New Jersey is a leader in the fight against cancer. Over 400 cancer treatment trials are going on right now in our state. This Web site is your way to connect to these clinical trials.

New research into ways to fight cancer is happening in New Jersey hospitals, medical centers, universities, and research centers. Information about that research is right here.

NJ Cancer Trial Connect, or NJCTC, matches the cancer treatment trials in our state with your medical profile. You can search for studies of interest to you and your family or others you may know.

Your search for cancer treatment information is secure and private. Any information you give us is kept confidential. We can also create a personal home page for you if you register with us. Your home page will list the clinical trials you are interested in that match your profile. When we learn about a new clinical trial matching your profile, we will add it to your home page and send you an e-mail.

You can begin your search right now. Click on Find Clinical Trials on the left side of the screen. However, we suggest you complete the registration procedure first. Registration helps to make your search easier and more focused. Start by clicking on the Register button on the left side of the screen.

You also can register via telephone by calling toll-free 866-788-3929, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, eastern time.

The New Jersey Legislature want all residents to have access to new cancer treatments in our state.