U.S. National Center Insitutes www.cancer.govNational Center Insitute
The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research


This plan and budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2007 describes continuing and new activities that, in the best judgment of the leadership of the National Cancer Institute, will accelerate achievement of our Challenge Goal to eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer. Our Annual Report for 2004, The Nation's Progress in Cancer Research, highlights just a few of the many recent scientific and programmatic advances we have seen in our fight against cancer. Later this fall, we will also publish our long-range NCI Strategic Plan for leading the Nation to achieve our Challenge Goal.

NCI engages in a number of ongoing planning and priority setting activities to ensure that we are responsive to new discoveries and opportunities and maximize use of our resources. NCI staff work with researchers and other representatives from the scientific, medical, and advocacy communities to determine what is needed and how best to move the science forward. We keep our research portfolio balanced and our support structure strong through ongoing program assessment and response to recommendations arising from those assessments. We convene scientists from diverse settings to work with NCI staff in developing new initiatives and redesigning programs. We track implementation and report regularly on our progress.

Our planning activities encompass three key components required for a strong cancer research enterprise:

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