9 G] j0 HBAM2016AUG95HPro 5.0o Employee: If you are transferred in the interest of the Government from one official station to another for permanent'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES,Created by NIH Electronic Forms Users Group. @BŲ}MAd  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01d and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. 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THE STATEMENTS I HAVE MADE ARE TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGESC E AND BELIEF.EESTIMATED TIME INVOLVEDC EPERIOD COVERED C EFROM!C ETO$C E>\C ENO]C EHHS-520 (Rev. 1/82)^C E(ACTION RECOMMENDED BY REVIEWING OFFICIAL_C Ea. bC E SIGNATUREcC ETITLEdC EDATEeC E ACTION TAKENfC Ea. oC ENOqC ENOwC ENO€C AYES (Describe)A**€C AYES (Describe)A**   G.H/K0L1U2VD2ANmBTL1CHG4 IS4 1  +11 +0#KLL VL1VBo y$o1y 1   :D,  $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM                                .( €AWARNING - This is the official version of this form. Do not change the layout without authorization. In addition, changes in layout or fields may render form useless for databases and data import. See "How to Use Forms". If you are having difficulty reading small print, the text can be enlarged or reduced by selecting the large or small graph next to 100 in the bottom left corner of this window. To enlarge the window select the small box in the upper right hand corner.Select additional pages here.(INSTRUCTION ON BACK OF FORM)*d.DATEd.c.TITLEc.b. SIGNATUREb.18.17.*16.15.14.c.a.*See reverse of form DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL DISAPPROVALAPPROVALROYALTYFEEEXPENSES HONORARIUM€AOTHER (Specify)@A**PER DIEM Division)4@#BCD  6(8):*<,=0?1>2@3B4C5D6i7j8k9l:m;n<o=p>q?r@sAtBuCvDwExFyGzH{OPQRSTTTtuvwxyz{|}~r   6(8):*<,>-=0@1?2A3C4D5E6j7k8l9m:n;o<p=q>r?s@tAuBvCwDxEyFzG{H|OPQRST     j6jk8lm:on<prtv=qs u!A"w#x$>%y&z'p@(?"       6ij8kl:nm<oqsupr t!@"v#w$=%x&y'?(>)z*{+,-.,-|.ogn<pErtv=qQs u!A"Bw#xx$>%y&_z'>@(>?){*|+ , - . @C ANAME (Last, First, Initial)A>>C EORGANIZATIONAL LOCATIONC ETITLE OF POSITIONC AGRADE AND SALARY (Federal)A>>=; ALZ/E !#-D)AC*/kuBt~A}@?B">=<G;I 0K( 1Lku:98#-7< 4AWARNING - This is the official version of this form. Do not change the layout without authorization. In addition, changes in layout or fields may render form useless for databases and data import. See "How to Use Forms". If you are having difficulty reading small print, the text can be enlarged or reduced by selecting the large or small graph next to 100 in the bottom left corner of this window. To enlarge the window select the small box in the upper right hand corner.u$HHS 520 (11/00) NICHD Version (Back)v*w*x*y*z*{LItem 16 - Attachments: Be sure to sign copies of all attachments submitted.|tion of grant applications, contract proposals, program reports, and other material which are designed to become the subject of dealings}Full details must be provided on any aspect of professional and consultative services which involves, directly or indirectly, the prepara-~Ebetween institutions and government units and the Federal Government.T: xItem 10 - Federal Grants or Contracts involved: Describe the Federal grants or contracts (type, granting or contracting department, etc.).@$rather than listing them separately.Apartners, giving their names, and if providing professional services to a large number of clients or patients, estimate the total numberBItem 5 - Self-Employment: If applicable, indicate self-employment, the type of service (as medical, legal, etc.), whether alone or withC ITEM 18 - REASON FOR DISAPPROVALD(ITEM 17 - COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIALE INSTRUCTIONSFQRequester has signed "Notice to Applicants..." and "Standards of Ethical Conduct"GReviewing OfficialHA @B(JMAD  !DKLUVW!!hand corner.r indirectly, the prepara-7C PQRSTJEqe=NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR PRIOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE ACTIVITIESfBAPPROVAL OF AN HHS FORM 520 DOES NOT RELEASE YOU FROM A CONTINUINGgALEGAL OBLIGATION TO DISQUALIFY YOURSELF FROM OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENTSh>AFFECTING YOUR OUTSIDE EMPLOYER. WHILE PERFORMING AN APPROVEDiFOUTSIDE ACTIVITY, ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CONFLICT WITH APPLICABLE ETHICSj_?`@aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiKjLkOlPmQnRoSpTqUrVV  U@RA V@  v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy&( Dw(j  ) Du)j  * Du*j  , Du,j  - Dw-j  u*j  ,A Du,j  -A Dw-j  0A Dv0j .1A Dv1j .2A v2t 3A .3&4A .4&5A .5&6A .6&7A .7&8A .8&9A .9&:A .:&;A .;&A .