File Transfer

This tutorial explains how a user, named "John Doe" and whose email alias is "doej", can move files to and from the MIC file server (nichdmic):

To transfer files from the microscope to the MIC server:

  1. Double-Click on the desktop icon labeled "nichdmic" or "MIC Server"
  2. If you did not use the same password on the microscope's computer and the server, you will be prompted to authenticate ("doej" + password)
  3. Open your folder on the server
  4. Open Windows Explorer, select your files on the computer and drop them in the server's window.

To connect to the MIC server from your computer:

On PC:

Create a shortcut on the desktop:

  1. Start Windows Explorer (hold down the Windows key then "E")
  2. Click on Search, select "Computer or People", then "A computer on the network"
  3. Under "Computer name", Type"nichdmic" and hit Enter
  4. Select "M.I.C. X-Serve Raid (Nichdmic)" and drag the icon to the desktop

To connect:

  1. Double-click the desktop icon created above
  2. When prompted, enter your full user name ("John Doe", with caps and a space) and password. Do not prefix your name with "NIH\"!

If you are unsure of either your full user name or your nichdmic password, contact the staff. Depending on your version of Windows, there may be some slight changes in the menu options.

On Macintosh:

  1. In Finder, click on "Go"
  2. Select "Connect to server"
  3. Type"smb://" where "doej" is your user name on the server
  4. In the SMB file system authentication window, type your user name ("doej") and password. No domain information is required.
  5. Select "MIC1" in the share drop-down menu and click OK

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