of developing cancer in various populations and strives to identify the factors responsible for these risks. Research in this area is critical to linking our knowledge of biological processes to the detection, management, and ultimately, prevention of cancer. Studying people who are at high risk of cancer is particularly important, since it may be possible to identify more readily the factors influencing risk and to assess means for prevention and risk reduction. Behavioral scientists also contribute to understanding risk by studying how people perceive cancer-related risks and by learning how to motivate health professionals and high-risk persons to practice cancer risk reduction strategies.
Epidemiology is the principal discipline used to study cancer patterns in the population and the determinants of cancer risk. Epidemiologists have uncovered distinct cancer patterns among various population groups. For example, African American men have the highest prostate cancer risk of any group in the world, while men in Asian countries have a relatively low risk. Similarly, women in most Asian countries have the lowest rates of breast cancer, while those in the West have the highest. Interestingly, when Asian women migrate to the United States, their breast cancer risk rises over several generations until it matches that found in U.S. white women. These striking variations among populations have proven particularly useful in targeting further epidemiologic research into the causes of cancer. These studies underlie the commitment of the NCI to address the burden of cancer in all population groups in the United States to assure that all benefit from our research.

The epidemiologic approach has been successful in identifying many factors that increase cancer risk, some of which are environmental and lifestyle-related, while others are part of a person's genetic makeup. With the exception of a few genetic conditions, however, it is still not possible to predict with any degree of certainty that a person having one or more of these factors will develop cancer. This uncertainty is related to the need for a number of alterations to accumulate in the genetic material (DNA) of a single cell for that cell to be transformed into a malignant state.

The single most important exposure that increases cancer risk is the use of tobacco products, particularly cigarette smoking. Smoking is believed to contribute to more than 30 percent of all cancer deaths. In addition, certain aspects of the diet, particularly diets lacking in fruits and vegetables or high in fats, appear to be important contributors to cancer risk. An excess risk of cancer also has been linked to alcohol consumption, radiation (e.g., ultraviolet and x-rays), certain occupational exposures (e.g., asbestos), environmental pollution (e.g., arsenic), some pharmaceutical agents (e.g., estrogenic drugs), certain viral infections (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIV], and human papilloma virus [HPV]), and hormonal factors. In addition, epidemiology plays a key role in revealing inherited cancer predisposition syndromes, as are seen in women who inherit alterations in the BRCA1 gene.


A Breast and Ovarian Cancer Gene

With recent major advances in molecular biology, a strategy called molecular epidemiology has emerged, combining the strengths of epidemiology with sensitive laboratory probes and providing new insights into genetic susceptibility and gene-environment interactions. This kind of interdisciplinary approach promises to elucidate the risk profiles and biologic mechanisms involved in cancer etiology, making it possible to predict cancer risk with greater certainty.

Cancer Interventions

Ultimately, the purpose of understanding tumor biology and identifying cancer risk is to uncover effective ways to intervene in the cancer process. Important advances in both areas are leading to new strategies to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat cancer.
Our ability to prevent cancer depends on identifying and removing (or at least reversing the effects of) specific risk factors. Clearly, the most important of these is tobacco use. The NCI has strongly supported recent initiatives to avert the initiation of tobacco use among children and teenagers and continues to develop a variety of approaches to cessation among those already addicted. The effect of dietary modification and administration of preventive agents to forestall the occurrence of cancer in high-risk populations is under study. The testing of tamoxifen as a breast cancer preventive in women at high risk for breast cancer is one approach. It should be quite clear, however, that major improvements in chemoprevention will depend on a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of carcinogenesis--the process by which normal cells are induced to become malignant.

Anti Spit-Tobacco Trading Cards For Kids-The NCI has strongly supported recent initiatives to decrease tobacco use among children and teenagers and continues to examine approaches to behavior modification and prevention in high-risk populations.

We have learned to see inside the body of a living human being with a precision that could not have been anticipated by a previous generation of physicians. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography simply did not exist as useful clinical tools 25 years ago. Their development depended on first learning how the body interacts with x-rays, magnetic fields, and sound waves, and then figuring out how to create images from these interactions. These technologies permit us to locate internal tumors with unprecedented accuracy and to biopsy internal organs without the need for major surgical procedures. There is every reason to believe that further improvement in their powers of resolution will enhance our ability to detect small tumors even earlier than is possible with currently available methods, such as x-ray mammography. Invasive procedures, such as colonoscopy and bronchoscopy, are on the verge of giving way to "virtual" procedures involving the imaging of these internal structures without any actual invasion of the body by tubes or scopes.