>&?A .?&@A .@&AA .A&BA .B&CA .C&DT 0 Dv0j .1 Dv1j .2 v2t 3 .3&4 .4&5 .5&6 .6&7 .7&8 .8&9 .9&: .:&; .;&< .<&= .=&> .>&? .?&@ .@&A .A&B .B&C .C&D .D&E .E&F .F&G .G@H .H@I rK@J rL@K ~O@L ~P@M Q@N R@O S@P T@Q U@R V@ Dv0j .1A Dv1j .2A v2t 3A .3&4A .4&5A .5&6A .6&7A .7&8A .8&9A .9&:A .:&;A .;&A .>&?A .?&@A .@&AA .A&BA .B&CA .C&DT> PP@PrintAPrintE+ QBUUX $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM HelveticaTimesGenevaTimes New RomanArial@4A4PICTAUp\ U\p09 U?p\ssU?p\0(@$"@?@@@@?$N'$J$J$N'   ? ?BF Ui9,  Helvetica .(f Print Page !fQV+P :s 11/15/2000@cADDINFONEADDINFOYFALDYS`APRAPRS APRDISAPRT APROFFLTTL1CHG4COMMENTSK COMPEXPNS?COMPFEE< COMPHONOR>COMPNaCOMPOTHACOMPPAB COMPPDIEM@COMPROYL=COMPS2DAYS(DESCDTY)DESCDTYN9DESCDTYY8DESCGRNT* DESCGRNTN: DESCGRNTY;DISAPRSL DSCCMPGRT, DSCCMPGRTND DSCCMPGRTYCEFFDTESTTIME EXPDT FOOTERHFOOTER1VFOOTER2YFOOTER3[GRDHEADERGHEADER1UHEADER2XHEADER3ZICDINIT3LOCNATURENCICOMMbNMBOFFPH_OUTHRSN7OUTHRSY6PAYPLANPPREPFAX]PREPNM\ PREPOFFPH^REASONcRECAPRQ RECDISAPRR RECOFFLTTL0 REFOFFLNMWRENEW5SALARYOSPONTTLfM1,,./: AM PMYyTtNnFf NALL OTABSP^SundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberQ1Q2Q3Q4 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter,  , X5cM!jcR%? 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K@AHAKANA$[A(\A'`A!aAbAcAdAeAfAgAhAiAjAkAkA(8 a.  ACTION TAKENDATETITLE SIGNATUREa. (ACTION RECOMMENDED BY REVIEWING OFFICIAL"HHS-520 (Rev. 11/00) NICHD VersionNO€AYES (Describe)@A>>NO OR CONTRACT?12.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTACHEDDATESIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE AND BELIEF.iOUTSIDE ACTIVITIES. THE STATEMENTS I HAVE MADE ARE TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE13. PER ANNUMMETHOD OR BASIS OF COMPENSATION*A GRANT OR CONTRACT FROM A FEDERAL AGENCY?*10.CDO YOUR OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE IN ANY WAY TO THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY?HIF "NO", INDICATE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF HOURS OR DAYS OF ABSENCE FROM WORK$basis, give estimated time per year)b.>TITLE OF POSITIONORGANIZATIONAL LOCATION€ANAME (Last, First, Initial)@A>>,Created by NIH Electronic Forms Users Group. @BϊyzMAp  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~pH7 F $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMG $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMP $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMQ $,.YesNo// /, : AM PMBAPage3of4B @ e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  {  |  }  ~                                             W< C)6"#+/ 2U/ 3V5q  +qqD +r45?,F@,JG2,@HW I tBo Use Forms". If you are having difficulty reading small print, the text can be enlarged or reduced by selecting the large or small graph next to 100 in the bottom left corner of this window. To enlarge the w;R0A1A2A3A4" /B C D E  F G H $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMI   9EPro 1.0F!ЊЊ@ЊЊ@`2(HPro 5.0 4.1  jy& v jy& v jy& v jy& v jy&( Dw(j  ) Du)j  * Du*j  , Du,j  - Dw-j  0 Dv0j .1 Dv1j .2 v2t 3 .3&4 .4&5 .5&6 .6&7 .7&8 .8&9 .9&: .:&; .;&< .<&= .=&> .>&? .?&@ .@&A .A&B .B&C .C&D .D&E .E&F .F&G .G@H .H@I rK@J rL@K ~O@L ~P@M Q@N R@O S@P T@Q U@R V@MA Q@NA R@OA S@PA T@QA U@RA V@8    6(8):*<,=0?1>2@3B4C5D6i7j8k9l:m;n<o=p>q?r@sAtBuCvDwExFyGzH{OPQRSTbF ~that are larger in scope, such as deliberations and decisions on developing, implementing, or enforcing statutes, regulations,policies, studies, or proposals, that will have an effect on a large class of employers like the one for which you work on the outside.{For example, if you have an outside position as an employee of a hospital, a drug company, or a nonprofit organization, youcannot participate personally in any significant way in a policy decision that affects the financial interests of the industry or~organizational sector in which these employers operate. A waiver often can be granted for such "particular matters of generalfapplicability," if you notify your appointing official in advance and receive a written determination.€AScope of Recusal. Although many employees understand the need to disqualify themselves from participating in an official matter@A*    *:I N                       $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM    ,  , : AM PM\   ] $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM^   PO vw|reviewer approves an HHS Form 520 for your outside activity, only two assessments are being made, which are discussed below.