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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
  For immediate release  
  May 3, 2006  



$80 Million Dedicated to Fighting Tamarisk, Invasive Species

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman John T. Salazar (CO-3) helped pass a tamarisk eradication bill last night.  The Salt Cedar (Tamarisk) and Russian Olive Control Demonstration Act (H.R. 2720), which Salazar strongly supported, would provide $80 million over the next five years to assess the extent of the plants’ infestation and offer solutions.

The following is the text of Salazar’s speech on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I rise today in support of the Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Control Demonstration Act and urge for swift passage of the measure. 

“The Southwestern United States is experiencing another severe drought and water is going to be in short supply more than in years past. 

“This legislation will help in addressing our Western water needs.The salt cedar or tamarisk plant consumes large quantities of water, upwards to 200 gallons a day per plant.This is a non-native species that needs to be removed from our nation’s rivers and streambeds.

“It is estimated that these invasive plants occupy up to 1.6 million acres. According to the Tamarisk Coalition the Western U.S. is probably losing anywhere from 2-4.5 million acre-feet of water per year.
This would be enough water for 20 million people or one million acres of irrigated farmland.  

“The tamarisk is a very difficult plant to control and there are efforts already under way in Colorado and other western states to control.This legislation will help these folks by providing the necessary funding to look at better ways to control this species. By passing this bill it will help western states deal with drought concerns and continued growth. It benefits all water users throughout the West.

“Just recently the 7 basin states of the Colorado River reached an agreement on how to manage the river.
One section that the parties agreed upon was control of invasive species. This bill will help these states meet their objectives.

“This legislation is vital to the West and I urge my colleagues to support the passage of this bill.”  



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