The diagnosis of cancer depends on the microscopic appearance of tissue samples taken from growths or other suspicious lesions in the body. Advances in biological knowledge have improved our ability to subclassify cancers into accurate categories. For example, a better understanding of normal immune system development and biology has led directly to molecular techniques for classifying, for the first time, immune system tumors (lymphomas). More precise classification of cancers is important because it will lead to more precise prediction of clinical outcome for patients and to the discovery of more effective therapies. The experience with lymphoma serves as a model for what will very likely occur in a variety of malignancies. We expect that tumor diagnosis and classification will be revolutionized in the coming years by application of emerging knowledge in molecular genetics.

The past quarter century has seen major progress in our ability to treat certain cancers. In addition to well-publicized improvements in the cure rates for many uncommon tumors, such as Hodgkin's disease, certain lymphomas, testicular cancer, and a variety of childhood cancers, adding chemotherapy to surgery and/or radiation has increased the cure rates for patients with breast and colorectal cancer. High-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell rescue is effective in the leukemias and is undergoing definitive testing in breast cancer. The application of molecular biology to the drug discovery process has ushered in the era of biological therapy by permitting the large-scale production of so-called "recombinant" proteins. Following directly from this approach, the availability of interferon-alpha has markedly improved the outlook for patients with a rare form of leukemia. Both interferon and interleukin-2 provide improved tumor shrinkage for some patients with kidney cancer. The availability of bone-marrow stimulatory factors has enhanced the quality of supportive care by mitigating the toxicity of chemotherapy to the blood elements. Over the past 15 years, the formidable problem of treatment-related nausea and vomiting has been markedly lessened by the development of truly effective drugs that reduce this side effect.

VIGNETTE: Rehabilitation and Pain Control

NCI is committed to research to improve the quality of life for those who develop cancer. As treatment becomes increasingly effective in the coming years, we shall continue to see the emergence of certain problems associated with surviving cancer. These are of two general types. The first are the challenges to an optimal quality of life posed by the effects of cancer treatment itself. Although most acute side effects of treatment are rapidly reversible, some, such as the loss of a body part, have a lasting impact. The widespread use of techniques such as breast reconstruction, conservative surgery, and customized limb prostheses have greatly improved the emotional and functional outlook for survivors of breast and bone cancer. The knowledge, gained in a landmark clinical trial, that chemotherapy followed by radiation treatment is as effective as total removal of the voicebox for cancer of the larynx has made preservation of natural speech possible for many patients with this condition. The recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of effective drugs for protecting against the cardiac toxicity of the anthracycline antibiotics and the kidney toxicity of cisplatin can be expected to reduce the overall incidence of two particularly troublesome chronic effects of chemotherapy.

The second general problem is the propensity of many cancer survivors to develop second cancers at the same or other body sites. In some cases, this is a treatment effect; many current therapies that effectively treat the patient's primary cancer unfortunately also promote the development of second cancers in a small fraction of people who receive them. So, for example, women who have received radiation therapy to the chest for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease are at increased risk for developing breast cancer; and certain chemotherapy regimens are associated with the late appearance of acute leukemia in some patients who survive for years after the treatment. Sometimes, however, the development of a second cancer stems from influences having nothing to do with the therapy. Patients who survive a first cancer of the lung or oral cavity, for example, have a high incidence of subsequent tumors at those sites, probably because of the long-lasting carcinogenic influences of tobacco. Inherited risk may also play a role. Some breast, ovarian, and colorectal cancer patients have a genetic predisposition to those cancers and are likely to develop other primary cancers. The solution to these persistent problems clearly is to discover more targeted and less toxic treatments and to develop better surveillance and prevention strategies for people whose risk is elevated for reasons unrelated to treatment.

Psychosocial and behavioral research has fundamental contributions to make to all aspects of cancer survivorship, both in improving the quality of life for cancer patients as well as those at increased risk of developing cancer. Psychosocial research investigates how cancer affects quality of life and finds ways to address survivors' needs so they can meet the everyday demands of life and return to a productive lifestyle. NCI is committed to such research to complement its cancer prevention, detection, and treatment research programs. We expect that this research will assume even greater importance as genetic advances pose difficult prevention and treatment choices.

