Temperature Control

For temperature-controlled experiments, the facility offers 2 solutions: the PDMI-2 live Imaging chamber from Harvard Apparatus and the Delta-T from Bioptechs.


The PDMI platform is a Peltier-controlled insert accepting round chambers with a standard 25 mm round coverslip at the bottom. Circular and slotted chambers are available. Slotted chambers allow for greater mixing efficiency during a solution change.

Two channels run in the heated base of the insert. With the input connected to a Gilson pump and the output positioned over the chamber using the built-in flexible arm or a micro-manipulator, this system allows for heated perfusion. The chamber compartment is surrounded by a nickel-alloy track allowing for positioning of aspirators or other magnet-mounted devices.

Using the PDMI controller, the temperature may be regulated either through the probe embedded in the insert base, or with an external probe immersed in the bath.

Coverslips: see ordering information, cleaning and coating protocols.
PDMI chambers: ordering information
Specifications: PDMI-2, TC-202-A controller


The Delta-T system uses special dishes with an outer metallic coating and inserted in a custom platform with electrodes contacting the dish bottom. Current flowing through the metallic coating heat the dish, and the temperature is regulated either with a probe contacting the dish bottom or through a temperature probe immersed in the bath.

While allowing for a finer temperature control than the PDMI-2, the system from Bioptechs is not without drawbacks. Cells must be grown on special dishes ordered from Bioptechs. The Delta-T does not allow for heated perfusion without a separate device such as the heated manifold from Harvard.

Delta-T chambers: ordering informations
Specifications: Delta-T system

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