`   a $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMb   c $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMd   e $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMf   g $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMh   EP pA|Conflicts Resolution. An approved HHS Form 520 does not signify that you need not be concerned about conflicts of interest.|@A*    * $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMl   m $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMn   o $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMp   q $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMr   D moutside employer has certain legal and ethical consequences. The approval of an outside activity does not mean that you are freenof conflicts of interest. You must still follow all substantive ethics requirements after approval is granted. Consult the ethicsotregulations at 5 C.F.R. Sections 2635.802 and 5501.106(d)(4) which are reprinted on the reverse side of this notice.pd)(4) which are reprinted on the reverse side of this notice.p,  , : AM PMx   y $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMz   { $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PM|   AQ ]that affects their outside employer, they often believe erroneously that they can pick and choose among the various aspects of aparticular matter and stay away only from the important decisions. Such incomplete recusals will not protect you from a criminalconflict of interest violation. Unless a waiver, approved in advance, identifies specific permitted activities, you must refrain entirelyand absolutely from participating personally and substantially in a government matter that affects your own financial interest or that}of an outside employer. When you are involved significantly in proposing, planning, advising, deciding, or implementing someofficial action, and you do so individually or by actively directing subordinates, your participation is personal and substantial.)HHS Form 520 Notice NICHD Version (11/00)Version (11/00) directing subordinates, your participation is personal and substancial."HHS Form 520 Notice (January 1999)Header2 Footer2IJ C5x)5y'4z=J5{HU5|S`5}iv5~t555D55555V55 5 5!9<`@@@qAPage1of4@@APage2of4@@ APage3of4@@ APage4of4APage1of4B& @A $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMB $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMD $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PME $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMZ   BG A 5e 5#15f/=5g;I5hGU5iSa5j_mkw5l5mB5n5o5p5q5r5s5tdu5v5wG E 5 &5 $15/<5:G5ER5P]5[h5fs|9F5555555 X5Y WQYAPage4of4B& @Ge f g h i  j k l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w   x   y   z   {   |   }   ~                                                          Mb Kyou will be able to stay away from these assignments and still do your job.€ARecusal Obligation. When performing your federal duties, you must avoid participating in any government matter that will affect@A*    * your own self-interest in continuing your outside job. For example, you would have to disqualify yourself from participating in any official matter that might put your outside employer out of business or seriously affect its finances, either positively or negatively, so that the odds of your remaining employed are also affected. Also, when you work for an outside employer, the financial interests of ~that company or organization are considered to be your own. This means that you cannot participate in government matters that zwill affect that company or organization. You cannot work on a government matter that involves your outside employer as aaaL 0~denying approval is that the outside activity may prevent you from handling work that is expected of you. Because the outsideactivity may cause you to have to disqualify yourself from a broad range of job assignments, or even a few crucial projects, that willaffect your outside employer, it may be impossible for you to discharge fully your government duties. If, however, your outsideactivity is approved, the reviewer has determined that the matters in which you will not be allowed to participate are not "so centralor critical to the performance of [your] official duties" that your ability to perform the duties of your position would be materiallyimpaired. In other words, you cannot work on a government matter affecting