NIF banner with image of neurons


Goals of the Neuroscience Information Framework Initiative

The goal of this initiative is to develop an inventory of information and other resources within a framework that enables neuroscientists to identify resources relevant to their research needs. The framework will enable concept based queries (spanning multiple levels of biological organization and function) within and across the diverse types of information constituting the inventory. The framework also will provide a registry through which resources providers can disclose availability of resources relevant to neuroscience research. The NIF framework is not intended to be a warehouse or repository itself, but a means for disclosing and locating resources elsewhere available via the web.

Resources Included in the Neuroscience Information Framework

Resources include databases, software tools, experimental reagents and tools, knowledge bases and portals, and other entities identified by the neuroscience research community. Although the Framework is still under development, a general list of inventory entries can be found at the Neurodatabase Gateway which is being supported by NIF to serve as a testbed for the project. While project development continues, a current list can also be obtained at the NIF catalog development site.


Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health