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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
  For immediate release  
  January 12, 2005  

Congressman Salazar Meets with CDOT to Discuss Transportation Needs of District


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman John Salazar (CO-3), who was recently appointed to the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today met with Tom Norton, the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Transportation (C-DOT) to discuss the pressing transportation and infrastructure needs of the third Congressional district. Salazar requested the meeting to receive an update on the state's priority projects and discuss his own priorities, which include improving major roadways and making travel between rural airports more affordable.

"Over the next month, I plan to travel throughout the district to hear from officials and constituents firsthand about the transportation and infrastructure needs in their communities," said Salazar. "When I get back to Washington, I look forward to working with my colleagues on the committee to improve the I-70 corridor, US-50, and US-550, and increase the overall economic growth of the third district."

Salazar has requested appointments to the Subcommittees on Water Resources and Environment, Highways and Transit, and/or Aviation. In the next few months, the Transportation Committee will work to rewrite the Transportation Reauthorization bill. This legislation will authorize the nation's highway, transit, and rail programs for the next six years and is important to the development of the region.

"Providing the residents of our rural communities with safe and affordable transportation options is one of my  highest priorities," said Salazar. "Today’s conversation was a good first step in discovering what roadblocks we need to overcome in order to improve access and infrastructure within our rural communities."



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