your outside employer, but the reviewer expects thatimpaired. In other words, you cannot work on a government matter affecting your outside employer, but the reviewer expects that'8pI}STe2EXCERPTS FROM THE STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FORf7EMPLOYEES OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH AND THE DEPARTMENT OFg4HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL AGENCY ETHICSh REGULATIONS:i#TITLE 5 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSj4Section 2635.802 Conflicting outside employment andk activities.l9An employee shall not engage in outside employment or anymCother outside activity that conflicts with his official duties. Ann6activity conflicts with an employee's official duties:o?(a) If it is prohibited by statute or by an agency supplementalpregulation; orq>(b) If, under the standards set forth in Sections 2635.402 andr:2635.502, it would require the employee's disqualifications=from matters so central or critical to the performance of hist:official duties that the employee's ability to perform theu4duties of his position would be materially impaired.vA7Example 1: An employee of the Environmental Protection7@A*   *Ca xzYou reasonably may rely on these specific determinations only if you provided all relevant information on the form and theyxcircumstances under review do not thereafter change. You remain responsible for the legal consequences of any change inzpersonal or business affairs.{First, based on the information which you provide, the reviewer determines whether your proposed activity is plainly prohibited by|applicable statutes or regulations. For example, if you want to lobby federal agencies on behalf of a non-profit organization that}qemploys you, prior approval will be denied because a criminal statute prohibits such representational activities.~Second, assuming your proposed activity is not specifically prohibited, the reviewer determines whether, under the circumstances,~approval should be denied for other reasons specified under the law. For example, the reviewer may deny approval if the factssO0DC &qUnder the law, conflicts of interest arising out of outside employment can be resolved in advance in only three ways: (1) you canrinform your supervisor and disqualify yourself from participating in a conflicting government matter (often called a recusal); (2) youscan ask for and receive, if certain legal requirements are satisfied, a separate legal document from your appointing official ortdesignee that specifically permits you to work on the government matter (known as a waiver, an exemption, or an authorization); oru>(3) you can resign from either your government or outside job.vAEffect of Prior Approval. The outside activities prior approval process has very limited purposes. When a supervisor or other@A*    *ess has very limited purposes. When a supervisor or other@A*    *ctivity, only two assessments are being made, which are discussed below.FK  @BAv  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:vX9Y:9::\cANCI Version Page1of2B& @A $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMB $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMD $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PME $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMF $,.YesNo/,  , : AM PMXuYvZw[[N J%&4=$%14>/%<4?:%G@%A%44BZ4C[&vy&wC&x&y&z&{&|&}&~!.&,9&NW w9Agency has just been promoted. His principal duty in hisx@new position is to write regulations relating to the disposal ory8hazardous waste. The employee may not continue to servez;as president of a nonprofit environmental organization that{   UX B&n&oop&q&r&s &t &un{&vy&wC&x&y&z&{&|&}&~!.&,9&^S H)=%J4*H%U4+S%`4,^%k4-i%v4.t%4/%0J41%42I%43%44%45%46%47%48%49%4:%4;%4<`R ' @BA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`Z_[`_``c`acg_ :Approval shall be granted unless it is determined that the;outside employment or other outside activity is expected to9entity before a Federal court or agency with respect to a?_?`@aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiKjLkOlPmQnRoSpTqUrVsWtXuYvZw[x\y]z^{_|`}a~bccvZw[x\y]z^{_|`}a~bce4c @ @>>A @ @>>>>>>>>>>>>>dE? ACMf@3 @ FT @!@HF9R7H3N2\`1e0i/l-o,r+t*v) 6A#C$E%G&I'KM O Q S@ @@4k.€A(58@@"B=C;@<4A:BICGEJ@mEpADqPvCxOaMLbAFQKY?UBZDXF^H[JS@NwTWVg]€)_:`\RR\fdgihnisjklmnCsErGqIpKoMOQSUUyz{| A@}70SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecV] C7HHS Form 520 Regulation Excerpts NICHD Version (11/00) Version (11/00)F@A* 0 *