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Workers' compensation subject index
Workers' comp. subject index
Workers' comp. subject index
This is an alphabetical index of workers' compensation information on DCBS division sites. If we've omitted information that you feel belongs on this site please e-mail us.
Select a letter

ADA information
Administrator's message
Administrator's office overview .pdf
Anthrax and bioterrorism resources
Assessment information
Assistance/advocate for injured workers

Benefit consultants
Benefits .pdf
Benefits workshops
Board directory of services
Board frequently asked questions
Board mission statement
Board orders
Board organizational chart .pdf
Board public meeting notice and minutes
Budget/funding of workers' compensation in Oregon
Bulletins for Workers' Compensation Board
Bulletins for Workers' Compensation Division
Buying workers' compensation insurance in Oregon

Claim closure .pdf
Claim closure reconsideration
Claim closure service providers
Claim disposition agreement orders
Claim records disclosure
Claims and audit reports
Claims examiner certification
Claims process flowchart .pdf
Compliance Section overview .pdf
Consumer and Business Services Fund .pdf
Contested Case Orders
Contractors, independent
Court of Appeal/Supreme Court opinions
Crime victim orders
Customer service

Deputy Administrator's message
Disability calculators: PTD, TTD/TPD, and PPD
Dispute resolution
Division overview

E-mail notification service: WCB or WCD
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Employer coverage
Employer coverage guaranty contracts .pdf
Employer coverage information request
Employer coverage monitoring compliance .pdf
Employer Data System search
Employer information
Employer-at-Injury program: brochure .pdf | fact sheet
Employers' rights and responsibilities in workers' compensation claims .pdf
Extraterritorial reciprocity
Small Business Ombudsman
Workers' Compensation Division
F, G
Fact sheets
Federal Tax Identification Number (FEIN)
Focus newsletter
Workers' Compensation Division
Fraud .pdf
Guaranty contract (Form 821) help

Health care provider information
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
History of workers' compensation/safe employment laws in Oregon

I, J, K
Independent contractors
Independent medical examination
Industry notices
Información en español
Information in Russian
Injured worker information
Injured worker resources
Insurance carriers
Insurance reports & statistics
Insurer information
Insurer medical examination study
Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET) procedure .pdf
Investigation process
Job match
Key Components of Legislative Reform .pdf

Laws - ORS Chapter 656 (2005 edition)
Laws and rules: WCB or WCD
Licenses, registrations and certifications
Links (WCB)
Litigation reports

M, N
Major Contributing Cause Study - final report .pdf
Managed care organizations
Management/Labor Advisory Committee
Management/Labor Advisory Committee fact sheet .pdf
Maps to WCB's staffed and unstaffed offices
Map to WCD's Salem and Medford offices
Mediation .pdf | La Mediación .pdf
Medical Advisory Committee .pdf
Medical Advisory Committee By-laws .pdf
Medical arbiter information .pdf
Medical arbiter examination .pdf
Medical billing resources
Medical forms order form (print only) .pdf
Medical quality initiative
News releases
News and Case Notes from Board
Noteworthy cases
Notice of compliance
Notice of compliance on-line order
Nurse practitioners' guide to Oregon on-the-job injuries .pdf

Ombudsman for injured workers
Operations Section overview .pdf
OR-OSHA orders
Own motion information
Own motion orders

P, Q
PTD, TTD/TPD, and PPD disability calculators
Penalties for non-complying employers .pdf
Petitions for judicial review report
Pharmacy expenditures .pdf
Physician's guide for reporting Oregon on-the-job injuries .pdf
Planning Calendar 2005-2006 .pdf
Policy issues
Policy Section overview .pdf
Posting notice
Practice tips
Preferred worker program: Adviser newsletter and fact sheet .pdf
Premium assessments .pdf
Public records exempt from disclosure
Ombudsman for injured workers
Small Business Ombudsman
Workers' Compensation Division
Publications order form .pdf (print only)
Quarterly claims processing performance audit
Questions, Who to call

Rate factor log
Rate Ranking Study of Workers' Comp Premium
Reciprocity, extrateritorial
Reconsideration (of a claim closure) .pdf
Records disclosure .pdf
Reemployment & Dispute Resolution Services Section Overview .pdf
Related reports
Related sites
Reporting hearing cancellations/settlements
Return to work
Return-to-Work Assistance Options & Initiation of Services
Rules - OAR Chapter 436 and OAR Chapter 438
Rules calendar .pdf
Rules electronic mailing list: WCB or WCD

S, T, U
SB 369
Ombudsman for injured workers
Small Business Ombudsman
Workers' Compensation Division
Self-insured employer certification .pdf
Significant and noteworthy cumulative subject index
Significant cases
Small business ombudsman | brochure .pdf
Statistics and reports for the Workers' Compensation Division
Streamlining suggestions
Substantial handicap analysis
Supreme Court opinions
Suspension worksheets - for insurers
System overview .pdf
Table of contents - Workers' Compensation Division
Telephone claim processes .pdf
Temporary rules—see Rules WCD or WCB
Third party orders
Unrepresented parties information 

Van Natta Reporter
Vocational and reemployment reports and statistics
Vocational assistance .pdf
Vocational dispute resolution .pdf
Vocational dispute resolution process chart .pdf
Vocational provider information
Vocational rehabilitation providers list .doc

What's new in the Worker's Compensation Board
What's new in the Worker's Compensation Division
Worker leasing
Worker leasing companies .pdf
Worker leasing fact sheet .pdf
Workers' Benefit Fund assessment
Workers' Benefit Fund "Cents Per Hour" History .pdf
Workers' Benefit Fund fact sheet .pdf
Workers' Compensation Board
Workers' Comp Premium Rate Ranking study
Designation of Paying Agent and Monetary Adjustments
Employer coverage
Time Loss Benefits
Timely Payment and Reporting
Total Disability and Death Benefits

Page updated: May 13, 2008

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