U.S. National Center Insitutes www.cancer.govNational Center Insitute
The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research


This document was developed and produced with the participation of a large number of NCI staff and the people who support their work.

Staff of NCI Office of Science Planning and Assessment (OSPA) provided overall leadership and guidance from concept to production. The OSPA team was led by Cherie Nichols and Kathie Reed and included Marianne Kost, Dee Crouse, Laurencia Hutton, and Julie Mendelsohn. They received valuable assistance from science writers Kathy Sorrow and Suzanne Reuben and several analysts with Science Applications International. Others in the office who provided support to the effort were Kevin Callahan, Buddy Clark, Jim Corrigan, Norma Davis, D. J. Joya, Mary Leveck, Anna Levy, Samir Sauma, Lisa Stevens, Anne Tatem, and Kevin Wright.

NCI Executive Committee members Andy von Eschenbach, Alan Rabson, Anna Barker, Mark Clanton, John Niederhuber, John Hartinger, Bob Croyle, Jim Doroshow, Joe Fraumeni, Harold Freeman, Paulette Gray, Peter Greenwald, Ernie Hawk, Dinah Singer, and Bob Wiltrout provided guidance and review for the development of the plan. Dotty Foellmer, Kathleen Schlom, Sarah Birckhead, and Sandy Koeneman worked closely with the Executive Committee and OSPA in these efforts.

In the Office of Budget and Financial Management, Jim Dickens and Scott Marchand oversaw the development of the budget proposal.

In the Office of Communications, Donna Bonner, Paul LaMasters, and Del Harrod were responsible for document design and production. Howard Clare and Kevin Shackelford of HC Creative Communications provided design support. Walt Burroughs provided guidance to the printing process.

A special thanks goes to Dan Gallahan, Mary Jo Deering, and Maureen Johnson who gave generously of their time.

Others who provided assistance in conceptualizing and reviewing parts of the plan and budget were Rachel Ballard-Barbash, Kishor Bhatia, Ken Buetow, Nelvis Castro, Adam Clark, Jane Daye, Greg Downing, Tim Meeker, John Milner, Dan Sullivan, Stacey Vandor, Nada Vydelingum, and Linda Weiss.

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