Research has shown that diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower cancer and heart disease risk. NCI's Five-a-Day program works through partnerships with the Produce for Better Health Foundation and supermarkets across the country to educate the public on the benefits of a healthy diet.

Cancer Control

Cancer control research bridges the gap between laboratory, clinical, and population-based research, and health care by focusing on how to bring our discoveries to the practice of cancer prevention, detection, treatment, and rehabilitation. Effective application is a challenge well-illustrated by the fact that significant smoking rate reductions have taken over 30 years to achieve since the first Surgeon General's Report that showed conclusively the causal link between smoking and cancer.

The science of cancer control is necessarily multidisciplinary and involves behavioral research, epidemiology, health services research, and communication. A cross-cutting theme is to identify the environmental, genetic, physiological, and psychosocial determinants of health, in order to achieve the adoption of new behaviors that can reduce the risk of cancer or improve the prognosis for persons with cancer.

VIGNETTE: Children and Smoking

Behavioral research is central to cancer control. A large proportion of cancer is caused or linked to behaviors such as smoking or diet. Through behavioral research, we can modify the behavior of individuals and health care professionals toward the adoption or promotion of healthy practices, such as smoking cessation, adoption of a low-fat, high-fiber, balanced diet, and practicing cancer screening regimens. We urgently need the development and rigorous evaluation of smoking cessation interventions to assist the 45 million Americans who currently smoke, particularly those who smoke heavily. Research is underway to integrate effective pharmacotherapies with self-help approaches that address both the addictive and behavioral aspects of smoking. Of equal concern is developing strategies to prevent smoking among adolescents. To this end, behavioral scientists are trying to understand why African American adolescents are avoiding tobacco while white youths have been more resistant to messages about the harms of tobacco.
An important aspect of cancer control research is finding those factors that facilitate adoption of recommended regimens. This requires understanding the population in need. Regimens must be sensitive to the economic, cultural, ethnic and social forces acting upon populations. For example, to increase the adoption of Pap smears, which can prevent needless deaths from cervical cancer, we must understand the practices and customs of individuals, their communities, and health care professionals and tailor interventions appropriately.

Cancer control research often begins by studying the patterns of cancer in populations through epidemiological studies or through the NCI surveillance system that monitors cancer incidence, mortality, and survival. Evaluating cancer patterns provides insight into who is developing cancer and what factors may have contributed to their disease. Researchers examine not only the changing burden of cancer, but also the public's and health profession's knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, and rehabilitation. All of this information is essential for designing and evaluating interventions that may reduce the cancer burden. For example, surveillance data have shown clearly that there are survival differences between African American and white populations. Research is underway to identify the factors underlying these differences.

Effective and widespread communication plays a critical part in applying the knowledge gained in biology, epidemiology, and intervention research. The NCI supports research on cancer communication as well as innovative programs to provide information on cancer to the public and to the Nation's health professionals. Our scientific journal, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), is one of the premier cancer journals in the world. Although designed primarily to facilitate communication between scientists and clinicians, the JNCI is often cited in the popular press and therefore is an important channel for public information. The NCI also supports communications between scientists, physicians, and the public through its nationwide Cancer Information Service (1-800-4-CANCER) and the PDQ computer-based cancer and clinical trials information system. These communication systems pro-vide Americans--patients, the public, and physicians--with the most current information possible on cancer treatments and on effective prevention, early detection, and supportive care technologies.

New challenges for cancer control research abound. Our evolving health care system poses the challenge of how to introduce cancer discoveries in these settings, and especially important, to find ways that cancer research can be directly integrated into health care through clinical studies. Developing cost-effective cancer interventions is essential and is an important part of cancer-related health services research.

Discoveries in genetics and clinical science pose special challenges for cancer control. For example, with the advent of more precise and individual-specific ways of assessing the risk of developing cancer, we are faced with an array of new challenges in living with and understanding risk, and with tailoring prevention, detection, and treatment to individual needs.

Indeed, each research advance brings its own challenges which must be met to realize the promise of research. And that is the challenge for cancer control.