U.S. National Center Insitutes www.cancer.govNational Center Insitute
The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research

Advancing Medical Informatics

NCI is well positioned to support the President's call for Americans to have electronic health records within the next ten years. Several NCI-supported programs are already contributing to the American Health Information Community efforts to promote common standards and interoperability. Medical information systems will provide access to data important for all aspects of cancer research. Electronic patient health records will streamline and personalize cancer clinical trials.

The cancer Bioinformatics GridTM (caBIGTM) is enabling cancer researchers to locate deidentified data on patients with common diagnoses, conditions, or treatments. Investigators use this information to determine patterns of disease, successful treatments, and outcomes that can complete the cycle of science from the bench to the bedside and back to the bench. The NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database contains information on more than six million in situ and invasive cancer cases with approximately 360,000 new cases accessioned each year. The SEER registries routinely collect data on patient demographics, primary tumor site, morphology, histology, extent of disease, stage at diagnosis, first course of treatment, and follow-up.

NCI is actively integrating a range of diverse services and implementing a plan for bioinformatics that will further enhance our capabilities in medical informatics and support the national effort in health information systems. Our overall vision is to deliver patient-centric molecular medicine, drawn from richly diverse data sources, in support of improved prevention and treatment. Our enhanced infrastructure will also support cancer patients and their providers in managing the patient's health as cancer increasingly becomes a disease that people live with, rather than die from. We will continue to work closely with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to integrate the national and regional cancer infrastructure into the emerging national health information network and regional health information organizations and to share electronic platforms for use in the broader context.

Proposed New Investments

With new investments in Fiscal Year 2007, NCI will be able to provide continued technical expertise and models from our experience with cancer to support medical informatics and health information technology for use in both research and medical practice.

Required Resources

NCI will need a budget increase of $80 million in Fiscal Year 2007 to support the National health information technology efforts and develop cancer-specific applications in medical informatics for use in biomedical research and clinical practice.

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