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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
  For immediate release  
  April 20, 2005  

Congressman Salazar Announces Renewable Energy Policy


Agriculture Can Be the Backbone of Nation’s Energy Supply

WASHINGTON, DC – As Congress prepares to debate energy policy, Congressman John T. Salazar (CO-3) today announced his support for legislation that will increase the production and use of renewable energy sources. Salazar has been an outspoken advocate for using ethanol and bio-diesel as clean, homegrown energy sources that will decrease our nation’s dependence on foreign oil while driving Colorado’s rural, agricultural economy. 

“I have always said there is only one thing that can bring our nation down – our dependence on foreign countries for food and energy,” said Salazar. “Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. By increasing the use of renewable fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel, and providing the Department of Energy with a budget to create more energy efficiency options, agriculture can be the backbone of our energy supply as well.”

As the Energy Bill moves through the House, support for renewable fuels is growing. Salazar is working to guide energy policy in a direction that does not rely solely on increased drilling for fossil fuels. While Salazar understands fossil fuel development is a key part of our energy policy, he believes we must diversify our energy sources in order to meet our long term needs. Salazar promoted the following three principles:

  • Boost production. Increase renewable energy production by creating a renewable fuels standard increasing the use to 8 billion gallons by 2012. The bipartisan legislation has also gained the support of Governors from 33 states. (H.R. 1608)
  • Provide incentives to farmers. Provide improve rural economies by providing an additional tax credit to farmers who dedicate part of their farming operations to the production of renewable energy sources. (H.R. 36)
  • Restore funding for DOE programs. Salazar is working with his colleagues to restore the Department of Energy’s budget for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

“Renewable energy offers a strong substitute to our dependence on fossil fuels,” said Salazar. “Promoting production and use of renewable fuels will benefit rural economies, keep the environment clean, and improve our national security. Congress must enact a comprehensive energy policy that maximizes production and use of domestic renewable fuels.”



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