FYI from the NHLBI Index

September 2007: Vol. 8, Issue 2
Research and Resources

NHLBI Research Initiatives

  • Multi-Site Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials
  • Summer Institute Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research
  • Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities
  • Women's Health Research: Advancing Novel Science
  • Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children
  • Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) Basic Research
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention: U.S.-India Bilateral Collaborative Research Centers (U54)
  • Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males
  • Data Ontologies for Biomedical Research
  • Muscular Dystrophy: Senator Paul D. Wellstone Cooperative Research Centers (U54)
  • Clinical Research Education and Career Development in Minority Institutions
  • Genes and Environment Initiative: Genome-Wide Association Studies
  • Clinical Trials Ancillary Studies

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NHLBI Research Initiatives

From time to time, the NHLBI invites investigators to submit grant applications or contract proposals for specific research programs. We are currently soliciting applications for the programs described below. Please visit the URL listed with each program to obtain information about important application dates and deadlines. For full details of these and other research initiatives, visit

Multi-Site Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials

  • Initiative Number: PAR-07-373
  • Objective: Conduct investigator-initiated multi-site Phase II or Phase III randomized, controlled clinical trials of biomedical or behavioral interventions that address research questions related to the mission and goals of the NHLBI. The trials may randomize at the individual (patient) level or at a group or "cluster" level.

Summer Institute Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research

  • Initiative Number: RFA-HL-07-012
  • Objective: Develop the research skills of faculty and scientists from racial and ethnic groups who are underrepresented in research and faculty and scientists with disabilities through the establishment of summer institutes directed by senior faculty, established researchers, and experienced mentors. 

Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities

  • Initiative Number: PAR-07-379
  • Objective: Conduct behavioral and social science research on disparities in illness and disability in the U.S. population.  Emphasis is placed on research in three broad areas of action:  public policy, health care, and disease/disability prevention.

Women's Health Research: Advancing Novel Science

  • Initiative Number: PAS-07-381
  • Objective: Conduct innovative, interdisciplinary research that will advance new concepts in women�fs health research and understanding of sex/gender differences.

Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children

  • Initiative Number: PA-07-391 and PA-07-392
  • Objective: Conduct research to reduce health disparities among ethnic and racial minority and underserved children.

Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) Basic Research

  • Initiative Number: PA-07-385
  • Objective: Study the mechanisms responsible for acute lung injury after blood transfusion and develop strategies to improve its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

HIV/AIDS Prevention: U.S.-India Bilateral Collaborative Research Partnerships

  • Initiative Number: AI-07-031
  • Objective: Develop collaborations between scientists and institutions in the United States and India to conduct high-quality HIV/AIDS prevention research with an emphasis on topical microbicides.

Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males

  • Initiative Number: PA-07-421 and PA-07-422
  • Objective: Enhance understanding of the numerous factors (e.g., sociodemographic, community, societal, and personal) influencing the health-promoting behaviors of racial and ethnic minority males and their subpopulations across the life cycle.

Data Ontologies for Biomedical Research

  • Initiative Number: PAR-07-425
  • Objective: Develop a formal controlled vocabulary and grammar for biomedical research data that will make it possible for informatics software to identify how two or more existing data sets relate to each other.

Muscular Dystrophy: Senator Paul D. Wellstone Cooperative Research Centers (U54)

  • Initiative Number: RFA-NS-08-002
  • Objective: Participate in a network of centers to foster the translation of new scientific findings and technological developments into novel treatments for the muscular dystrophies.

Clinical Research Education and Career Development in Minority Institutions

  • Initiative Number: RFA-RR-07-005
  • Objective: Develop and implement programs in minority institutions to train selected doctoral and postdoctoral candidates in clinical research leading to a Master of Science in Clinical Research or Master of Public Health in a clinically relevant area.

Genes and Environment Initiative: Genome-Wide Association Studies

  • Initiative Number: HG-06-014, HG-06-032, HG-07-012
  • Objective: Add genome-wide association genotyping and replication studies to existing population, cohort, clinical, and family studies and clinical trials that contain information on environmental exposures.

Clinical Trials Ancillary Studies

  • Initiative Number: RFA-HL-08-001
  • Objective: Use the patient cohorts, data, and biological materials of ongoing Phase II and Phase III clinical trials to carry out ancillary studies related to disease mechanisms, genetics, proteomics, therapeutic response, quality of life, behavioral lifestyle issues, treatment adherence, and/or health economic questions associated with heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders.


Modified 11/21/07
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Need More Information?

We are always interested in receiving comments and suggestions from the community. If you or your organizations have questions for me or for the Institute, please contact me at or Dr. Carl Roth at

Elizabeth G. Nabel, M.D.
Director, NHLBI

For information on specific issues, the following contacts may be helpful:

For health related questions and publications, please contact the trained information specialists at the NHLBI Information Center ( or write to the Information Center at P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105.

 For communications pertaining to NHLBI policies and priorities, contact the NHLBI Office of Public Liaison, (

 For additional information regarding NHLBI events, consult the references provided or NHLBI Calendar. Most other NIH Institutes and Centers also maintain calendars on their Web sites. Links to their Web pages are at NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices.

 For Web related matters pertaining to the online version of the FYI from the NHLBI, contact the FYI from the NHLBI's Web Editor.

Please send us your feedback, comments, and questions by using the appropriate link on the page, Contact the NHLBI.

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