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Jason Sacks, B.A., Biological Technician, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Jason Sacks, B.A., Biological Technician, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Biological Technician

Meet a real Biological Technician, Jason Sacks

1. I chose this career because...

2. My typical workday involves...

3. What I like best and least about my work…

4. My career goals are...

5. When I'm not working, I like to...

1. I chose this career because...

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Jason fills a graduated cylinder with distilled water
Jason fills a graduated cylinder with distilled water

I chose to become a biological technician because my advanced biology course in high school sparked my interest in the field of biology. It was the first time I learned about the science and physiology of the human body. We got to dissect a fetal pig to view how the body really functions. My teacher for the course was great. She wanted her students to understand the material and not just memorize facts.

  • Bachelor of Arts degree, Biology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
  • In college, I started out in engineering, but I missed the biology and decided to switch my major.

2. My typical workday involves...

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Jason carefully measures out a sample using a micropipette
Jason carefully measures out a sample using a micropipette

My typical workday is split between maintaining the laboratory and doing experiments for my own research project.
My major responsibilities are to:
  • Carry-out genetic tests on 10 mouse colonies,
  • Maintain and order basic laboratory supplies, and
  • Perform experiments to answer scientific questions

Our laboratory asks the question, “How does fertilization take place?” Everyone has their own unique project related to that question. We use the mouse as a model system in our research. My project involves discovering more about the outer covering of the egg and it’s role in fertilization.

3. What I like best and least about my work…

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Jason weighs out chemicals to be used in an experiment
Jason weighs out chemicals to be used in an experiment

What I like best about my work is the freedom. I work independently, without constant supervision. It’s a laid-back environment, and generally not too stressful. As long as you are organized and budget your time well, you can get things done.

What I like least about my work is that it can sometimes be monotonous. I tend to do the same tasks each day, even though the research questions behind them are different. To be involved in research, you must be motivated enough to repeat an experiment 10 times if necessary.

4. My career goals are...

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Jason conducts a laboratory experiment
Jason conducts a laboratory experiment

My career goals are to complete my master’s degree in Public Health, which I am working toward now on a part-time basis. After that, I hope to work for an international organization or a state health department trying to stop the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

5. When I'm not working, I like to...

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Jason enjoys the scenery as he leaves work after a long day in the lab
Jason enjoys the scenery as he leaves work after a long day in the lab

When I’m not working, I like to play golf, go to the gym, travel, and hang-out with my friends.

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