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Specialized Instrumentation

  • High-resolution transmission electron microscope (FEI Tecnai 30TF)
    • operating at 300 kV
    • field-emission source
    • automated electron tomography
    • cryo-electron microscopy
    • advanced imaging filter
    • 2k x 2k pixel cooled CCD camera (two)
    • electron energy-loss spectroscopic mapping software
  • High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscope (VG Microscopes HB501 STEM)
    • operating at 100 kV
    • cold field-emission source
    • sub-nanometer probe diameter
    • liquid nitrogen specimen cryotransfer
  • Electron energy-loss spectrometer (Gatan Enfina)
    • 0.5 eV energy resolution
    • high detective quantum efficiency
    • spectrum-imaging software
  • Energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer (Noran)
    • ultrathin window
    • collection solid angle 0.2 sterad
  • Energy-filtering transmission electron microscope (FEI CM120)
    • operating voltage 120 kV
    • imaging filter with cooled CCD detector
    • cryotransfer specimen holder
  • Energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer (Oxford)
    • ultrathin window
    • collection solid angle 0.1 sterad
  • Scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S4500)
    • field-emission source
    • digital image acquisition
  • Cryo-techniques
    • high-pressure freezing (Baltec HPM010)
    • plunge-freezing (Leica KF80)
    • cryo-ultramicrotome (Leica UCT/FCS)
    • freeze substitution (Leica EM-AFS)
  • Thin film preparation systems
    • Edwards Auto 306 carbon evaporator
    • Cressington CFE50 freeze fracture/e-beam evaporator


Last reviewed on: 10/02/2007

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